Refer to the 7705 SAR Routing Protocols Guide for router BGP command descriptions.
This command enables the context to configure the BGP-related parameters for a BGP Epipe or VPLS.
The no version of the command removes the BGP instance.
This command configures the route distinguisher (RD) component that is signaled in the MP-BGP NLRI for Layer 2 VPN and EVPN families. This value is used for the BGP Epipe NLRI and BGP VPLS NLRI when this command is configured.
Alternatively, for BGP-EVPN-enabled Epipe and VPLS services, the route-distinguisher value can be auto-derived from the evi evi value (config>service>epipe>bgp-evpn>evi or config>service>vpls>bgp-evpn>evi) if this command is not configured.
no route-distinguisher
ip-addr: | a.b.c.d | |
comm-val: | 0 to 65535 | |
2byte-asnumber: | 1 to 65535 | |
ext-comm-val: | 0 to 4294967295 | |
4byte-asnumber: | 1 to 4294967295 |
This command configures the route target (RT) component that is signaled in the related MP-BGP attribute that is used for the BGP Epipe, BGP VPLS, and EVPN when this command is configured in this Epipe or VPLS service.
If this command is not used, the RT is formed automatically using the Epipe or VPLS ID. The extended community can have the same two formats as the Epipe or VPLS ID, that is, a two-octet AS-specific extended community or an IPv4-specific extended community. The extended community can also have a four-octet AS-specific community format. For BGP-EVPN-enabled Epipe and VPLS services, the route target can also be auto-derived from the evi value (config>service>vpls>bgp-evpn>evi or config>service>epipe>bgp-evpn>evi) if this command is not configured.
no route-target
ip-addr: | a.b.c.d | |
comm-val: | 0 to 65535 | |
2byte-asnumber: | 1 to 65535 | |
ext-comm-val: | 0 to 4294967295 | |
4byte-asnumber: | 1 to 4294967295 |
This command specifies the name of the virtual switch instance (VSI) export policies to be used for BGP VPLS when this command is configured in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are configured, the policies are evaluated in the order in which they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied.
The policy name list is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity.
no vsi-export
This command specifies the name of the virtual switch instance (VSI) import policies to be used for BGP VPLS when this command is configured in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are configured, the policies are evaluated in the order in which they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied.
The policy name list is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity.
no vsi-import
This command enables the context to configure the BGP-EVPN parameters in the specified service.
This command enables the advertisement and withdrawal, as appropriate, of the IEEE MAC address associated with the MEP created on a SAP in an EVPN service.
The update occurs each time a MEP is added or deleted or an IEEE MAC address is changed for an MEP on a SAP within the service. The size of the update depends on the number of MEPs in the service affected by the modification.
Only enable this functionality for services that require a resident MAC address to properly forward unicast traffic and that do not perform Layer 2 MAC learning as part of the data plane.
Local MEP IEEE MAC addresses are not stored in the local FDB and therefore cannot be advertised through a control plane to a peer without this command.
The no version of the command disables the functionality and withdraws all previously advertised MEP IEEE MAC addresses.
no cfm-mac-advertisement
This command specifies a 2-byte EVPN instance (EVI) that is unique in the system. It is used for the service-carving algorithm for multihoming and for auto-deriving route targets and route distinguishers.
If not specified, the evi value is 0 and there are no route distinguishers or route targets auto-derived from the value. If the evi value is specified and no other route distinguishers or route targets are configured in the service, the following rules apply:
If VSI import and VSI export policies are configured, the route target must be configured in the policies and the policy values take preference over the auto-derived route targets. The operational route target for a service is shown using the show>service>id>bgp command.
The no version of the command sets the evi value back to 0.
no evi
This command specifies that the IP address configured with the command is encoded in the originating-ip field of EVPN Inclusive Multicast Routes with tunnel type Ingress Replication (IR) (value 6).
The configured address does not need to be reachable in the base router or have an interface in the base router. The originating IP address is used solely for BGP route-key selection.
