The following examples can be used as guidelines for configuring adapt-qos distribute.
SLA distribution for SAP queue-level PIR/CIR configuration
Configure a qos sap-ingress policy with a queue ID of 2, a PIR of 200 Mb/s, and a CIR of 100 Mb/s. Assign it to an active/active LAG SAP with five active ports.
For each port, the PIR/CIR configuration of SAP queue 2 is calculated so that the PIR = 40 Mb/s and CIR = 20 Mb/s.
If one link goes down, the PIR/CIR configuration of SAP queue 2 on each active port is recalculated so that the PIR = 50 Mb/s and CIR = 25 Mb/s.
SLA distribution for ingress/egress (H-QoS)
Create a LAG SAP with two different ports (for example, port 1/1/1 and port 1/1/2) in a LAG subgroup.
Configure a LAG SAP aggregate rate of 200 Mb/s and a CIR of 100 Mb/s.
To maintain the SLA, the SAP aggregate rate and CIR must be divided by the number of operational links in the LAG group.
Because there are two active ports (links) in this LAG, the H-QoS aggregate rate and CIR are divided evenly between the two ports.
The port 1/1/1 SAP scheduler (H-QoS) aggregate rate is 100 Mb/s and the CIR is 50 Mb/s.
The port 1/1/2 SAP scheduler (H-QoS) aggregate rate is 100 Mb/s and the CIR is 50 Mb/s.
SLA distribution for Ingress MSS
Configure a shaper group with an ID of 2 with an aggregate rate of 200 Mb/s and a CIR of 100 Mb/s.
Create a LAG SAP using shaper group 2 that has two ports from one MDA (for example, ports 1/1/1 and 1/1/2) and three ports from a different MDA (for example, ports 1/2/1, 1/2/2, and 1/2/3) in its LAG group.
The ingress MSS scheduler rate is configured on an MDA basis. Adaptive QoS divides the QoS rates among the active link MDAs, proportionally to the number of active links on each MDA.
For MDA 1, the MSS shaper group aggregate rate is 80 Mb/s and the CIR is 40 Mb/s (2/5 of the bandwidth with two active links on MDA 1).
For MDA 2, the MSS shaper group aggregate rate is 120 Mb/s and the CIR is 60 Mb/s (3/5 of the bandwidth with three active links on MDA 2).