To configure an E1 on an SDH framed port with an STS3 path:
Configure an STS3 path on the port.
Configure one of the three TUGs for a VT2 payload.
Create a VT2 path with an E1 payload on the STS3 path / TUG.
Create an E1 on the VT2 path.
Use the info command to display configuration information.
framing sdh
path sts3
no shutdown
group tug3-1 payload vt2
path vt2-1.2.3
payload e1
no shutdown
e1 1.2.3
no shutdown
the CLI identifier for the VT2 path command is vt2-tugNum.vtGroupNum.vtNum, where:
tugNum is the TUG number, which can be 1, 2, or 3
vtGroupNum is the VT group number. A TUG3 contains seven VT groups, so vtGroupNum can be from 1 to 7
vtNum is the VT2 number. A VT group can hold three VT2 paths, so vtNum can be from 1 to 3
the CLI identifier for the TDM e1 command is similar to the path command, namely, tugNum.vtGroupNum.e1Num, where:
e1Num is equal to vtNum