
7705 SAR

R6.0 Configuration Note



Routed VPLS (R-VPLS)


Last Updated: 2013-04-15

Version 1.0























Routed VPLS (R-VPLS) allows a VPLS instance to be associated with an IES or VPRN interface. Hosts within the same subnet communicate directly with each other without the need for a router, but any communication with a host that is external to the subnet requires routing. With routed VPLS, you can use bridging for local destinations when possible and routing for non-local destinations that cannot be reached directly. R-VPLS can be compared to a LAN Ethernet Switch and a Router. When the destination IP is not local, 7705 SAR would try to route the traffic via the VPRN/IES interface based on the IP forwarding table while the local traffic is switched and forwarded based on the VPLS forwarding table. The Routed VPLS functionality provides the 7705 SAR platform with the ability to internally connect a VPLS instance to a L3 VPRN / IES IP interface, thus avoiding the requirement for a physical (S-hook) connection.




















This Configuration note assumes that following base configuration has been implemented on the PEs:

-          Cards, MDAs and ports configured

-          Interfaces configured

-          IGP configured and converged



VPLS service configuration for IES:


When a service name is applied to any service context, the name and service ID association is registered with the system. A service name cannot be assigned to more than one service ID. In addition to the service name, IP interface binding must be enabled in order to make r-vpls to work. If IP interface binding option is not enabled, IES IP interface will be operationally down.



*A:SAR8-81>config>service>vpls# info






            service-name "IES-4080"

            sap 1/1/1 create


            no shutdown




If the allow-ip-int-binding flag is set on a VPLS service, the following features are disabled:

• MAC filters

• residential SHG



• mac-subnet-length

• GRE SDP (cannot be bound to the VPLS)



Binding VPLS service name to an IES IP Interface:


An IP interface within an IES or VPRN service context can be bound to a service name at any time. Only one interface can be bound to a service name.



*A:SAR8-81>config>service>ies# info


            interface "to-VPLS-48" create


                vpls "IES-4080"



            no shutdown




VPLS service configuration for VPRN:


*A:SAR8-81>config>service>vpls# info






            service-name "VPRN-4049"

            sap 1/1/2 create


            no shutdown





VPLS Service name binding to a VPRN Interface:



*A:SAR8-81>config>service>vprn# info


            interface "to-VPLS-49" create


                vpls "VPRN-4049"



            no shutdown






The following CLI command shows that the IES IP interface is bound to a VPLS service:


*A:SAR8-81# show router interface



Interface Table (Router: Base)


Interface-Name                   Adm         Opr(v4/v6)  Mode    Port/SapId   

   IP-Address                                                    PfxState     


system                           Up          Up/Down     Network system                                                  n/a

to-VPLS-48                       Up          Up/Down     IES     rvpls                                                  n/a


Interfaces : 2





*A:SAR8-81# show router interface to-VPLS-48 detail



Interface Table (Router: Base)






If Name          : to-VPLS-48

Admin State      : Up                   Oper (v4/v6)      : Up/Down

Protocols        : None

IP Addr/mask     :      Address Type      : Primary

IGP Inhibit      : Disabled             Broadcast Address : Host-ones




Description      : (Not Specified)

If Index         : 2                    Virt. If Index    : 2

Last Oper Chg    : 03/12/2013 14:40:51  Global If Index   : 126

Port Id          : rvpls

TOS Marking      : Untrusted            If Type           : IES

SNTP B.Cast      : False                IES ID            : 4080

MAC Address      : 00:1a:f0:db:86:5f    Arp Timeout       : 14400

IP Oper MTU      : 1500                 ICMP Mask Reply   : True

Arp Populate     : Disabled             Host Conn Verify  : Disabled

LdpSyncTimer     : None                

LSR Load Balance : system              

uRPF Chk         : disabled            

uRPF Fail Bytes  : 0                    uRPF Chk Fail Pkts: 0

Rx Pkts          : 0                    Rx Bytes          : 0

Rx V4 Pkts       : 0                    Rx V4 Bytes       : 0

Rx V6 Pkts       : 0                    Rx V6 Bytes       : 0

Tx V4 Pkts       : 0                    Tx V4 Bytes       : 0

Tx V6 Pkts       : 0                    Tx V6 Bytes       : 0


Proxy ARP Details

Rem Proxy ARP    : Disabled             Local Proxy ARP   : Disabled

Policies         : none                


Proxy Neighbor Discovery Details

Local Pxy ND     : Disabled            

Policies         : none                


DHCP Details

Description  : (Not Specified)

Admin State      : Down                 Lease Populate    : 0

Action           : Keep                 Trusted           : Disabled


DHCP6 Relay Details

Description      : (Not Specified)

Admin State      : Down                 Lease Populate    : 0

Oper State       : Down                 Nbr Resolution    : Disabled

If-Id Option     : None                 Remote Id         : Disabled

Src Addr         : Not configured


DHCP6 Server Details

Admin State      : Down                 Max. Lease States : 8000


ICMP Details

Unreachables : Number - 100                     Time (seconds)   - 10  

TTL Expired  : Number - 100                     Time (seconds)   - 10  


IPCP Address Extension Details

Peer IP Addr     : Not configured      

Peer Pri DNS Addr: Not configured      

Peer Sec DNS Addr: Not configured      


Routed VPLS Details

VPLS Name        : IES-4080

Binding Status   : Up                  

Reason           : (Not Specified)

