The shutdown command administratively disables an entity. The operational state of the entity is disabled as well as the operational state of any entities contained within. When disabled, an entity does not change, reset, or remove any configuration settings or statistics. Many objects must be shut down before they can be deleted. Many entities must be explicitly enabled using the no shutdown command.
In the label-map context, all packets that match the specified in-label are dropped when the label map is shut down.
In the path context, this command disables the existing LSPs using this path. All services using these LSPs are affected. Binding information, however, is retained in those LSPs. Paths are created in the shutdown state.
The no form of this command places the entity into an administratively enabled state. In the mpls and mpls>interface contexts, this triggers any LSPs that were previously defined under the associated context to come back up. In the path context, the no form of this command administratively enables the path and all LSPs—where the path is defined as a primary or a standby secondary path—are (re)established.
mpls — no shutdown
interface — shutdown
label-map — no shutdown
path — shutdown
static-lsp — shutdown
This command creates the MPLS protocol instance and enables MPLS configuration. The MPLS protocol instance is not created by default, but once it is created, a no shutdown command is not required since MPLS is enabled automatically. The shutdown command administratively disables MPLS.
The no form of this command deletes this MPLS protocol instance and all configuration parameters for this MPLS instance.
MPLS must be shut down and all SDP bindings to LSPs removed before the MPLS instance can be deleted. If MPLS is not shut down, when the no mpls command is executed, a warning message on the console indicates that MPLS is still administratively up.
This command enables the use of admin-group constraints in the association of a manual or dynamic bypass LSP with the primary LSP path at a Point-of-Local Repair (PLR) node.
When this command is enabled, each PLR node reads the admin-group constraints in the FAST_REROUTE object in the PATH message of the LSP primary path. If the FAST_REROUTE object is not included in the PATH message, the PLR reads the admin-group constraints from the SESSION_ATTRIBUTE object in the PATH message.
If the PLR is also the ingress LER for the LSP primary path, it only uses the admin-group constraint from the LSP and/or path level configurations.
The PLR node then uses the admin-group constraints along with other constraints, such as hop-limit and SRLG, to select a manual or dynamic bypass LSP among those that are already in use.
If none of the manual or dynamic bypass LSPs satisfies the admin-group constraints and/or the other constraints, the PLR node will request CSPF for a path that merges the closest to the protected link or node and includes or excludes the specified admin-group IDs.
Changes to this command (enabling or disabling) will apply only to new attempts to find a valid bypass.
The no form of this command disables the use of administrative group constraints on a FRR backup LSP at a PLR node.
no admin-group-frr
This command enables the automatic creation of an RSVP-TE point-to-point LSP within a single IGP IS-IS level or OSPF area that can subsequently be used by services and/or IGP shortcuts. It can be used to create an RSVP-TE LSP mesh to a destination node whose router ID matches a prefix in a specified previously created peer prefix policy, or to create single-hop RSVP-TE LSPs. These LSP types are referred to as auto-LSP of type mesh or auto-LSP of type one-hop.
Multiple templates can be associated with the same or different peer prefix policies. Each application of an LSP template with a given prefix in the prefix list results in the instantiation of a single CSPF-computed LSP primary path using the LSP template parameters, as long as the prefix corresponds to a router ID for a node in the TE database. Auto LSP does not support the automatic signaling of a secondary path for an LSP. If the signaling of multiple LSPs to the same destination node is required, a separate LSP template must be associated with a prefix list that contains the same destination node address. Each instantiated LSP will have a unique LSP ID and a unique tunnel ID. Auto LSP also does not support the signaling of a non-CSPF LSP. The selection of the no cspf option in the LSP template is blocked.
Up to five peer prefix policies can be associated with an LSP template. Every time the user executes the above command with the same or different prefix policy associations or a prefix policy associated with the LSP template, the system re-evaluates the prefix policy. The outcome of the re-evaluation indicates to MPLS whether an existing LSP must be torn down or a new LSP must be signaled to a destination address that is already in the TE database.
If a /32 prefix is added to or removed from a prefix list associated with the template, or if a prefix range is expanded or narrowed, the prefix policy re-evaluation described above is performed.
A no shutdown of the template must be performed before it takes effect. When a template is in use, it must be shut down before the user can make any changes to the parameters except for LSP parameters for which the change can be handled with the Make-Before-Break (MBB) procedures. This includes fast-reroute with or without the hop-limit or node-protect options. When the template is shut down and parameters are added, removed or modified, the existing instances of the LSP using this template are torn down and resignaled.
The trigger to signal the LSP is when the router with a router ID matching a prefix in the prefix list appears in the TE database. The signaled LSP is installed in the Tunnel Table Manager (TTM) and is available to applications such as resolution of BGP label routes, and resolution of BGP, IGP, and static routes. It can also be used for auto-binding by a VPRN service but cannot be used as a provisioned SDP for explicit binding.
Except for the MBB limitations to the configuration parameter change in the LSP template, MBB procedures for manual and timer-based resignaling of the LSP, and for TE graceful shutdown, are supported.
The one-to-one option under fast-reroute is not supported.
If the one-hop option is specified instead of a prefix policy, this command enables the automatic signaling of single-hop, point-to-point LSPs using the specified template to all directly connected neighbors. This LSP type is referred to as auto LSP of type one-hop. When the above command is executed, the TE database keeps track of each TE link to a directly connected IGP neighbor whose router ID is discovered. It then instructs MPLS to signal an LSP with a destination address matching the router ID of the neighbor and with a strict hop consisting of the address of the interface used by the TE link. This results in one or more LSPs signaled to the neighboring router.