The no version of the command withdraws the affected Inclusive Multicast Routes and readvertises the routes with the default system IP address in the originating IP field.
system IP address
This command enables the advertisement of the inclusive multicast Ethernet tag route with tunnel type ingress-replication in the PMSI tunnel attribute.
This command enables or disables the advertisement of IP prefixes in EVPN. When enabled, any active route in the r-VPLS VPRN route table will be advertised in EVPN using the VPLS BGP configuration. The interface host addresses are not advertised in EVPN unless the incl-host parameter is specified.
no ip-route-advertisement
This command enables the context and specifies the attachment circuit name in which the local Ethernet tag value is configured.
no local-ac-name
This command configures the Ethernet tag value. When configured in the local-ac-name context, the system uses the value in the advertised AD per-EVI route sent for the attachment circuit. When configured in the remote-ac-name context, the system compares that value with the eth-tag tag-value of the imported AD per-EVI routes for the service. If there is a match, the system creates an EVPN-MPLS destination for the Epipe.
This command enables the advertisement in BGP of the learned MAC addresses on SAPs and SDP bindings. When the mac-advertisement command is disabled, the local MAC addresses are withdrawn in BGP.
This command enables the context to configure the BGP-EVPN MAC duplication parameters.
This command modifies the default behavior of the mac-duplication command. The mac-duplication feature is always enabled by default and monitors the number of moves of a MAC address for a period of time (window).
num-moves 5 window 3
This command specifies the timer after which the MAC in hold-down state is automatically flushed and the MAC duplication process starts again. This value is expected to be equal to or greater than two times that of the window minutes.
The no form of the command implies that when MAC duplication is detected, MAC updates for that MAC will be held down until the user intervenes or a network event that flushes the MAC occurs.
This command enables the context to configure the BGP-EVPN MPLS parameters.
This command enables the context to configure automatic binding of a BGP-EVPN MPLS service to tunnels to MP-BGP peers.
This command configures the resolution mode in the automatic binding of a BGP-EVPN MPLS service to tunnels to MP-BGP peers.
The user must configure the resolution command to enable auto-bind resolution to tunnels in the tunnel table manager (TTM). The following options are available:
The user must set the resolution command to filter in order to activate the list of tunnel types configured under the resolution-filter command.
This command enables the context that allows the configuration of the subset of tunnel types that can be used in the resolution of BGP-EVPN routes within the automatic binding of BGP-EVPN MPLS service to tunnels to MP-BGP peers.
The user must set the resolution command to filter in order to activate the list of tunnel types configured under the resolution-filter command.
The following tunnel types are supported in a BGP-EVPN MPLS context in order of preference: RSVP, SR-TE, LDP, SR-ISIS, SR-OSPF, and BGP.
This command selects the BGP tunnel type.
The bgp command instructs BGP-EVPN to search for a BGP LSP to the address of the BGP next hop. If the user does not enable the BGP tunnel type, inter-area or inter-as prefixes will not be resolved.
This command selects the LDP tunnel type.
The ldp command instructs BGP to search for an LDP LSP with a FEC prefix corresponding to the address of the BGP next hop.
This command selects the RSVP-TE tunnel type.
The rsvp command instructs BGP to search for the best metric RSVP-TE LSP to the address of the BGP next hop. This address can correspond to the system interface or to another loopback address used by the BGP instance on the remote node. The LSP metric is provided by MPLS in the tunnel table. If there are multiple RSVP-TE LSPs with the same lowest metric, BGP selects the LSP with the lowest tunnel ID.
This command selects the segment routing (SR) tunnel type programed by an IS-IS instance in the TTM.
When the sr-isis or sr-ospf command is enabled, a segment routing (SR) tunnel to the BGP next hop is selected in the TTM from the lowest numbered IS-IS or OSPF instance.
This command selects the segment routing (SR) tunnel type programed by an OSPF instance in the TTM.
When the sr-isis or sr-ospf command is enabled, a segment routing (SR) tunnel to the BGP next hop is selected in the TTM from the lowest numbered IS-IS or OSPF instance.
This command selects the segment routing traffic engineered LSP programmed in the TTM.
