Configuring IES with CLI

This section provides the information required to configure IP routing services; that is, direct forwarding of IP traffic between CE devices, and to configure IES for in-band management of the 7705 SAR over ATM links.

Topics in this section include:

Common Configuration Tasks

The following list provides a brief overview of the tasks that must be performed to configure IES.

  1. Associate the IES service with a customer ID.
  2. Create an IP interface on the 7705 SAR.
  3. Specify the IP address of the interface.
  4. Define interface parameters.
  5. Define SAP parameters.
  6. For IES spoke SDP applications only —  define spoke SDP parameters.
  7. For IES applications only —  configure VRRP (optional).
  8. For IES management service only—manually configure the remote address of the far-end router to which the 5620 SAM network manager is connected (far-end router must be enabled for IES service).*
  9. For IES management service only—create a static route to the remote router and to the 5620 SAM.*
  10. Enable the service.

*Remote address and static route configuration is beyond the scope of this document. For information, refer to the 7705 SAR OS Router Configuration Guide.

Configuring IES Components

This section provides configuration examples for components of the IES service. Each component includes some or all of the following: introductory information, CLI syntax, a specific CLI example, and a sample CLI display output.

Topics in this section include:

Creating an IES Service

Use the following CLI syntax to create an IES service.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# ies service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id]
description description-string
interface ip-int-name [create]
no shutdown
A:ALU-41>config>service# ies 5 customer 1 create
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies# description “IES for in-band management”
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies# interface “ATMoIP Management” create
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies# no shutdown

The following example displays the IES service creation output.

A:ALU-41>config>service# info
        ies 5 customer 1 create
            description "IES for in-band management"
            interface “ATMoIP Management”
            no shutdown

Configuring Interface Parameters

Configure interface parameters for:

IES Management Service

Use the following CLI syntax to configure interface parameters for the IES management service.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# ies service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id]
interface ip-int-name
address if-ip-address
bfd transmit-interval [receive receive-interval] [multiplier multiplier] [type np]
description description-string
ip-mtu octets
no shutdown
A:ALU-41>config>service# ies 5
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies# interface “ATMoIP Management”
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if# address
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if# ip-mtu 1524
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if# no shutdown

The following example displays the IES interface creation output for the IES management service.

A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if# info detail
             no description
             ip-mtu 1524
             no bfd
             no shutdown

IES Service

Use the following CLI syntax to configure interface parameters for the IES service.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# ies service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id]
interface ip-int-name
address if-ip-address
bfd transmit-interval [receive receive-interval] [multiplier multiplier] [type np]
description description-string
description description-string
action {replace | drop | keep}
circuit-id [ascii-tuple | ifindex | sap-id | vlan-ascii-tuple]
remote-id [mac | string string]
vendor-specific option
string text
server server1 [server2...(up to 8 max)]
no shutdown
ttl-expired [number seconds]
ip-mtu octets
dns ip-address [secondary ip-address]
dns secondary ip-address
peer-ip-address ip-address
local proxy-arp
mac ieee-address
proxy-arp-policy policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
secondary {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask} [broadcast all-ones | host-ones] [igp-inhibit]
no shutdown
static-arp ip-address ieee-mac-address
static-arp ieee-mac-address unnumbered
unnumbered {ip-int-name | ip-address}
no shutdown
A:ALU-41>config>service# ies 4
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies$ interface “to Internet”
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if$ address
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if$ dhcp option
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>dhcp>option$ circuit-id ifindex
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>dhcp>option$ exit
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if$ ip-mtu 1524

The following example displays the IES interface creation output for the IES service.

A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if# info detail
              no description
              address broadcast host-ones
              no mac
              arp-timeout 14400
              no allow-directed-broadcasts
                 unreachables 100 10
                 ttl-expired 100 10
                 no description
                     action keep
                     circuit-id ifindex
                     no remote-id
                     no vendor-specific-option
                 no server
                 no trusted
              ip-mtu 1524
              no bfd
                 no peer-ip-address
                 no dns
              proxy-arp policy “proxyARPpolicy”
              local proxy-arp
              remote proxy-arp
              no shutdown...