For an LSP mesh, the no form of this command deletes all LSPs signaled using the specified template and prefix policy. When the one-hop option is used, the no form of the command deletes all single-hop LSPs signaled using the specified template to all directly connected neighbors.
This command enables the option to perform CSPF calculations to the next loose hop or the final destination of the LSP on the LSR. On receiving a PATH message on the LSR and processing all local hops in the received ERO, if the next hop is loose, then the LSR does a CSPF calculation to the next loose hop (this is known as ERO expansion). On successful completion of the CSPF calculation, the ERO in the PATH message is modified to include the newly calculated intermediate hops and the message is propagated forward to the next hop. This allows for the setting up of inter-area LSPs based on the ERO expansion method.
The LSP may fail to set up if this option is enabled on an LSR that is not an ABR and that receives a PATH message without a proper next loose hop in the ERO. The cspf-on-loose-hop configuration can change dynamically and is applied to the new LSP setup after changes are made.
no cspf-on-loose-hop
This command disables the creation of dynamic bypass LSPs in FRR. One or more manual bypass LSPs must be configured to protect the primary LSP path at the PLR nodes.
This command specifies whether signaling the FAST_REROUTE object is on or off. The value is ignored if fast reroute is disabled for the LSP or if the LSP is using one-to-one backup.
frr-object — by default, the value is inherited by all LSPs
This command specifies the amount of time that the ingress node waits before programming its data plane and declaring to the service module that the LSP status is up.
The no form of the command disables the hold-timer.
This parameter is used in the least-fill path selection process. See the description of the least-fill command for information on the least-fill path selection process. When comparing the percentages of least available link bandwidth across the available paths, whenever two percentages differ by less than the value configured as the least-fill minimum threshold, CSPF considers them to be equal and applies a random number generator to select the path.
The no form of the command resets this parameter to its default value.
This parameter is used in the least-fill path selection process. See the description of the least-fill command for information on the least-fill path selection process.
During a timer-based resignaling of an LSP path that has the least-fill option enabled, CSPF first updates the least-available bandwidth value for the current path of this LSP. It then applies the least-fill path selection method to select a new path for this LSP. If the new computed path has the same cost as the current path, CSPF compares the least-available bandwidth values of the two paths and if the difference exceeds the user-configured optimization threshold, MPLS generates a trap to indicate that a better least-fill path is available for this LSP. This trap can be used by an external SNMP-based device to trigger a manual resignaling of the LSP path, since the timer-based resignaling will not resignal the path in this case. MPLS generates a path update trap at the first MBB event that results in the resignaling of the LSP path. This clears the eligibility status of the path at the SNMP device.
The no form of the command resets this parameter to its default value.
This command merges two of the most commonly generated MPLS traps, vRtrMplsXCCreate and vRtrMplsXCDelete, which can be generated at both the LER and LSR, into the new vRtrMplsSessionsModified trap. In addition, this command bundles traps of multiple RSVP sessions, such as LSPs, into this new trap.
This trap bundling allows the user to minimize trap generation in an MPLS network. MPLS trap throttling is not applied to the vRtrMplsSessionsModified trap.
The no version of the command disables the merging and bundling of the vRtrMplsXCCreate and vRtrMplsXCDelete traps.
This command configures the reporting modes to a PCE for RSVP-TE LSPs. The PCC LSP database is synchronized with the PCE LSP database using the PCEP PCRpt (PCE Report) message for PCC-controlled, PCE-computed, and PCE-controlled LSPs.
This global MPLS-level pce-report command can be used to enable or disable PCE reporting for all RSVP-TE LSPs during PCE LSP database synchronization. The PCC reports both CSPF and non-CSPF LSPs.
The LSP-level pce-report command overrides the global configuration for the reporting of an LSP to the PCE (see config>router>mpls>lsp>pce-report). The default configuration is to inherit the global MPLS-level configuration.
The default configuration is disabled. This default configuration is meant to control the introduction of a PCE into an existing network and let the operator decide whether all RSVP-TE LSPs need to be reported. If PCE reporting is disabled for an LSP, either due to inheritance of the global MPLS configuration or due to LSP-level configuration, enabling the pce-control option for the LSP has no effect.
pce-report rsvp-te disable
This command specifies the value for the LSP resignal timer. The resignal timer is the time, in minutes, that the 7705 SAR software waits before attempting to resignal the LSPs.
When the resignal timer expires, if the newly computed path for an LSP has a better metric than that for the currently recorded hop list, an attempt is made to resignal that LSP using the make-before-break (MBB) mechanism. If the attempt to resignal an LSP fails, the LSP will continue to use the existing path and a resignal will be attempted the next time the timer expires.
When the resignal timer expires, a trap and syslog message are generated.
The no form of the command disables timer-based LSP resignaling.
no resignal-timer
This system-wide command enables or disables the use of the shared risk link group (SRLG) constraint in the computation of an FRR bypass or detour LSP for any primary LSP path on the system. When srlg-frr is enabled, CSPF includes the SRLG constraint in the computation of an FRR bypass or detour LSP for protecting the primary LSP path.
The strict option is a system-wide option that forces the CSPF to consider any configured SRLG membership lists in its calculation of every LSP path.