The sr-te command instructs the code to search for the best metric SR-TE LSP to the address of the BGP next hop. The LSP metric is provided by MPLS in the tunnel table. If there are multiple SR-TE LSPs with the same lowest metric, BGP selects the LSP with the lowest tunnel ID.
This command enables the transmission and reception of the control word. As defined in RFC 7432, the use of the control word helps avoid frame disordering.
The control-word command is enabled or disabled for all EVPN-MPLS destinations at the same time.
no control-word
This command controls the number of paths allowed to reach a specified MAC address when that MAC in the FDB is associated with a remote all-active multihomed Ethernet segment.
The configuration of two or more ECMP paths to a specified MAC enables the aliasing function described in RFC 7432.
This command inserts the entropy label (EL) and entropy label indicator (ELI) in packets for which at least one LSP in the stack for the far end of the tunnel used by the service has advertised entropy-label capability. If the tunnel is the rsvp type, entropy-label can also be controlled under the config>router>mpls or config>router>mpls>lsp context.
no entropy-label
This command allows the system to preserve the VLAN ID and 802.1p bits of the service-delimiting qtag in a new tag added in the customer frame before sending it to the EVPN-MPLS destinations.
This command may be used in conjunction with the sap ingress vlan-translation command. If it is used, the configured translated VLAN ID will be the VLAN ID sent to the EVPN-MPLS destinations as opposed to the service-delimiting tag VLAN ID. If the ingress SAP or SDP binding is null-encapsulated, the output VLAN ID and P-bits will be 0.
no force-vlan-vc-forwarding
This command allows the user to configure the system so that a separate label is sent for BMU (broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast) traffic in a specified service. By default, the same label is used for unicast and flooded BMU packets when forwarding traffic to remote PEs.
When saving label space, this might cause transient packet duplication for all-active multihoming. By enabling ingress-replication-bum-label, the system will advertise two labels per EVPN VPLS instance, one for unicast and one for BMU traffic. The ingress PE will use the BMU label for flooded traffic to the advertising egress PE so that the egress PE can determine if the unicast traffic has been flooded by the ingress PE. Depending on the scale required in the network, the user may choose between saving label space or avoiding transient packet duplication sent to an all-active multihomed CE for certain MAC addresses.
no ingress-replication-bum-label
This command controls the administrative state of EVPN-MPLS in the service.
This command allows the user to configure an explicit split horizon group for all BGP-EVPN MPLS destinations that can be shared by other SAPs and spoke SDPs. The use of explicit split horizon groups for EVPN-MPLS and spoke SDPs allows the integration of VPLS and EVPN-MPLS networks.
If the split-horizon-group command under bgp-evpn>mpls is not used, the default split horizon group that contains all the EVPN destinations is still used, but it is not possible to refer to it on SAPs or spoke SDPs. Split horizon groups can be configured within the service context. The same group name can be associated with SAPs, spoke SDPs, and EVPN-MPLS destinations. The configuration of bgp-evpn>mpls>split-horizon-group will only be allowed if bgp-evpn>mpls is shutdown; no changes are allowed when bgp-evpn>mpls is no shutdown.
When the SAPs or spoke SDPs are configured within the same split horizon group as the EVPN-MPLS endpoints, MAC addresses are still learned on them but they are not advertised in BGP-EVPN.
no split-horizon-group
This command enables the context and specifies the attachment circuit name in which the remote Ethernet tag value is configured.
no remote-ac-name
This command enables the context that allows the assignment of a set of conditional static MAC addresses to a SAP, spoke SDP, or black-hole. In the FDB, the static MAC address is then associated with the active SAP or spoke SDP.
A set of conditional static MAC addresses can be created within a VPLS supporting BGP-EVPN. Unless they are configured as black-hole, conditional static MAC addresses are dependent on the SAP or SDP state.
Static MAC addresses configured in a BGP-EVPN service are advertised as protected (EVPN signals the MAC address as protected).
This command assigns a conditional static MAC address entry to an EVPN VPLS SAP, spoke SDP, or a black hole on the 7705 SAR.
