Admin groups can signify link colors, such as red, yellow, or green, or some other link quality. Shared risk link groups (SRLGs) are lists of interfaces that share the same risk of failure due to shared resources. MPLS interfaces advertise the admin groups and SRLGs that they support. CSPF uses the information when paths are computed for constraint-based LSPs. CSPF must be enabled in order for admin groups and SRLGs to be relevant.
Admin groups and SRLGs are created in the config>router>if-attribute context. Other global parameters are created in the config>router>mpls context.
To configure global MPLS parameters, enter the following commands:
admin-group group-name value group-value
srlg-group group-name value group-value
bypass-resignal-timer minutes
dynamic-bypass [enable | disable]
hold-timer seconds
resignal-timer minutes
srlg-frr [strict]
config>router# if-attribute
config>router>if-attr# admin-group ‟green” value 15
config>router>if-attr# admin-group ‟red” value 25
config>router>if-attr# admin-group ‟yellow” value 20
config>router>if-attr# srlg-group ‟SRLG_fiber_1” value 50
config>router>if-attr# exit
config>router# mpls
config>router>mpls# frr-object
config>router>mpls# bypass-resignal-timer 120
config>router>mpls# hold-timer 3
config>router>mpls# resignal-timer 500
config>router>mpls# srlg-frr strict
The following example displays a global MPLS configuration output.
A:ALU-1>config>router>if-attr# info
admin-group "green" value 15
admin-group "red" value 25
admin-group "yellow" value 20
srlg-group "SRLG_fiber_1" value 50
A:ALU-1>config>router>mpls# info
bypass-resignal-timer 120
hold-timer 3
resignal-timer 500
srlg-frr strict
A:ALU-1>config>router>mpls# info