CSPF prunes all links with interfaces that belong to the same SRLG as the interface being protected, where the interface being protected is the outgoing interface at the PLR used by the primary path. If one or more paths are found, the MPLS/RSVP-TE task selects one path based on best cost and signals the setup of the FRR bypass or detour LSP. If no path is found and the user included the strict option, the FRR bypass or detour LSP is not set up and the MPLS/RSVP-TE task keeps retrying the request to CSPF. If no path is found and the strict option is disabled, if a path exists that meets all the TE constraints except the SRLG constraint, then the FRR bypass or detour LSP is set up.
An FRR bypass or detour LSP is not guaranteed to be SRLG disjoint from the primary path. This is because only the SRLG constraint of the outgoing interface at the PLR that the primary path is using is checked.
When the MPLS/RSVP-TE task is searching for an SRLG bypass tunnel to associate with the primary path of the protected LSP, the task does the following steps.
Primary Path and FRR Behavior
Once the primary path of the LSP is set up and is operationally up, any subsequent changes to the SRLG membership of an interface that the primary path is using will not be considered by the MPLS/RSVP-TE task at the PLR for FRR bypass or detour LSP association until the next opportunity that the primary path is resignaled. The path may be resignaled due to a failure or to a make-before-break (MBB) operation. A make-before-break operation occurs as a result of a global revertive operation, a reoptimization of the LSP path (timer-based or manual), or a change by the user to any of the path constraints.
Once the FRR bypass or detour LSP is set up and is operationally up, any subsequent change to the SRLG membership of an interface that the FRR bypass or detour LSP is using will not be considered by the MPLS/RSVP-TE task at the PLR until the next opportunity that the association with the primary LSP path is rechecked. The association is rechecked if the FRR bypass or detour LSP is reoptimized. Detour routes are not reoptimized and are resignaled if the primary path is down.
The user must first shut down MPLS before enabling or disabling the srlg-frr option in CLI.
An RSVP-TE interface can belong to a maximum of 64 SRLGs. The user creates SRLGs using the config>router>mpls>srlg-group command. The user associates the SRLGs with an RSVP-TE interface using the srlg-group command in the config>router> mpls>interface context.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
no srlg-frr
This command enables MPLS protocol support on an IP interface. MPLS commands are not executed on an IP interface where MPLS is not enabled.
The no form of this command deletes all MPLS commands that are defined under the interface, such as label-map. The interface must be shut down before it can be deleted. If the interface is not shut down, the no interface ip-int-name command issues a warning message on the console indicating that the interface is administratively up.
This command associates admin groups with this interface. The admin group must already be defined in the config>router>if-attribute context (refer to the 7705 SAR Router Configuration Guide, “IP Router Command Reference”).
Up to five groups can be specified with one command. When an admin group is bound to one or more interfaces, its value cannot be changed until all bindings are removed.
When associated with MPLS interfaces, the interfaces can be included or excluded in the LSP path definition by matching on the admin-group name. CSPF will calculate a path that satisfies the admin-group include and exclude constraints.
The configured admin-group membership is applied in all levels or areas that the interface is participating in. The same interface cannot have different memberships in different levels or areas.
The admin groups bound to an MPLS interface are advertised area-wide in TE link TLVs and sub-TLVs when the traffic-engineering option is enabled in IS-IS or OSPF.
The no form of this command deletes the association of this interface with one or more of the admin groups.
no admin-group
This command associates an MPLS interface with one or more SRLGs. The SRLG must already be defined in the config>router>if-attribute context (refer to the 7705 SAR Router Configuration Guide, “IP Router Command Reference”).
Up to five SRLGs can be specified with one command. When an SRLG is bound to one or more interfaces, its value cannot be changed until all bindings are removed.
When SRLGs are associated with MPLS interfaces, CSPF at an LER will exclude the SRLGs of interfaces used by the LSP primary path when calculating the route of the secondary path. CSPF at an LER or LSR will also exclude the SRLGs of the outgoing interface of the primary LSP path in the calculation of the path of the FRR backup LSP. This provides a path disjoint between the primary path and the secondary path or FRR backup path of an LSP.
The configured SRLG membership is applied in all levels or areas that the interface is participating in. The same interface cannot have different memberships in different levels or areas.
SRLGs bound to an MPLS interface are advertised area-wide in TE link TLVs and sub-TLVs when the traffic-engineering option is enabled in IS-IS or OSPF.
The no form of this command deletes the association of this interface with one or more of the SRLGs.
This command configures the traffic engineering metric used on the interface. This metric is in addition to the interface metric used by IGP for the shortest path computation.
This metric is flooded as part of the TE parameters for the interface using an opaque LSA or an LSP. The OSPF-TE metric is encoded as a sub-TLV type 5 in the Link TLV. The metric value is encoded as a 32-bit unsigned integer. The IS-IS-TE metric is encoded as sub-TLV type 18 as part of the extended IS reachability TLV. The metric value is encoded as a 24-bit unsigned integer.
When the use of the TE metric is enabled for an LSP, CSPF will first prune all links in the network topology that do not meet the constraints specified for the LSP path. Such constraints include bandwidth, admin-groups, and hop limit. Then, CSPF will run an SPF on the remaining links. The shortest path among the all SPF paths will be selected based on the TE metric instead of the IGP metric, which is used by default.
The TE metric in CSPF LSP path computation can be configured by entering the command config>router>mpls>lsp lsp-name>cspf use-te-metric.
