An SDP sub-type of the MPLS encapsulation type allows service binding of up to eight SR-TE LSPs programmed in the TTM by MPLS. The following example shows how to bind an SR-TE LSP to an MPLS SDP:
configure service sdp 100 mpls create
config>service>sdp$ sr-te-lsp lsp-name
The destination address of all LSPs must match the SDP far-end address. Service data packets are sprayed over the set of LSPs in the SDP using the same procedures as for tunnel selection in ECMP. In all cases, the SDP can only spray packets over a maximum of eight next hops. Each SR-TE LSP can, however, have up to eight next hops at the ingress LER when the first segment is a node SID-based SR tunnel. The SDP selects one next hop from each SR-TE LSP until the maximum number of eight next hops for the SDP is reached.
The tunnel-far-end option is not supported. In addition, the mixed-lsp-mode option does not support the sr-te tunnel type.
The signaling protocol for the service labels for an SDP using an SR-TE LSP can be configured to static (off), T-LDP (tldp), or BGP (bgp).
An SR-TE LSP can be used in VPRN auto-bind with the following commands:
resolution {any | disabled | filter}
[no] sr-te
Both VPN-IPv4 and VPN-IPv6 (6VPE) are supported in a VPRN service using segment routing transport tunnels with the auto-bind-tunnel command.
This auto-bind-tunnel command is also supported with BGP EVPN service, as shown below:
resolution {any | disabled | filter}
[no] sr-te
The following service contexts are supported with SR-TE LSPs:
VLL, VPLS, IES/VPRN spoke-SDP and interface, and R-VPLS
Epipe and VPLS services under BGP EVPN
intra-AS BGP VPRN for VPN-IPv4 and VPN-IPv6 prefixes with both auto-bind and explicit SDP
inter-AS option C for VPN-IPv4 and VPN-IPv6 VPRN prefix resolution
multicast over IES/VPRN spoke interface with spoke-SDP over an SR-TE LSP