Verifying the Adapter Card Type

To ensure that you have a channel-capable adapter card, verify the adapter card you are configuring by using the show mda command.

In the following example, mda 1, mda 3, mda 4, and mda 6 show channelized adapter cards on the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2.

*A:NOK-1# show mda
MDA Summary
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     1     a12-sdiv2                                   up        up
      2     a4-oc3                                      up        up
      3     a16-chds1v2                                 up        up
      4     a4-chds3v2                                  up        up
      5     a8-1gb-sfp                                  up        up
      6     a2-choc3                                    up        up

Use the show mda detail command to show detailed information for the channelized adapter cards shown in the previous example.

*A:NOK-1# show mda 1/1 detail
MDA 1/1 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     1     a12-sdiv2                                   up        provisioned

MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 12
    Number of ports equipped      : 12
    Network ingress queue policy  : default
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : TRUE
    Capabilities                  : Serial, CEM
    Min channel size              : PDH DS0 Group
    Max channel size              : Serial RS-232
    Max number of channels        : 12
    Channels in use               : 2

CEM MDA Specific Data
    Clock Mode                    : n/a

Hardware Data
    Part number                   :
    CLEI code                     :
    Serial number                 :
    Manufacture date              :
    Manufacturing string          :
    Manufacturing deviations      :
    Administrative state          : up
    Operational state             : provisioned
    Software version              : N/A
    Time of last boot             : N/A
    Current alarm state           : alarm cleared
    Base MAC address              :

*A:NOK-1# show mda 1/3 detail
MDA 1/3 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     3     a16-chds1v2                                 up        up

MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 16
    Number of ports equipped      : 16
    Network ingress queue policy  : default
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : FALSE
    Capabilities                  : TDM, PPP, ATM, CEM
    Min channel size              : PDH DS0 Group
    Max channel size              : PDH DS1
    Max number of channels        : 256
    Channels in use               : 3

CEM MDA Specific Data
    Clock Mode                    : adaptive

Hardware Data
    Part number                   : Sim Part#
    CLEI code                     : Sim CLEI
    Serial number                 : mda-3
    Manufacture date              : 01012003
    Manufacturing string          : Sim MfgString mda-3
    Manufacturing deviations      : Sim MfgDeviation mda-3
    Administrative state          : up
    Operational state             : up
    Software version              : N/A
    Time of last boot             : N/A
    Current alarm state           : alarm active
    Base MAC address              : a4:58:01:03:00:01

*A:NOK-1# show mda 1/5 detail
MDA 1/5 detail
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     5     a2-choc3                                    up        up

MDA Specific Data
    Maximum port count            : 2
    Number of ports equipped      : 2
    Network ingress queue policy  : default
    Network ingress fabric policy : 1
    Access ingress fabric policy  : 1
    Fabric Stats Enabled          : FALSE
    Capabilities                  : Sonet, TDM, PPP, ATM
    Min channel size              : PDH DS0 Group
    Max channel size              : PDH DS3
    Max number of channels        : 512
    Channels in use               : 0

Hardware Data
    Part number                   : 3HE03127AAAB0102                           
    CLEI code                     : IPU3AFPEAA                                 
    Serial number                 : NS092040281                                
    Manufacture date              : 05192009                                   
    Manufacturing string          : ECO C03759                                 
    Manufacturing deviations      :                                            
    Administrative state          : up                                         
    Operational state             : up                                         
    Temperature                   : 37C                                        
    Temperature threshold         : 75C                                        
    Software version              : N/A                                        
    Time of last boot             : 2009/06/28 18:47:04                        
    Current alarm state           : alarm cleared                              
    Base MAC address              : a4:58:01:03:00:01 

On the 16-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card, 4-port DS3/E3 Adapter card, and T1/E1 ports on the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module, DS0 channel groups and their parameters are configured in the DS1 or E1 context. For a DS1 channel group, up to 24 timeslots can be assigned (numbered 1 to 24). For an E1 channel group, up to 31 timeslots can be assigned (numbered 2 to 32). For ATM, all timeslots are auto-configured when a channel group gets created. The 4-port OC3/STM1 / 1-port OC12/STM4 Adapter card supports channelization at the DS1/E1 level only.