The TE metric is only used in CSPF computations for MPLS paths and not in the regular SPF computation for IP reachability.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
no te-metric
This command is used on either transit or egress LSP routers when a static LSP is defined. The static LSP on the ingress router is initiated using the config>router>mpls>static-lsp lsp-name command. The in-label is associated with a pop action or a swap action, but not both. If both actions are specified, the last action specified takes effect.
The no form of this command deletes the static LSP configuration associated with the in-label.
This command specifies that the incoming label must be popped (removed). No label stacking is supported for a static LSP. The service header follows the top label. Once the label is popped, the packet is forwarded based on the service header.
The no form of this command removes the pop action for the in-label.
This command swaps the incoming label and specifies the outgoing label and next-hop IP address on an LSR for a static LSP.
The no form of this command removes the swap action associated with the in-label.
Label values 16 through 31 are 7705 SAR reserved
Label values 32 through 1023 are available for static assignment
Label values 1024 through 2047 are reserved for future use
Label values 2048 through 18431 are statically assigned for services
Label values 28672 through 131071 are dynamically assigned for both MPLS and services
Label values 131072 through 1048575 are reserved for future use
This command creates an LSP that is signaled dynamically by the 7705 SAR.
When the LSP is created, the egress router must be specified using the to command and at least one primary or secondary path must be specified. All other statements under the LSP hierarchy are optional.
LSPs are created in the administratively down (shutdown) state.
The no form of this command deletes the LSP. All configuration information associated with this LSP is lost. The LSP must be administratively shut down and unbound from all SDPs before it can be deleted.
This command creates an LSP template that is referenced when dynamic LSP creation is required. The LSP template type, mesh-p2p or one-hop-p2p, must be specified when the template is first created.
The no form of this command deletes the LSP template. The LSP template cannot be deleted if a client application is using it.
This command enables the make-before-break (MBB) functionality for an LSP, LSP path, or LSP instance created using an LSP template. When enabled for the LSP, a make-before-break operation will be performed for the primary path and all the secondary paths of the LSP.
When enabled, the advertised data (ADSPEC) object will be included in RSVP-TE messages.
no adspec
This command allows an RSVP-TE LSP to be used as a transport LSP for BGP tunnel routes or blocks it from being used.
This command enables Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF) computation for constrained-path LSPs. Constrained-path LSPs are the LSPs that take configuration constraints into account. CSPF is also used to calculate the FRR bypass or detour LSP routes when fast reroute is enabled.
Explicitly configured LSPs where each hop from ingress to egress is specified do not use CSPF. The LSP is set up using RSVP-TE signaling from ingress to egress.
If an LSP is configured with fast-reroute specified but does not enable CSPF, then neither global revertive nor local revertive will be available for the LSP to recover.
When an LSP template is created, CSPF is automatically enabled and cannot be disabled.
no cspf
This command specifies the default path to be used for signaling an LSP created using the LSP template. You must reference a default path before the template is put in a no shutdown state.
This command specifies the admin groups to be excluded when an LSP is set up in the primary or secondary contexts. Each single operation of the exclude command allows a maximum of 5 groups to be specified at a time. However, a maximum of 32 groups can be specified per LSP through multiple operations. The admin groups are defined in the config>router>mpls>admin-group context.
Use the no form of the command to remove the exclude command.
no exclude
This command creates a precomputed protection LSP from each node in the path of the LSP. If a link or LSP failure occurs between two nodes, traffic is immediately rerouted on the precomputed protection LSP. When fast-reroute is specified, the default fast-reroute method is the facility method.
When fast-reroute is enabled, each node along the path of the LSP tries to establish a protection LSP as follows.
FRR is available only for the primary path. No configuration is required on the transit hops of the LSP. The ingress router will signal all intermediate routers using RSVP-TE to set up their protection LSP. TE must be enabled for fast reroute to work.
CSPF must be enabled for fast reroute to work. If an LSP is configured with fast-reroute frr-method specified but does not enable CSPF, then neither global revertive nor local revertive will be available for the LSP to recover.
The one-to-one fast reroute method creates a separate detour LSP for each backed-up LSP. One-to-one is not supported for LSP templates.
The facility fast reroute method, sometimes called many-to-one, takes advantage of the MPLS label stack. Instead of creating a separate LSP for every backed-up LSP, a single LSP is created that serves to back up a set of LSPs. This LSP tunnel is called a bypass tunnel. The bypass tunnel must intersect the path of the original LSPs somewhere downstream of the point of local repair (PLR). This constrains the set of LSPs being backed up via that bypass tunnel to those LSPs that pass through a common downstream node. All LSPs that pass through the PLR and through this common node which do not also use the facilities involved in the bypass tunnel are candidates for this set of LSPs.
The no form of the fast-reroute command removes the protection LSP from each node on the primary path. This command will also remove configuration information about the hop-limit and the bandwidth for the detour routes.
no fast-reroute
For fast reroute, this command defines how many more routers a protection tunnel is allowed to traverse compared with the LSP itself. For example, if an LSP traverses four routers, any protection tunnel for the LSP can be no more than 10 router hops, including the ingress and egress routers.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
This command enables or disables node and link protection on the specified LSP. Node protection ensures that traffic from an LSP traversing a neighboring router will reach its destination even if the neighboring router fails.
When node-protect is enabled, the 7705 SAR provides node protection on the specified LSP. If node protection cannot be provided, link protection is attempted. If link protection cannot be provided, there will be no protection.
The no form of this command provides link protection. If link protection cannot be provided, there will be no protection.