This command enables or disables EVPN tunnel mode for the attached r-VPLS interface. When enabled, no IP address is required for the interface.
The no version of the command disables EVPN tunnel mode.
no evpn-tunnel
This command enables the context to configure the BGP-EVPN parameters in the base instance.
This command controls how Ethernet auto-discovery (AD) per-ES routes are generated.
The system can send either a separate Ethernet AD per-ES route per service or several Ethernet AD per-ES routes aggregating the route targets for multiple services. While the two methods can interoperate, RFC 7432 states that the EVPN AD per-ES route must be sent with a set of route targets corresponding to all the EVIs defined on the Ethernet segment. Either method can be enabled using the evi-rt and evi-rt-set options.
The default option, evi-rt, configures the system to send a separate Ethernet AD per-ES route per service.
The evi-rt-set option, when enabled, allows the aggregation of routes; that is, a single AD per-ES route with the associated RD (ip-address:1) and a set of EVI route targets are advertised (to a maximum of 128 route targets). If the number of EVIs defined in the Ethernet segment is significantly large for the packet size, the system will send more than one route. For example:
ad-per-es-route-target evi-rt
This command configures an Ethernet segment instance and its corresponding name.
When a port or LAG is added, the type and encap-type values are checked. If the encap-type is dot1q, only the dot1q node can be configured; the qinq context is not allowed. If the encap-type is qinq, only the QinQ node is allowed. A dot1q, qinq, or vc-id range is required for a virtual ES to be operationally active.
This command configures the activation timer for a specified Ethernet segment. This timer delays the activation of the Ethernet segment on a specified PE that has been elected as the designated forwarder (DF). Only when the timer has expired can the SAP associated with an Ethernet segment be activated (for single-active multihoming) or added to the default multicast list (for all-active multihoming).
If this command is not configured, the system uses the value configured in the config>redundancy>bgp-evpn-multi-homing>es-activation-timer context, if it has been configured. Otherwise, the system uses the default value of 3 seconds.
no es-activation-timer
This command configures the 10-byte Ethernet segment identifier (ESI) associated with the Ethernet segment that is signaled in the BGP-EVPN routes. The esi value cannot be changed unless the Ethernet segment is shutdown. Reserved esi values (ESI-0 and ESI-MAX) are not allowed.
no esi
This command configures a LAG ID associated with the Ethernet segment. If the Ethernet segment is configured as all-active, only a LAG can be associated with the Ethernet segment. If the Ethernet segment is configured as single-active, a LAG, port, or SDP can be associated with the Ethernet segment. A specified LAG can be part of only one Ethernet segment.
no lag
This command configures the multihoming mode for the Ethernet segment as single-active or all-active multihoming, as defined in RFC 7432.
By default, the use of an ESI label is enabled for all-active and single-active as defined in RFC 7432 (for single-active multihoming, the ESI label is used to avoid transient loops).
When single-active no-esi-label is specified, the system does not allocate a label for the ESI and advertises ESI label 0 to peers. Even if the ESI is configured not to send the ESI label, upon receiving an ESI label from a peer, the PE always sends traffic to that peer using the received ESI label.
no multi-homing
This command configures a port ID associated with the Ethernet segment. If the Ethernet segment is configured as all-active, only a LAG can be associated with the Ethernet segment. If the Ethernet segment is configured as single-active, a LAG, port, or SDP can be associated with the Ethernet segment. A specified port can be part of only one Ethernet segment. Only Ethernet ports can be added to an Ethernet segment.
no port
port-id | slot/mda/port | ||
mw-link-id | mw-link-link-num | ||
link-num | 1 to 24 |
This command configures an SDP ID associated with the Ethernet segment. If the Ethernet segment is configured as all-active, only a LAG can be associated with the Ethernet segment. If the Ethernet segment is configured as single-active, a LAG, port, or SDP can be associated with the Ethernet segment. A specified SDP can be part of only one Ethernet segment. Only user-configured SDPs can be added to an Ethernet segment.
no sdp
This command enables the context to configure service carving in the Ethernet segment. The service-carving algorithm determines which PE is the DF in a specified Ethernet segment and for a specific service.
