Summer Time Conditions

The dst-zone command configures the start and end dates and offset for summer time or daylight savings time to override system defaults or for user-defined time zones.

When configured, the time is adjusted by adding the configured offset when summer time starts and subtracting the configured offset when summer time ends.

CLI Syntax:
    dst-zone zone-name
        end {end-week} {end-day} {end-month} [hours-minutes]
        offset offset
        start {start-week} {start-day} {start-month} [hours-minutes]
config>system>time# dst-zone pt
config>system>time>dst-zone# start second sunday april 02:00
end first sunday october 02:00
config>system>time>dst-zone# offset 0

If the time zone configured is listed in Table: System-defined Time Zones , then the starting and ending parameters and offset do not need to be configured with this command unless there is a need to override the system defaults. The command returns an error if the start and ending dates and times are not available either in Table: System-defined Time Zones or entered as optional parameters in this command.

The following example displays the configured parameters.

A:ALU-1>config>system>time>dst-zone# info 
                start second sunday april 02:00
                end first sunday october 02:00
                offset 0
A:ALU-1>config>system>time>dst-zone# offset 0