The command enables the signaling of the primary LSP path admin-group constraints in the FAST_REROUTE object at the ingress LER.
When this command is executed, the admin-group constraints configured in the context of the point-to-point LSP primary path, or the constraints configured in the context of the LSP and inherited by the primary path, are copied into the FAST_REROUTE object. The admin-group constraints are copied into the “include-any” or “exclude-any” fields.
The ingress LER propagates these constraints to the downstream nodes during the signaling of the LSP so that the downstream nodes can include the constraints in the selection of the FRR backup LSP for the LSP primary path.
The ingress LER inserts the FAST_REROUTE object by default in a primary LSP path message.
The same admin-group constraints can be copied into the SESSION_ATTRIBUTE object using the propagate-admin-group command at the config>router>mpls>lsp level. They are intended for the use of an LSR, typically an ABR, to expand the ERO of an inter-area LSP path. They are also used by any LSR node in the path of a CSPF or non-CSPF LSP to check the admin-group constraints against the ERO whether the hop is strict or loose.
The primary path admin-group constraints can be copied into the FAST_REROUTE object only, the SESSION_ATTRIBUTE object only, or both. The PLR rules for processing the admin-group constraints can make use of either of the two objects.
If the FAST_REROUTE object is disabled (no frr-object), the admin-group constraints will not be propagated.
no propagate-admin-group
This command specifies the IP address of the ingress router for the LSP. When this command is not specified, the system IP address is used. IP addresses that are not defined in the system are allowed.
If an invalid IP address is entered, LSP bring-up fails and an error is logged. This command is only allowed for an LSP template of type mesh-p2p.
If an interface IP address is specified as the from address, and the egress interface of the next-hop IP address is a different interface, the LSP is not signaled. As the egress interface changes due to changes in the routing topology, an LSP recovers if the from IP address is the system IP address and not a specific interface IP address.
Only one from address can be configured.
system IP address
This command specifies the maximum number of hops that an LSP can traverse, including the ingress and egress routers. An LSP is not set up if the hop limit is exceeded. This value can be changed dynamically for an LSP that is already set up, with the following implications:
The no form of this command returns the parameter to the default value.
255 (LSP and LSP mesh template)
2 (one-hop template)
This command enables the use of an RSVP-TE LSP by OSPF or IS-IS routing protocols as a shortcut or as a forwarding adjacency for resolving IGP routes.
When the rsvp-shortcut or the advertise-tunnel-link command is enabled at the OSPF or IS-IS instance level, all RSVP-TE LSPs originating on this node are eligible by default as long as the destination address of the LSP, as configured with the config>router>mpls>lsp>to command, corresponds to a router ID of a remote node.
If the command is used with no options, and the rsvp-shortcut command is enabled, the LSP is included in the main SPF but not in the LFA SPF algorithm. If the advertise-tunnel-link command is enabled, the tunnel is advertised as a point-to-point link if it has the best LSP metric, is included in the main SPF if advertised, but is not included in the LFA SPF algorithm.
If the command is used with the lfa-protect option, and the rsvp-shortcut command is enabled, an LSP can be included in both the main SPF and the LFA SPF algorithm. If the advertise-tunnel-link command is enabled, the tunnel is advertised as a point-to-point link if it has the best LSP metric, is included in the main SPF if advertised, and is included in the LFA SPF algorithm whether it is advertised or not.
For a given prefix, the LSP can be used either as a primary next hop or as an LFA next hop, but not both. If the main SPF calculation selects a tunneled primary next hop for a prefix, the LFA SPF calculation will not select an LFA next hop for this prefix and the protection of this prefix will rely on the RSVP-TE LSP FRR protection. If the main SPF calculation selects a direct primary next hop, the LFA SPF calculation will select an LFA next hop for this prefix but will prefer a direct LFA next hop over a tunneled LFA next hop.
If the command is used with the lfa-only option, and the rsvp-shortcut command is enabled, an LSP can be included in the LFA SPF algorithm only. If the advertise-tunnel-link command is enabled, the tunnel is not advertised as a point-to-point link, is not included in the main SPF, and is only included in the LFA SPF algorithm.
When the lfa-only option is enabled, the introduction of IGP shortcuts does not affect the main SPF decision. For a given prefix, the main SPF calculation always selects a direct primary next hop. The LFA SPF calculation will select an LFA next hop for this prefix but will prefer a direct LFA next hop over a tunneled LFA next hop.
When the relative-metric option is enabled, IGP will apply the shortest IGP cost between the endpoints of the LSP plus the value of the offset (instead of the LSP operational metric) when calculating the cost of a prefix that is resolved to the LSP. The offset value is optional and defaults to zero. The minimum net cost for a prefix is one (1) after applying the offset. The Tunnel Table Manager (TTM) continues to show the LSP operational metric as provided by MPLS; therefore, applications such as BGP and static route shortcuts will continue to use the LSP operational metric.
The relative-metric option and the lfa-protect or the lfa-only options are mutually exclusive. An LSP with the relative-metric option enabled cannot be included in the LFA SPF calculation and the relative-metric option cannot be enabled if the LSP is included in the LFA SPF calculation when the rsvp-shortcut option is enabled in the IGP.
The relative-metric option is ignored when forwarding adjacency is enabled in OSPF or IS-IS. In this case, IGP advertises the LSP as a point-to-point unnumbered link along with the LSP operational metric as returned by MPLS and capped to the maximum link metric allowed in that IGP.