On the 6-port E&M Adapter card, a single DS0 channel group and its parameters are configured in the E&M context.

On the 12-port Serial Data Interface card and RS-232 ports of the 4-port T1/E1 and RS-232 Combination module, DS0 channel groups and their parameters are configured in the V.35, RS-232, RS-530, or X.21 context. For RS-232, a single timeslot is auto-configured when a channel group is created. For V.35 and X.21, the number of timeslots auto-configured when a channel group is created depends on the interface speed.

On the 8-port Voice & Teleprotection card, a single DS0 channel group and its parameters are configured in the codirectional, FXO, FXS, or TPIF context and up to 12 timeslots can be assigned in the TPIF context.

On the 8-port C37.94 Teleprotection card, a single DS0 channel group and its parameters are configured in the TPIF context and up to 12 timeslots can be assigned in the TPIF context.


The following is an example of an E1 channel group configuration.

NOK-A>config>port>tdm# e1
NOK-A>config>port>tdm>e1# channel-group 1
NOK-A>config>port>tdm>e1>channel-group# timeslots 2
NOK-A>config>port>tdm>e1>channel-group# no shutdown
NOK-A>config>port>tdm>e1# no shutdown
NOK-A>config>port>tdm>e1# channel-group 2
NOK-A>config>port>tdm>e1>channel-group# timeslots 3,4
NOK-A>config>port>tdm>e1>channel-group# encap-type cem
NOK-A>config>port>tdm>e1>channel-group# no shutdown
NOK-A>config>port>tdm>e1>channel-group# exit

The following is an example of an RS-232 channel group configuration.

NOK-A>config>port 1/1/2
NOK-A>config>port# serial
NOK-A>config>port>serial# rs232
NOK-A>config>port>serial>rs232# channel-group 1
NOK-A>config>port>serial>rs232>channel-group# description "RS232GRP1"
NOK-A>config>port>serial>rs232>channel-group# encap-type cem
NOK-A>config>port>serial>rs232>channel-group# idle-payload-fill all-ones
NOK-A>config>port>serial>rs232>channel-group# no shutdown
NOK-A>config>port>serial>rs232>channel-group# exit

The following is an example of an E&M channel group configuration.

NOK-A>config>port 1/1/1
NOK-A>config>port# voice
NOK-A>config>port>voice# em
NOK-A>config>port>voice>em# channel-group 1
NOK-A>config>port>voice>em>channel-group# description "DS0GRP"
NOK-A>config>port>voice>em>channel-group# encap-type cem
NOK-A>config>port>voice>em>channel-group# mode access
NOK-A>config>port>voice>em>channel-group# no shutdown
NOK-A>config>port>voice>em>channel-group# exit

The following is an example of an FXO channel group configuration:

NOK-A>config# port 1/1/6
NOK-A>config>port# voice
NOK-A>config>port>voice# fxo
NOK-A>config>port>voice>fxo# channel-group 1
NOK-A>config>port>voice>fxo>channel-group# mode access
NOK-A>config>port>voice>fxo>channel-group# encap-type cem
NOK-A>config>port>voice>fxo>channel-group# no shutdown
config>port>voice>fxo>channel-group# exit
config>port>voice>fxo# no shutdown
config>port>voice>fxo# exit
config>port>voice# exit
config>port# no shutdown
config>port# exit

The following is an example of an FXS channel group configuration:

NOK-A>config# port 1/6/1
NOK-A>config>port# voice
NOK-A>config>port>voice# fxs
NOK-A>config>port>voice>fxs>channel-group 1
NOK-A>config>port>voice>fxs>channel-group# mode access
NOK-A>config>port>voice>fxs>channel-group# encap-type cem
NOK-A>config>port>voice>fxs>channel-group# no shutdown
config>port>voice>fxs>channel-group# exit
config>port>voice>fxs# no shutdown
config>port>voice>fxs# exit
config>port>voice# exit
config>port# no shutdown
config>port# exit

Services can now be applied to the configured channelized ports.