Configuring Boot File Options with CLI

This section provides information to configure BOF parameters with CLI.

Topics in this section include:

BOF Configuration Overview

Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR routers do not contain a boot EEPROM. The boot loader code is loaded from the boot.ldr file. The BOF file performs the following tasks:

  1. Sets up the CSM Management port (speed, duplex, auto)
  2. Assigns the IP address for the CSM Management port
  3. Creates static routes for the CSM Management port
  4. Sets the console port speed
  5. Configures the Domain Name System (DNS) name and DNS servers
  6. Configures the primary, secondary, tertiary configuration source
  7. Configures the primary, secondary, and tertiary image source
  8. Configures operational parameters

    The CSM Management port is referred to as the CPM Management port in the CLI to align with the CLI syntax used with other SR products.

Basic BOF Configuration

The parameters that specify the location of the image filename that the router will try to boot from and the configuration file are in the BOF.

The most basic BOF configuration should have the following:

  1. primary address
  2. primary image location
  3. primary configuration location

The following displays an example of a basic BOF configuration.

A:ALU-1# show bof
BOF (Memory)
    primary-image    ftp://*:*
    primary-config   ftp://*:*@ /home/csahwreg17/images/dut-a.cfg
    address /24 active
    address /24 standby
    static-route next-hop
    duplex           full
    speed            100
    wait             3
    persist          off  
    console-speed    115200

Common Configuration Tasks

The following sections describe basic system tasks that must be performed.

For details about hardware installation and initial router connections, refer to the specific 7705 SAR hardware installation guide.

Searching for the BOF

The BOF should be on the same drive as the boot loader file. If the system cannot load or cannot find the BOF, the system checks whether the boot sequence was manually interrupted. The system prompts for a different image and configuration location.

The following example displays the output when the boot sequence is interrupted.

. . .

Hit a key within 3 seconds to change boot parms... 
You must supply some required Boot Options. At any prompt, you can type:
   "restart" - restart the query mode.
   "reboot"  - reboot.
   "exit"    - boot with existing values.
Press ENTER to begin, or 'flash' to enter firmware update...
Software Location
   You must enter the URL of the TiMOS software.
   The location can be on a Compact Flash device,
   or on the network.
   Here are some examples
The existing Image URL is 'ftp://*.*'
Press ENTER to keep it.
Software Image URL: 
Using: 'ftp://*.*'
Configuration File Location
   You must enter the location of configuration
   file to be used by TiMOS. The file can be on
   a Compact Flash device, or on the network.
   Here are some examples
The existing Config URL is 'cf3:/config.cfg'
Press ENTER to keep it, or the word 'none' for no Config URL.
Config File URL: 
Using: 'cf3:/config.cfg'
Network Configuration
   You specified a network location for either the
   software or the configuration file. You need to
   assign an IP address for this system.
   The IP address should be entered in standard
   dotted decimal form with a network length.
Displays on Non-Redundant Models I
The existing IP address is Press ENTER to keep it.
Enter IP Address: 
Display on Redundant Models
The existing Active IP address is Press ENTER to keep it.
Enter Active IP Address: 
The existing Standby IP address is Press ENTER to keep it.
Enter Standby IP Address (Type 0 if none desired): 
Would you like to add a static route? (yes/no) y           
Static Routes
   You specified network locations which require
   static routes to reach. You will be asked to
   enter static routes until all the locations become
   Static routes should be entered in the following format:
   prefix/mask next-hop ip-address
       example: next-hop
Enter route: 1.x.x.0/24 next-hop
Would you like to add another static route? (yes/no) n
New Settings
    primary-image    ftp://*.*@192.168.xx.xx/./rel/0.0/xx
    primary-config   cf3:/config.cfg
    address          192.168.xx.xx/20 active
    primary-dns      192.168.xx.xx
    static-route     1.x.x.0/24 next-hop
    duplex           full
    speed            100
    wait             3
    persist          off
Do you want to overwrite cf3:/bof.cfg with the new settings? (yes/no): y
Successfully saved the new settings in cf3:/bof.cfg

Accessing the CLI

To access the CLI to configure the software for the first time, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the CSM is installed and power to the chassis is turned on. The 7705 SAR software then automatically begins the boot sequence.
  2. When the boot loader and BOF image and configuration files are successfully located, establish a router connection (console session).

Console Connection

To establish a console connection, you will need the following:

  1. an ASCII terminal or a PC running terminal emulation software set to the parameters shown in Table 19
  2. a standard serial cable with a male DB9 connector
    Table 19:  Console Configuration Parameter Values   



    Baud Rate

    115 200

    Data Bits




    Stop Bits


    Flow Control


Figure 9 displays an example of the Console port on a 7705 SAR front panel.

Figure 9:  7705 SAR Console Port 

To establish a console connection:

  1. Connect the terminal to the Console port on the front panel (Figure 9) using the serial cable.
  2. Power on the terminal.
  3. Establish the connection by pressing the <Enter> key a few times on your terminal keyboard.
  4. At the router prompt, enter the login and password.
    The default login is admin.
    The default password is admin.

Accessing the Management Port on a 7705 SAR-W

The 7705 SAR-W supports in-band and out-of-band node management communication. The RJ-45 Management port provides physical access for out-of-band communication. When the Inband/Local switch on the chassis is in the Inband position, the management interface on the CSM processor connects to the internal data port on the datapath for in-band management, and the external RJ-45 Management port is disabled.

The internal data port is identified in the CLI as vrtl-mgmt, and as port 1/1/6 in SNMP. The vrtl-mgmt port only supports access mode and Epipe service, where the port has encap-type null, dot1q, or qinq with VLAN 0.