Both the main SPF and the LFA SPF algorithms use the local IGP database to resolve the routes.
The no form of this command disables the use of an RSVP-TE LSP by OSPF or IS-IS as a shortcut or a forwarding adjacency for resolving IGP routes.
For more information on IGP shortcuts and LFA, refer to the 7705 SAR Routing Protocols Guide, “LDP and IP Fast Reroute (FRR) for OSPF Prefixes” and “LDP and IP Fast Reroute (FRR) for IS-IS Prefixes”.
igp-shortcut — all RSVP-TE LSPs originating on this node are eligible by default as long as the destination address of the LSP corresponds to a router ID of a remote node
This command specifies the admin groups to be included when an LSP is set up. Up to 5 groups per operation can be specified, and up to 32 maximum.
The no form of the command deletes the specified groups in the specified context.
no include
This command enables the use of the least-fill path selection method for the computation of the path of this LSP.
When MPLS requests the computation of a path for this LSP, CSPF finds all equal-cost shortest paths that satisfy the constraints of this path. Then, CSPF identifies the single link in each of these paths that has the least available bandwidth as a percentage of its maximum reservable bandwidth. It then selects the path that has the highest percentage available bandwidth. CSPF identifies the least-available bandwidth link in each equal-cost path after it has accounted for the bandwidth of the new requested path of this LSP.
CSPF applies the least-fill path selection method to all requests for a path, primary and secondary, of an LSP for which this option is enabled. The bandwidth of the path can be any value, including zero.
MPLS resignals and move the LSP to the new path in the following cases:
During a manual resignaling of an LSP path, MPLS always resignals the path even if the new path is the same as the current path and even if the metric of the new path is the same as the metric of the current path.
During a timer-based resignaling of an LSP path that has the least-fill option enabled, MPLS only resignals the path if the metric of the new path is different from the metric of the current path.
no least-fill - the path of an LSP is randomly chosen among a set of equal-cost paths
This command specifies the metric for this LSP, which is used to select an LSP from among a set of LSPs that are destined for the same egress router. The LSP with the lowest metric will be selected.
The operational metric for an LSP that uses the TE metric in CSPF path calculations can be overridden by the configured administrative LSP metric parameter.
This command configures the PCE path profile and path group ID.
The PCE supports the computation of disjoint paths for two different LSPs originating or terminating on the same or different PE routers. In order to indicate this constraint to the PCE, the user must configure the PCE path profile ID and path group ID that the PCE-computed or PCE-controlled LSP belongs to. These parameters are passed transparently by the PCC to the PCE and are thus opaque data to the router.
The association of the optional path group ID is to allow the PCE to determine which profile ID this path group ID must be used with. One path group ID is allowed per profile ID. The user can, however, enter the same path group ID with multiple profile IDs by executing this command multiple times. A maximum of five entries of path-profile [path-group] can be associated with the same LSP.
This command enables a PCE-computed LSP mode of operation for an RSVP-TE LSP.
The user can grant only path computation requests (PCE-computed) or both path computation requests and path update (PCE-controlled) to a PCE for a specific LSP.
The pce-computation option allows the path computation request to be sent to the PCE instead of the local CSPF. Enabling this option allows the PCE to perform path computations for the LSP at the request of the PCC router only. This is used in cases where the operator wants to make use of the PCE-specific path computation algorithm instead of the local router CSPF algorithm.
The default configuration is no pce-computation. The enabling of the pce-computation option or pce-control option requires that the cspf option first be enabled; otherwise, this configuration will be rejected. Conversely, an attempt to disable the cspf option on an RSVP-TE LSP that has the pce-computation option or pce-control option enabled will be rejected.
no pce-computation
This command enables a PCE-controlled LSP mode of operation for an RSVP-TE LSP.
The pce-control option means that the PCC router delegates full control of the LSP to the PCE (PCE-controlled). Enabling PCE control means that the PCE is acting in active stateful mode for this LSP; the PCE will be able to reroute the path following a failure or reoptimize the path and update the router without the PCC router requesting the update.
The user can delegate CSPF and non-CSPF LSPs, or LSPs that have the pce-computation option enabled or disabled. The LSP maintains its latest active path computed by the PCE or the PCC router at the time it is delegated. The PCE will only make an update to the path at the next network event or reoptimization.
The default configuration is no pce-control. The enabling of the pce-control option or pce-computation option requires that the cspf option first be enabled; otherwise, this configuration will be rejected. Conversely, an attempt to disable the cspf option on an RSVP-TE LSP that has the pce-control option or pce-computation option enabled will be rejected.
If PCE reporting is disabled for the LSP, either due to inheritance from the MPLS-level configuration or due to LSP-level configuration, enabling the pce-control option for the LSP has no effect.
no pce-control
This command configures the reporting mode to a PCE for an RSVP-TE LSP.
The PCC LSP database is synchronized with the PCE LSP database using the PCEP PCRpt (PCE Report) message for PCC-controlled, PCE-computed, and PCE-controlled LSPs.
The global MPLS-level pce-report command can be used to enable or disable PCE reporting for all RSVP-TE LSPs during PCE LSP database synchronization (see config>router>mpls>pce-report).