This command enables the context to manually configure the service-carving algorithm, that is, to configure the EVIs for which the PE is the DF.
This command configures the EVI values and ranges for which the PE is primary.
![]() | Note: Multiple individual evi values and ranges are allowed. Each value and range requires a separate use of the evi command. |
This command configures the service-carving mode. This determines how the DF is elected for a specified Ethernet segment and service.
mode auto
This command changes the administrative status of the Ethernet segment.
The user can configure no shutdown only when the esi, multi-homing, and lag, port, or sdp commands are configured. If the Ethernet segment or the corresponding lag, port, or sdp is shutdown, the Ethernet segment route and the AD per-ES routes will be withdrawn. No changes are allowed when the Ethernet segment is no shutdown.
This command configures the route distinguisher (RD) component that is signaled in the MP-BGP NLRI for EVPN corresponding to the base EVPN instance (route type 4, Ethernet Segment routes). If the route distinguisher component is not configured, the system uses the system IP address as the default route distinguisher for the IP address portion of the RD.
This command enables the context to configure the global redundancy parameters.
This command enables the context to configure the BGP-EVPN global timers.
This command allows the necessary time during PE boot-up for the control plane protocols to come up before bringing up the Ethernet segments and running the DF algorithm.
The following considerations apply to the functionality.
boot-timer 10
This command configures the global Ethernet segment activation timer. The timer delays the activation of an Ethernet segment on a specified PE that has been elected as DF. Only when the es-activation-timer has expired can the SAP or SDP binding associated with an Ethernet segment be activated (for single-active multihoming) or added to the default multicast list (for all-active multihoming).
The es-activation-timer configured at the ethernet-segment level supersedes this global es-activation-timer.
es-activation-timer 3
This command displays the remote EVPN-MPLS tunnel endpoints in the system.
The following output is an example of EVPN-MPLS tunnel endpoint information, and Table 202 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
EVPN MPLS Tunnel Endpoints | |
EvpnMplsTEP Address | The IP address of the remote EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint |
EVPN-MPLS Dest | The number of EVPN MPLS destinations |
ES Dest | The number of Ethernet segment destinations |
ES BMac Dest | Not applicable |
Service Id | The local service ID for the specified EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint |
Egr Label | The egress label for the specified EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint |
BGP EVPN-MPLS Ethernet Segment Dest | |
Service Id | The local service ID for the specified EVPN MPLS Ethernet segment destination |
Eth Seg Id | The Ethernet segment ID for the specified EVPN MPLS Ethernet segment destination |
Egr Label | The egress label for the specified EVPN MPLS Ethernet segment destination |
Service Id | Not applicable |
ES BMac | Not applicable |
Egr Label | Not applicable |
This command displays all the information for a specified BGP instance in a service.
The following output is an example of BGP information in a service, and Table 203 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
BGP Information | |
Vsi-Import | The name of the virtual switch instance import policy for the specified service |
Vsi-Export | The name of the virtual switch instance export policy for the specified service |
Route Dist | The route distinguisher identifier for the specified service |
Oper Route Dist | The operational route distinguisher identifier for the specified service |
Oper RD Type | The type of operational route distinguisher for the specified service |
Rte-Target Import | The route target component that is signaled in the related MP-BGP attribute, specifying communities allowed to be accepted from remote PE neighbors |
Rte-Target Export | The route target component that is signaled in the related MP-BGP attribute, specifying communities allowed to be sent to remote PE neighbors |
Oper RT Imp Origin | The operational route target component specifying the originating community accepted from remote PE neighbors |
Oper RT Import | The operational route target component that is signaled in the related MP-BGP attribute, specifying communities allowed to be accepted from remote PE neighbors |
Oper RT Exp Origin | The operational route target component specifying the originating community sent to remote PE neighbors |
Oper RT Export | The operational route target component that is signaled in the related MP-BGP attribute, specifying communities allowed to be sent to remote PE neighbors |
PW-Template Id | Not applicable |
This command displays the BGP-EVPN parameters configured for a specified service, including the configuration of the mac-advertisement command, as well as the mac-duplication parameters. The command shows the duplicate MAC addresses that mac-duplication has detected.