IES IPv6 Service

Use the following CLI syntax to configure interface parameters for the IES IPv6 service.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# ies service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id]
interface ip-int-name
address ipv6-address/prefix-length [eui-64]
description description-string
interface-id ascii-tuple
interface-id ifindex
interface-id sap-id
interface-id string
server ipv6-address [ipv6-address...(up to 8 max)]
no shutdown
packet-too-big [number seconds]
param-problem [number seconds]
time-exceeded [number seconds]
unreachables [number seconds]
neighbor ipv6-address mac-address
reachable-time seconds
stale-time seconds
A:ALU-41>config>service# ies 9
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies$ interface “ies_interface”
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if$ ipv6
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>ipv6$ address 1080:6809:8086:6502::/64
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>ipv6$ dhcp6-relay
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>ipv6>dhcp6-relay$ server 2001:DB8::
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>ipv6>dhcp6-relay$ option
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>ipv6>dhcp6-relay>option$ interface-id ascii-tuple
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>ipv6>dhcp6-relay>option$ exit
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>ipv6$ icmp6
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>ipv6>icmp6$ packet-too-big 80 10
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>ipv6>icmp6$ exit
config>service>ies>>if>ipv6# neighbor 2001:DB8:CAFE::60 00-50-56-A3-04-0C
config>service>ies>>if>ipv6>neighbor# exit
config>service>ies>>if>ipv6# reachable-time 30
config>service>ies>>if>ipv6# stale-time 14400
config>service>ies>>if>ipv6# exit

The following example displays the IES interface IPv6 output.

A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if># info detail
              no description
              address 1080:6809:8086:6502::/64
                  no description
                      interface-id ascii-tuple
                      no remote-id
                  server 2001:DB8::
                  packet-too-big 80 10
                  param-problem 100 10
                  time-exceeded 100 10
                  unreachables 100 10
            reachable-time 30
            stale-time 14400

Configuring IES SAP Parameters

Configure IES SAP parameters for:

IES Management SAP

Use the following CLI syntax to configure IES management SAP parameters.


The encapsulation type is always aal5mux-ip.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# ies service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id]
interface ip-int-name
sap sap-id [create]
encapsulation encap-type
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
description description-string
filter ip ip-filter-id
no shutdown
A:ALU-41>config>service# ies 5
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies# interface “ATMoIP Management”
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if# sap 1/1/1.1:0/32 create
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap# ingress
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress# filter ip 3
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress# exit
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap# atm
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>atm# encapsulation aal5mux-ip
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>atm# egress
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>atm>egress# traffic-desc 3
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>atm>egress# exit
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>atm# ingress
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>atm>ingress# traffic-desc 2
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>atm>ingress# exit
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>atm# oam
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>atm>oam# alarm-cells
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>atm>oam# exit
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>atm# exit
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap# exit
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if# exit

IES Service SAP

The following example displays the IES SAP creation output.

A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap# info detail
           no description
               filter ip 3
               encapsulation aal5mux-ip
                   traffic-desc 2
                  traffic-desc 3
           no shutdown

Use the following CLI syntax to configure SAP parameters for the IES service.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# ies service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id]
interface ip-int-name
sap sap-id [create]
accounting policy acct-policy-id
collect stats
description description-string
filter ip ip-filter-id
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id
qos policy-id
filter ip ip-filter-id
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id
qos policy-id
no shutdown
A:ALU-41>config>service# ies 4
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies$ interface “to Internet”
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if$ sap 1/4/1 create
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap$ egress
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>egress$ qos 3
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap$ ingress
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress$ filter ip 3

The following example displays the IES SAP creation output.