The LSP-level pce-report command overrides the global configuration for the reporting of an LSP to the PCE. The default configuration is to inherit the global MPLS-level configuration. The inherit option reconfigures the LSP to inherit the global configuration.
pce-report inherit
This command enables propagation of the SESSION_ATTRIBUTE object with resource affinity (C-type 1) in the PATH message. If a SESSION_ATTRIBUTE object with resource affinity is received at an LSR, the LSR will check the compatibility of admin groups received in the PATH message against configured admin groups on the egress interface of the LSP.
To support admin groups for inter-area LSPs, the ingress node must configure the propagation of admin groups within the SESSION_ATTRIBUTE object. If a PATH message is received by an LSR node that has the cspf-on-loose-hop option enabled and the message includes admin groups, then the ERO expansion by CSPF to calculate the path to the next loose hop will include the admin-group constraints received from the ingress node.
If this command is disabled, the SESSION_ATTRIBUTE object without resource affinity (C-Type 7) is propagated in the PATH message and CSPF at the LSR node will not include admin-group constraints.
If the configuration of this command is changed (enabled or disabled), the LSP will perform a make-before-break (MBB).
no propagate-admin-group
This optional command specifies the number of attempts software should make to re-establish the LSP after it has failed. After each successful attempt, the counter is reset to zero.
When the specified number is reached, no more attempts are made and the LSP path is put into the shutdown state.
Use the config>router>mpls>lsp lsp-name>no shutdown command to bring up the path after the retry limit is exceeded.
The no form of this command resets the parameter to the default value.
This command configures the time, in seconds, between LSP re-establishment attempts after the LSP has failed.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
This command specifies the RSVP-TE reservation style, shared explicit (se) or fixed filter (ff). A reservation style is a set of control options that specify a number of supported parameters. The style information is part of the LSP configuration.
This lsp form of this command disables the existing LSP, including the primary and any standby secondary paths.
The primary and secondary forms of this command administratively disable an LSP path and disable an existing LSP. Shutting down an LSP path does not change other configuration parameters for the LSP path.
To shut down only the primary path, enter the config>router>mpls>lsp lsp-name> primary path-name> shutdown command.
To shut down a specific standby secondary path, enter the config>router>mpls>lsp lsp-name> secondary path-name>shutdown command. The existing configuration of the LSP is preserved.
The lsp-template form of this command disables the existing LSP template.
Use the no form of this command to restart the LSP or LSP template. LSPs and LSP templates are created in a shutdown state. Use this command to administratively bring up the LSP or LSP template.
lsp — shutdown
primary — no shutdown
secondary — no shutdown
lsp-template — shutdown
This command specifies the IP address of the egress router for the LSP. This command is mandatory to create an LSP.
An IP address for which a route does not exist is allowed in the configuration. If the LSP signaling fails because the destination is not reachable, an error is logged and the LSP operational status is set to down.
If the to address does not match the SDP address, the LSP is not included in the SDP definition.
This command determines whether the associated LSP can be used as part of the auto-bind feature for VPRN services. By default, an LSP is allowed to be used by the auto-bind feature.
When VPRN auto-bind is set to exclude, the associated LSP is not used by the auto-bind feature for VPRN services.
This command specifies a preferred path for the LSP. This command is optional only if the secondary path-name is included in the LSP definition. Only one primary path can be defined for an LSP.
Some of the attributes of the LSP, such as the bandwidth and hop limit, can be optionally specified as the attributes of the primary path. The attributes specified in the primary path-name command override the comparable LSP attributes that are defined in the config>router>mpls>lsp context.
The no form of this command deletes the association of this path-name from the lsp lsp-name. All configurations specific to this primary path, such as record, bandwidth, and hop limit, are deleted. The primary path must be shut down first in order to delete it. The no primary command will not result in any action except a warning message on the console indicating that the primary path is administratively up.
This command specifies an alternative path that the LSP uses if the primary path is not available. This command is optional and is not required if the config>router>mpls>lsp lsp-name> primary path-name command is specified. After the switchover from the primary path to the secondary path, the 7705 SAR software continuously tries to revert to the primary path. The switch back to the primary path is based on the retry-timer interval.
Up to two secondary paths can be specified. Both secondary paths are considered equal, and the first available path is used. The 7705 SAR software will not switch back between secondary paths.
The 7705 SAR software starts signaling all non-standby secondary paths at the same time. Retry counters are maintained for each unsuccessful attempt. Once the retry limit is reached on a path, software will not attempt to signal the path and administratively shuts down the path. The first successfully established path is made the active path for the LSP.
The no form of this command removes the association between this path-name and lsp-name. All specific configurations for this association are deleted. The secondary path must be shut down first in order to delete it. The no secondary path-name command will not result in any action except a warning message on the console indicating that the secondary path is administratively up.
This command enables the make-before-break (MBB) functionality for an LSP or a primary or secondary LSP path. When enabled for the LSP, a make-before-break operation will be performed for the primary path and all the secondary paths of the LSP.
This command specifies the amount of bandwidth to be reserved for the LSP path.
The no form of this command resets bandwidth parameters (no bandwidth is reserved).
no bandwidth — bandwidth setting in the global LSP configuration
This command specifies the admin groups to be excluded when an LSP is set up. Up to 5 groups per operation can be specified, up to 32 maximum. The admin groups are defined in the config>router>mpls>admin-group context.
Use the no form of the command to remove the exclude command.
no exclude
This optional command overrides the config>router>mpls>lsp lsp-name>hop-limit command. This command specifies the total number of hops that an LSP traverses, including the ingress and egress routers.
