Ethernet Commands

    - [no] port port-id
        - ethernet
            - access 
                - egress 
                    - shaper-policy name 
                    - no shaper-policy
                    - unshaped-sap-cir cir-rate 
                    - no unshaped-sap-cir
            - autonegotiate [limited]
            - no autonegotiate
            - cfm-loopback priority {low | high | dot1p} [match-vlan {vlan-range | none}] 
            - no cfm-loopback 
            - crc-monitor
                - sd-threshold threshold [multiplier multiplier]
                - no sd-threshold
                - sf-threshold threshold [multiplier multiplier]
                - no sf-threshold
                - window-size seconds
                - no window-size
            - dot1q-etype 0x0600 to 0xffff
            - no dot1q-etype
            - dot1x
            - down-when-looped
                - keep-alive timer
                - no keep-alive
                - retry-timeout timer
                - no retry-timeout
                - [no] shutdown
                - [no] use-broadcast-address
            - duplex {full | half}
            - efm-oam
                - [no] accept-remote-loopback
                - hold-time time-value
                - no hold-time
                - [no] ignore-efm-state
                - mode {active | passive}
                - [no] shutdown
                - [no] transmit-interval interval [multiplier multiplier]
                - [no] tunneling
            - egress-rate sub-rate [include-fcs] [allow-eth-bn-rate-changes] [hold-time hold-time]
            - no egress-rate
            - encap-type {dot1q | null | qinq}
            - no encap-type
            - [no] group-encryption
                - encryption-keygroup keygroup-id direction {inbound | outbound}
                - no encryption-keygroup direction {inbound | outbound} 
            - hold-time {[up hold-time-up] [down hold-time-down]}
            - no hold-time
            - ingress-rate ingress-rate cbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
            - no ingress-rate
                - src-pause
                - no src-pause
            - lacp-tunnel
            - no lacp-tunnel
            - lldp
            - loopback {line | internal} {timer {0 | 30 .. 86400} | persistent} [swap-src-dst-mac] 
            - no loopback
            - mac ieee-address
            - no mac
            - mode {access | network | hybrid}
            - no mode
            - mtu mtu-bytes
            - no mtu
            - network
                - accounting-policy policy-id 
                - [no] accounting-policy 
                - [no] collect-stats 
                - egress 
                    - shaper-policy name
                    - no shaper-policy
                    - unshaped-if-cir cir-rate
                    - no unshaped-if-cir
                - queue-policy name
                - no queue-policy
                - scheduler-mode {profile | 4-priority | 16-priority}    (See Note below)
            - phy-tx-clock {auto-pref-master | auto-pref-slave | slave | master} 
            - no phy-tx-clock 
            - poe [plus]
            - no poe 
            - ptp-asymmetry ptp-asymmetry 
            - no ptp-asymmetry 
            - qinq-etype 0x0600 to 0xffff
            - report-alarm [signal-fail] [remote] [local] [no-frame-lock] [high-ber]
            - no report-alarm 
            - speed {10 | 100 | 1000 | 10000}
            - ssm
                - code-type {sonet | sdh}
                - [no] shutdown
                - [no] tx-dus 
            - util-stats-interval seconds
            - [no] vlan-filter filter-id
            - xgig {lan | wan}
            - xor-mode {rj45 | rjp5 | sfp}

For more information about how to configure the scheduler mode on Ethernet ports, see the 7705 SAR Quality of Service Guide.