LSPs can be signaled with explicit reservation styles for the reservation of resources, such as bandwidth. A reservation style describes a set of attributes for a reservation, including the sharing attributes and sender selection attributes. The style information is part of the LSP configuration. The 7705 SAR supports two reservation styles:
fixed filter (FF) — the fixed filter (FF) reservation style specifies an explicit list of senders and a distinct reservation for each of them. Each sender has a dedicated reservation that is not shared with other senders. Each sender is identified by an IP address and a local identification number, the LSP ID. Because each sender has its own reservation, a unique label and a separate LSP can be constructed for each sender-receiver pair. For traditional RSVP applications, the FF reservation style is ideal for a video distribution application in which each channel (or source) requires a separate pipe for each of the individual video streams.
shared explicit (SE) — the shared explicit (SE) reservation style creates a single reservation over a link that is shared by an explicit list of senders. Because each sender is explicitly listed in the RESV message, different labels can be assigned to different sender-receiver pairs, thereby creating separate LSPs.
If the FRR option is enabled for the LSP and the facility FRR method is selected at the head-end node, only the SE reservation style is allowed. If a 7705 SAR PLR node receives a PATH message with fast reroute requested with facility method and the FF reservation style, it will reject the reservation. The one-to-one backup method supports both FF and SE styles.