This command also shows whether the ip-route-advertisement command (and the incl-host parameter) is enabled. If the service is BGP-EVPN MPLS, the command also shows the parameters corresponding to EVPN-MPLS.
The following output is an example of service BGP-EVPN information, and Table 204 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
BGP EVPN Table | |
MAC Advertisement | The state of MAC advertising for the service |
Unknown MAC Route | Not applicable |
CFM MAC Advertise | The state of the IEEE MAC address associated with the MEP created on a SAP in an EVPN service |
VXLAN Admin Status | Not applicable |
Creation Origin | Indicates whether the route creation was manual or automatic |
MAC Dup Detn Moves | The number of detected moves of a MAC address for the period of time defined by the window parameter |
MAC Dup Detn Window | The period of time defined by the window parameter for MAC duplication detection |
MAC Dup Detn Retry | The period of time after which the MAC in hold-down state is automatically flushed and the MAC duplication process starts again |
Number of Dup MACs | The number of duplicate MAC addresses detected |
IP Route Advertise* | Not applicable |
EVI | The EVPN instance |
Ing Rep Inc McastAd | The state of the advertisement of the inclusive multicast Ethernet tag route with tunnel type ingress-replication in the PMSI tunnel attribute |
Detected Duplicate MAC Addresses | The MAC address of detected duplicate MACs |
Time Detected | The time that the duplicated MAC address was detected |
BGP EVPN MPLS Information | |
Admin Status | The administrative status of the transport tunnel |
Force Vlan Fwding | Indicates whether forced VLAN forwarding is enabled or disabled |
Control Word | Indicates whether the control word for the service is enabled or disabled |
Split Horizon Group | The name of the split horizon group for all BGP-EVPN MPLS destinations that can be shared by other SAPs and spoke SDPs |
Ingress Rep BUM Lbl | Indicates whether sending a separate label for BMU (broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast) traffic in a specified service—in addition to a label for unicast traffic—is enabled or disabled |
Max Ecmp Routes | The number of paths allowed to reach a specified MAC address when that MAC address in the FDB is associated with a remote all-active multihomed Ethernet segment |
Ingress Ucast Lbl | The number of ingress unicast labels received |
Ingress Mcast Lbl | The number of ingress multicast labels received |
Entropy Label | Indicates whether the insertion of the entropy label (EL) and entropy label indicator (ELI) in packets for which at least one LSP in the stack for the far end of the tunnel used by the service has advertised entropy-label capability is enabled or disabled |
BGP EVPN MPLS Auto Bind Tunnel Information | |
Resolution | The configuration of the auto-bind-tunnel command (disabled, any, or filter) |
Filter Tunnel Types | The tunnel types that can be used in the resolution of BGP-EVPN routes within the automatic binding of BGP-EVPN MPLS service to tunnels to MP-BGP peers |
This command displays the SAP and SDP Ethernet segment information.
The following output is an example of service Ethernet segment information, and Table 205 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
SAP Ethernet-Segment Information | |
SAP | The SAP ID |
Eth-Seg | The Ethernet segment name associated with the specified SAP |
SDP Ethernet-Segment Information | |
SDP | The SDP ID |
Eth-Seg | The Ethernet segment name associated with the specified SDP |
This command displays the existing EVPN-MPLS destinations for a specified service and all related information. The command allows filtering based on the esi esi value (for EVPN multihoming) to display the EVPN-MPLS destinations associated with an ESI.