Egr Reclass Plcy : 0                   

Ing Filter       : none                

Ingr IPv6 Flt    : none                




To verify the operational status of the IES, execute the following CLI command:


*A:SAR8-81# show service id 4080 base



Service Basic Information


Service Id        : 4080               

Service Type      : IES                 

Name              : (Not Specified)

Description       : (Not Specified)

Customer Id       : 1                   

Last Status Change: 03/12/2013 14:40:51

Last Mgmt Change  : 02/27/2013 18:13:57

Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up

SAP Count         : 0                  



Service Access & Destination Points


Identifier                               Type         AdmMTU  OprMTU  Adm  Opr


vpls:IES-4080                            rvpls        0       1500    Up   Up 





When an IP interface is attached to a VPLS service, operational status of the IP interface depends on the operational status of the VPLS service.


 Following CLI shows the operational status of the VPLS service:


*A:SAR8-81# show service id 48 base



Service Basic Information


Service Id        : 48                 

Service Type      : VPLS                

Name              : IES-4080

Description       : (Not Specified)

Customer Id       : 1                  

Last Status Change: 03/12/2013 14:40:51

Last Mgmt Change  : 02/27/2013 18:13:57

Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up

MTU               : 1514                Def. Mesh VC Id   : 48

SAP Count         : 1                   SDP Bind Count    : 0

Snd Flush on Fail : Disabled            Host Conn Verify  : Disabled

Propagate MacFlush: Disabled           

Allow IP Intf Bind: Enabled            

Def. Gateway IP   : None               

Def. Gateway MAC  : None               



Service Access & Destination Points


Identifier                               Type         AdmMTU  OprMTU  Adm  Opr


sap:1/1/1                                null         1514    1514    Up   Up 





To check the MAC address in the VPLS FDB, execute the following CLI:


*A:SAR8-81>config>service>ies# show service id 48 fdb detail



Forwarding Database, Service 48


ServId    MAC               Source-Identifier     Type/Age  Last Change       


48        00:1a:f0:db:86:5f cpm                   Intf      02/27/2013 18:13:57


No. of MAC Entries: 1


Legend: L=Learned; P=MAC is protected



Following CLI outputs show the status of VPRN interface bound to VPLS:



*A:SAR8-81>config>service>vprn# show router 4049 interface



Interface Table (Service: 4049)


Interface-Name                   Adm         Opr(v4/v6)  Mode    Port/SapId   

   IP-Address                                                    PfxState      


to-VPLS-49                       Up          Up/Down     VPRN    rvpls                                                  n/a


Interfaces : 1





*A:SAR8-81>config>service>vprn# show service id 4049 base



Service Basic Information


Service Id        : 4049               

Service Type      : VPRN                

Name              : (Not Specified)

Description       : (Not Specified)

Customer Id       : 1                  

Last Status Change: 02/27/2013 18:13:57

Last Mgmt Change  : 02/27/2013 18:13:57

Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up


Route Dist.       : None                VPRN Type         : regular

AS Number         : None                Router Id         :

ECMP              : Enabled             ECMP Max Routes   : 1

Max IPv4 Routes   : No Limit            Auto Bind         : None

Max IPv6 Routes   : No Limit           

Ignore NH Metric  : Disabled           

Vrf Target        : None               

Vrf Import        : None               

Vrf Export        : None               

MVPN Vrf Target   : None               

MVPN Vrf Import   : None               

MVPN Vrf Export   : None               


SAP Count         : 0                   SDP Bind Count    : 0



Service Access & Destination Points


Identifier                               Type         AdmMTU  OprMTU  Adm  Opr


vpls:VPRN-4049                           rvpls        0       1500    Up   Up 



Routed VPLS specific ARP Cache Behavior:


In typical routing behavior, the system uses the IP routing table to select the egress interface, and at the egress forwarding engine, an ARP entry is used to forward the packet to the appropriate ethernet MAC address. With routed VPLS, the egress IP interface can be represented by multiple egress forwarding engines (wherever the VPLS service virtual ports exist). To optimize routing performance, the ingress forwarding engine performs an ingress ARP lookup in order to resolve which VPLS MAC address the IP frame must be routed towards.



Ingress behavior for VPLS next-hop routing:



Next-hop ARP cache entry

Next-hop MAC FIB entry

Ingress Behavior

ARP Cache Miss          (No entry)

Known or Unknown

Flood to all egress forwarding engines associated with the VPLS context


ARP Cache Hit (Entry found)




Forward to specific egress forwarding engine associated with VPLS virtual port


Flood to all egress forwarding engines associated with the VPLS for forwarding out to all VPLS virtual ports




Egress behavior for VPLS next-hop routing:



Next-hop ARP cache entry

Next-hop MAC FIB entry

Egress Behavior




ARP Cache Miss          (No entry)




No ARP entry. The MAC address is unknown and the ARP request is flooded out to all virtual ports of the VPLS instance.



ARP processing request transmitted out to all virtual ports associated with the VPLS service. Only the first egress forwarding engine ARP processing request triggers the egress ARP request.


ARP Cache Hit (Entry found)




Forward out to specific egress VPLS virtual port where MAC address has been learned


Flood to all egress VPLS virtual ports on forwarding engine