Moving Files

Use the move command to move a file or directory from one location to another.

Use the CLI syntax displayed below to move files:

CLI Syntax:
   move old-file-url new-file-url [force]

The following displays an example of the command syntax:

ALU-1>file cf3::\test1\test2\test3\ # move test.cfg cf3::\test1
ALU-1>file cf3::\test1\test2\test3\ # cd ..
ALU-1>file cf3::\test1\test2\ # cd ..
ALU-1>file cf3::\test1\ # dir

 Directory of cf3::\test1\
     05/04/2006 07:58a      <DIR>          .
     05/04/2006 07:06a      <DIR>          ..
     05/04/2006 07:06a      <DIR>          test2
     05/04/2006 07:58a               25278 test.cfg
      1 File(s)                  25278 bytes.
      3 Dir(s)                 1056256 bytes free.
 ALU-1>file cf3::\test1\ #