SR-TE LSP Metric and MTU Settings

The MPLS module assigns an SR-TE LSP the maximum LSP metric value of 16 777 215 when the local router provides the hop-to-label translation for its path. For an SR-TE LSP that uses PCE for path computation (pce-computation option enabled) by the PCE and/or has its control delegated to the PCE (pce-control enabled), the latter will return the computed LSP IGP or TE metric in the PCReq and PCUpd messages. In both cases, the user can override the returned value by configuring an admin metric using the command config>router>mpls>lsp>metric.

The MTU setting of an SR-TE LSP is derived from the MTU of the outgoing SR shortest path tunnel it is using, adjusted with the size of the super NHLFE label stack size.

The following are the details of this calculation:

SR_Tunnel_MTU = MIN {Cfg_SR_MTU, IGP_Tunnel_MTU – (1+ frr-overhead)✕4}


This calculation is performed by the IGP and passed to the SR module each time it changes due to an updated resolution of the node SID.

The 7705 SAR also provides the MTU for the adjacency SID tunnel because it is needed in an SR-TE LSP if the first hop in the ERO is an adjacency SID. In that case, the calculation for SR_Tunnel_MTU, initially introduced for a node SID tunnel, is applied to get the MTU of the adjacency SID tunnel.

The MTU of the SR-TE LSP is derived as follows:

SRTE_LSP_MTU = SR_Tunnel_MTU – numLabels✕4


This calculation is performed by the SR module and is updated each time the SR-TE LSP path changes or the SR tunnel it is using is updated.