A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>sap# info detail
           no description
               qos 3
               filter ip 3
           no shutdown

Configuring IES Spoke SDP Parameters

Use the following CLI syntax to configure spoke SDP parameters for the IES service.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# ies service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id]
interface ip-int-name
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id [create]
vc-label egress-vc-label
filter ip ip-filter-id
vc-label ingress-vc-label
[no] shutdown
A:ALU-41>config>service# ies 6
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies$ interface “ies6_interface”
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if$ spoke-sdp 5:6 create
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>spoke-sdp$ ingress
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>spoke-sdp>ingress$ filter ip 56
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>spoke-sdp>ingress$ vc-label 5566

The following example displays the IES spoke SDP creation output.

A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if>spoke SDP# info detail
           no description
               no vc-label
               filter ip 56
               vc-label 5566
           no shutdown

Configuring VRRP

Configuring VRRP policies and instances on service interfaces is optional. The basic owner and non-owner VRRP configurations on an IES interface must specify the backup ip-address parameter.

VRRP helps eliminate the single point of failure in a routed environment by using virtual router IP address(es) shared between two or more routers connecting the common domain. VRRP provides dynamic failover of the forwarding responsibility to the backup router if the master becomes unavailable.

The VRRP implementation allows one master per IP subnet. All other VRRP instances in the same domain must be in backup mode.

For further information about VRRP CLI syntax and command descriptions, see the IES Command Reference.

The following displays an IES interface VRRP owner configuration:

config>service>ies> info 
interface “vrrpowner”
vrrp 1 owner
authentication-key "testabc”

Configuring a Security Zone within IES

To configure NAT or firewall security, you must:

  1. configure a NAT or firewall security profile and policy in the config>security context
    1. in the config>security>profile context, specify the timeouts for the TCP/UDP/ICMP protocols and configure logging and application assurance parameters. This step is optional. If you do not configure the profile, a default profile is assigned.
    2. in the config>security>policy context, configure a security policy, specify the match criteria and the action to be applied to a packet if a match is found.
  2. configure a security zone and apply the policy ID to the zone, as shown in the CLI syntax below
CLI Syntax:
ies service-id [customer customer-id] [create]
zone zone-id [create]
description description-string
interface ip-int-name [create]
name zone-name
pool pool-id [create]
description description-string
direction {zone-outbound | zone-inbound | both}
entry entry-id [create]
ip-address ip-address [to ip-address] interface ip-int-name
port port [to port] interface ip-int-name
name pool-name
policy policy-id | policy-name

The following example displays a NAT zone configuration output.

A:ALU-B>config>service>ies# info
            service ies 10 create
                zone 1 create
                    name “IES zone”
                    description “uplink zone from private” 
                    interface ies-100- 
                        pool 1 create 
                            description "pool 1" 
                            direction zone-inbound 
                            entry 1 create 
                                ip-addr interface ies-100- 
                    policy 1 nat pool 1 

Service Management Tasks

This section discusses the following service management tasks:

Modifying IES Service Parameters

Existing IES service parameters can be modified, added, removed, enabled, or disabled.

To display a list of customer IDs, use the show>service>customer command.

Enter the parameters (such as description, interface information, or SAP information), and then enter the new information.

The following is an example of changing the IP MTU size.

A:ALU-41>config>service# ies 5
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies# interface “testname”
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if# ip-mtu 1517
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies>if# exit

Disabling an IES Service

An IES service can be shut down without deleting the service parameters.

Use the shutdown command to shut down an IES service.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# ies service-id
A:ALU-41>config>service# ies 5
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies# shutdown
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies# exit

Re-enabling an IES Service

Use the no shutdown command to re-enable a previously disabled IES service.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# ies service-id
no shutdown
A:ALU-41>config>service# ies 5
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies# no shutdown
A:ALU-41>config>service>ies# exit

Deleting an IES Service

An IES service cannot be deleted until SAPs, spoke SDPs, and interfaces are shut down and deleted and the service is shut down on the service level.

Use the following CLI syntax to delete an IES service:

CLI Syntax:
ies service-id
interface ip-int-name
sap sap-id
no sap sap-id
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id
no spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id
interface ip-int-name
no interface ip-int-name
no ies service-id