CLI Root-Level and Global Commands

    - back
    - clear 
    - echo [text-to-echo] [extra-text-to-echo] [more-text] 
    - enable-admin
    - exec [-echo] [-syntax] {filename | <<[eof-marker-string]}
    - exit [all]
    - help
    - help edit
    - help globals
    - help special-characters
    - history
    - logout
    - mrinfo         [See the 7705 SAR OAM and Diagnostics Guide for command description] 
    - mstat          [See the 7705 SAR OAM and Diagnostics Guide for command description]  
    - mtrace         [See the 7705 SAR OAM and Diagnostics Guide for command description]  
    - oam            [See the 7705 SAR OAM and Diagnostics Guide for command description]  
    - password
    - ping {ip-address | dns-name} [rapid | detail] [ttl time-to-live] [tos type-of-service] [size bytes] [pattern pattern] [source ip-address] [interval seconds] [{next-hop ip-address} | {interface interface-name} | bypass-routing] [count requests] [do-not-fragment] [router router-instance | service-name service-name] [timeout timeout] [fc fc-name] 
    - pwc [previous]
    - sleep [seconds]
    - ssh host [-l username] [-v ssh-version] [router router-instance | service-name service-name] [re-exchange-min minutes] [re-exchange-mbyte megabytes]
    - telnet [ip-address | dns-name] [port] [router router-instance] 
    - telnet [ip-address | dns-name] [port] [service-name service-name] 
    - traceroute {ip-address | dns-name} [ttl ttl] [wait milliseconds] [no-dns] [source ip-address] [tos type-of-service] [router router-instance | service-name service-name] 
    - tree [detail] [flat]
    - write {user | broadcast} message-string
    - configure
        - <level> (any context under configure)
            - info [detail] [operational]