
The CLI maintains a history of the most recently entered commands. The history command displays the most recently entered CLI commands.

*A:NOK-1# history 
     1 environment terminal length 48 
     2 show version 
     3 configure port 1/1/1 
     4 info 
     5 show port 1/1/1
     6 \con port 1/1/1
     7 \configure router mpls 
     8 info 
     9 \configure system login-control 
     10 info 
     11 history 
*A:NOK-1# !2
*A:NOK-1# show version 
TiMOS-B-0.0.I322 both/hops NOKIA SAR 7705 
Copyright (c) 2018 Nokia.All rights reserved. 
All use subject to applicable license agreements.
Built on Wed Jan 17 01:05:13 EST 2018 by csabuild in /re8.0/I322/panos/main