The following output is an example of service EVPN-MPLS information, and Table 206 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
TEP Address | The tunnel endpoint address |
Egr Label | The egress label for the tunnel endpoint |
Transport | The type of transport tunnel for the tunnel endpoint |
Num. MACs | The number of MAC addresses associated with the transport tunnel |
Mcast | Indicates whether multicast is used |
Last Change | The time of the last change to the transport tunnel |
BGP EVPN-MPLS Ethernet Segment Dest | |
Eth SegId | The Ethernet segment ID of the tunnel endpoint |
Num. Macs | The number of MAC addresses associated with the transport endpoint |
Last Change | The time of the last change to the transport endpoint |
vBmacAddr | Not applicable |
Num. Macs | Not applicable |
Last Change | Not applicable |
This command enables the context to display the service system parameters.
This command shows all the information related to the base EVPN instance, including the base RD used for ES routes, Ethernet segments, or individual Ethernet segment information.
The following outputs are examples of service system BGP-EVPN information:
Label | Description |
System BGP EVPN Information | |
Eth Seg Route Dist. | The IP address of the Ethernet segment route distinguisher |
Eth Seg Oper Route Dist. | The IP address of the operational Ethernet segment route distinguisher |
Eth Seg Oper Route Dist Type | The operational Ethernet segment route distinguisher type |
Ad Per ES Route Target | The configured option for the ad-per-es-route-target command: evi-rt or evi-rt-set |
Service Ethernet Segment | |
Name | The name of the Ethernet segment (ES) |
ESI | The Ethernet segment identifier |
Admin | The administrative state of the ES |
Oper | The operational state of the ES |
Label | Description |
Service Ethernet Segment | |
Name | The Ethernet segment name |
Admin State | The administrative state of the Ethernet segment |
Oper State | The operational state of the Ethernet segment |
ESI | The Ethernet segment identifier |
Multi-homing | The configured multihoming type |
Oper Multi-homing | The operational multihoming type |
ES SHG Label | The split horizon group label for the Ethernet segment |
Source BMAC LSB | Not applicable |
ES BMac Tbl Size | Not applicable |
ES BMac Entries | Not applicable |
Lag Id | The LAG ID for the Ethernet segment |
ES Activation Timer | The configured value for the Ethernet segment activation timer |
Exp/Imp Route-Target | The export or import route target |
Svc Carving | The service-carving algorithm to determine which PE is the designated forwarder (DF) |
EVI Information | |
EVI | The EVPN instance (EVI) for the Ethernet segment |
SvcId | The service ID for the Ethernet segment |
Actv Timer Rem | The time remaining on the activation timer for the EVI |
DF | The designated forwarder for the EVI |
DF Candidate list | |
EVI | The EVPN instance for the Ethernet segment |
DF Address | The IP address of the designated forwarder for the EVI |
ISID Information | |
ISID | Not applicable |
SvcId | Not applicable |
Actv Timer Rem | Not applicable |
DF | Not applicable |
DF Candidate list | |
ISID | Not applicable |
DF Address | Not applicable |
BMAC Information | |
SvcId | Not applicable |
BMacAddress | Not applicable |
This command shows the information related to BGP route distinguishers for BGP-EVPN service.
The following output is an example of BGP route distinguisher information, and Table 209 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Service Route Distinguishers | |
Svc Id | The service ID |
Type | The service type |
Oper Route-Distinguisher | The operational route distinguisher |
Route-Distinguisher | The type of route distinguisher |
Service System BGP Route Distinguisher Information | |
Oper Route Distinguisher | The operational route distinguisher for the BGP route distinguisher for the service system |
Type | The type of BGP route distinguisher for the service system |
BGP EVPN Ethernet Segment AD EVI RT Set Route Distinguishers | |
Eth Seg | The Ethernet segment name for the AD EVI RT set |
EVI | The EVI ID for the AD EVI RT set |
Svc ID | The service ID associated with the AD EVI RT set |
Route Distinguisher | The route distinguisher for the AD EVI RT set |
This command enables the context for the display of global redundancy parameters.
This command shows the information related to the EVPN global timers.
The following output is an example of BGP-EVPN multihoming information, and Table 210 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Redundancy BGP EVPN Multi-homing Information | |
Boot-Timer | The value of the BGP EVPN boot timer |
Boot-Timer Remaining | The time remaining on the BGP EVPN boot timer |
ES Activation Timer | The value of the Ethernet segment activation timer |