See the “Installation and Provisioning” section in the 7705 SAR-W Chassis Installation Guide for details on setting up in-band management connections.

Configuring BOF Parameters

Use the CLI syntax displayed below to configure BOF components:

CLI Syntax:
address ip-address/mask [active | standby]
console-speed baud-rate
dns-domain dns-name
duplex {full | half}
persist {on | off}
primary-config file-url
primary-dns ip-address
primary-image file-url
save [cflash-id]
secondary-config file-url
secondary-dns ip-address
secondary-image file-url
speed speed
static-route ip-address/mask next-hop ip-address
tertiary-config file-url
tertiary-dns ip-address
tertiary-image file-url
wait seconds

The following example displays BOF command usage:

ALU-1# bof
ALU-1>bof# address active
ALU-1>bof# dns-domain
ALU-1>bof# duplex full
ALU-1>bof# persist on
ALU-1>bof# wait 3
ALU-1>bof# primary-image cf3:\TIMOS.5.0.R0
ALU-1>bof# primary-config cf3:\test123.cfg
ALU-1>bof# primary-dns
ALU-1>bof# save cf3:
A:ALU-1# show bof
BOF (Memory)
    primary-image    ftp://*:*
    primary-config   ftp://*:*@ /home/csahwreg17/images/dut-a.cfg
    address /24 active
    address /24 standby
    static-route next-hop
    duplex           full
    speed            100
    wait             3
    persist          off  
    console-speed    115200

Service Management Tasks

This section describes system administration commands.

System Administration Commands

Use the following administrative commands to perform management tasks.

CLI Syntax:
ALU-1# admin
reboot [active | standby] [now]
save [file-url] [detail] [index]

Viewing the Current Configuration

Use one of the following CLI commands to display the current configuration. The detail option displays all default values. The index option displays only the persistent indexes. The info command displays context-level information.

CLI Syntax:
admin# display-config [detail | index]
info detail

The following displays an example of a configuration file:

A:ALU-1# admin display-config
# TiMOS-B-0.0.R3 both/hops ALCATEL-LUCENT SAR 7705 
# Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Alcatel-Lucent. 
# All rights reserved. All use subject to applicable license agreements.
# Built on Wed Jan 16 01:05:13 EST 2008 by csabuild in /rel0.0/I297/panos/main
# Generated THU JAN 17 21:21:21 2008 UTC
exit all
echo "System Configuration"
        name "ALU-1"
            idle-timeout disable
            pre-login-message "CSAxxx - 7705" name
                server-address preferred
                no shutdown
            zone EST
echo "System Security Configuration"
...exit all
# Finished THU JAN 17 21:57:11 2008 UTC

Modifying and Saving a Configuration

If you modify a configuration file, the changes remain in effect only during the current power cycle unless a save command is executed. Changes are lost if the system is powered down or the router is rebooted without saving.

  1. Specify the file URL location to save the running configuration. If a destination is not specified, the files are saved to the location where the files were found for that boot sequence. The same configuration can be saved with different file names to the same location or to different locations.
  2. The detail option adds the default parameters to the saved configuration.
  3. The index option forces a save of the index file.

Use either of the following CLI syntaxes to save a configuration:

CLI Syntax:
bof# save [cflash-id]
ALU-1# bof
ALU-1>bof# save cf3:


CLI Syntax:
admin# save [file-url] [detail] [index]
ALU-1# admin save cf3:\test123.cfg
Saving config.# Saved to cf3:\test123.cfg
... complete

If the persist option is enabled and the admin save file-url command is executed with an FTP path used as the file-url parameter, two FTP sessions simultaneously open to the FTP server. The FTP server must be configured to allow multiple sessions from the same login; otherwise, the configuration and index files will not be saved correctly.

Deleting BOF Parameters

You can delete specific BOF parameters. The no form of these commands removes the parameter from configuration. The changes remain in effect only during the current power cycle unless a save command is executed. Changes are lost if the system is powered down or the router is rebooted without saving.

Deleting a BOF address entry is not allowed from a Telnet session.

Use the following CLI syntax to remove BOF configuration parameters:

CLI Syntax:
bof# save [cflash-id]
ALU-1# bof
ALU-1>bof# save cf3:
no address ip-address/mask [active | standby]
no autonegotiate
no console-speed
no dns-domain
no primary-config
no primary-dns
no primary-image
no secondary-config
no secondary-dns
no secondary-image
no static-route ip-address/mask next-hop ip-address
no tertiary-config
no tertiary-dns
no tertiary-image

Saving a Configuration to a Different Filename

Save the current configuration with a unique filename to have additional backup copies and to edit parameters with a text editor. You can save your current configuration to an ASCII file.

Use either of the following CLI syntaxes to save a configuration to a different location:

CLI Syntax:
bof# save [cflash-id]
ALU-1# bof
ALU-1>bof# save cf3:


CLI Syntax:
admin# save [file-url] [detail] [index]
ALU-1>admin# save cf3:\testABC.cfg
Saving config.# Saved to cf3:\testABC.cfg
... complete


When an admin>reboot command is issued, routers with redundant CSMs are rebooted. Changes are lost unless the configuration is saved. Use the admin>save file-url command to save the current configuration. If no command line options are specified, the user is prompted to confirm the reboot operation.

Use the following CLI syntax to reboot:

CLI Syntax:
admin# reboot [active | standby] [now]
ALU-1>admin# reboot
A:DutA>admin# reboot
Are you sure you want to reboot (y/n)? y
Alcatel-Lucent 7705 Boot ROM. Copyright 2000-2008
All rights reserved. All use is subject to applicable
license agreements.