This value can be changed dynamically for an LSP that is already set up with the following implications:
The no form of this command resets the hop limit to the value defined under the LSP definition using the config>router>mpls>lsp lsp-name>hop-limit command.
no hop-limit
This command enables recording of all the hops that an LSP path traverses. Enabling record increases the size of the PATH and RESV refresh messages for the LSP, since this information is carried end-to-end along the path of the LSP. The increase in control traffic per LSP may impact scalability.
The no form of this command disables the recording of all the hops for the given LSP. There are no restrictions as to when the no command can be used. The no form of this command also disables the record-label command.
This command enables recording of all the labels at each node that an LSP path traverses. Enabling the record-label command will also enable the record command, if it is not already enabled.
The no form of this command disables the recording of the hops that an LSP path traverses.
This command enables the use of the SRLG constraint in the CSPF computation of a secondary path for an LSP at the head-end LER. When this feature is enabled, CSPF includes the SRLG constraint in the computation of the secondary LSP path.
CSPF and SRLGs for Secondary Paths
CSPF requires that the primary LSP be established already and in the up state, since the head-end LER needs the most current ERO computed by CSPF for the primary path and CSPF includes the list of SRLGs in the ERO during the CSPF computation of the primary path. At a subsequent establishment of a secondary path with the SRLG constraint, the MPLS/RSVP-TE task queries CSPF again, which provides the list of SRLG numbers to be avoided. CSPF prunes all links with interfaces that belong to the same SRLGs as the interfaces included in the ERO of the primary path. If CSPF finds a path, the secondary path is set up. If CSPF does not find a path, MPLS/RSVP-TE keeps retrying the requests to CSPF.
If CSPF is not enabled on the LSP (using the lsp lsp-name>cspf command), then a secondary path of that LSP that includes the SRLG constraint is shut down and a specific failure code indicates the exact reason for the failure in the show>router>mpls>lsp>path>detail output.
Primary Path and Secondary Path Behavior
At initial primary LSP path establishment, if the primary path does not come up or is not configured, the SRLG secondary path is not signaled and is put in the down state. A specific failure code indicates the exact reason for the failure in the show>router>mpls>lsp>path>detail output. However, if a non-SRLG secondary path was configured, such as a secondary path with the SRLG option disabled, MPLS/RSVP-TE task signals it and the LSP uses it.
As soon as the primary path is configured and successfully established, MPLS/RSVP-TE moves the LSP to the primary path and signals all SRLG secondary paths.
Any time the primary path is reoptimized, has undergone a make-before-break (MBB) operation, or has come back up after being down, the MPLS/RSVP-TE task checks with CSPF to determine if the SRLG secondary path should be resignaled. If the MPLS/RSVP-TE task finds that the current secondary path is no longer SRLG disjoint — for example, the path became ineligible — it puts the path on a delayed make-before-break immediately after the expiry of the retry timer. If MBB fails on the first try, the secondary path is torn down and the path is put on retry.
At the next opportunity (that is, when the primary path goes down), the LSP uses of an eligible SRLG secondary path if the secondary path is in the up state. If all secondary eligible SRLG paths are in the down state, MPLS/RSVP-TE uses a non-SRLG secondary path if the path is configured and in the up state. If, while the LSP is using a non-SRLG secondary path, an eligible SRLG secondary path comes back up, MPLS/RSVP-TE will not switch the path of the LSP to it. As soon as the primary path is resignaled and comes up with a new SRLG list, MPLS/RSVP-TE resignals the secondary path using the new SRLG list.
A secondary path that becomes ineligible as a result of an update to the SRLG membership list of the primary path will have its ineligibility status removed when any of the following events occurs:
Changes to SRLG Membership List
Once the primary path of the LSP is set up and is operationally up, any subsequent changes to the SRLG membership of an interface that the primary path is using is not considered until the next opportunity that the primary path is resignaled. The primary path may be resignaled due to a failure or to a make-before-break operation. A make-before-break operation occurs as a result of a global revertive operation, a timer-based or manual reoptimization of the LSP path, or a change by the user to any of the path constraints.
Once an SRLG secondary path is set up and is operationally up, any subsequent changes to the SRLG membership of an interface that the secondary path is using is not considered until the next opportunity that the secondary path is resignaled. The secondary path is resignaled due to a failure, to a resignaling of the primary path, or to a make-before-break operation. A make-before-break operation occurs as a result of a timer-based or manual reoptimization of the secondary path, or a change by the user to any of the path constraints of the secondary path, including enabling or disabling the SRLG constraint itself.
In addition, any user-configured include or exclude admin group statements for this secondary path are checked along with the SRLG constraints by CSPF.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
no srlg
The secondary path LSP is normally signaled if the primary path LSP fails. The standby keyword ensures that the secondary path LSP is signaled and maintained indefinitely in a hot-standby state. When the primary path is re-established, the traffic is switched back to the primary path LSP.
The no form of this command specifies that the secondary LSP is signaled when the primary path LSP fails.
This command creates the path to be used for an LSP. A path can be used by multiple LSPs. A path can specify some or all hops from ingress to egress and they can be either strict or loose. A path can also be empty (no path-name specified), in which case the LSP is set up based on the IGP (best effort) calculated shortest path to the egress router. Paths are created in a shutdown state. A path must be shut down before making any changes (adding or deleting hops) to the path. When a path is shut down, any LSP using the path becomes operationally down.
To create a strict path from the ingress to the egress router, the ingress and the egress routers must be included in the path statement.
The no form of this command deletes the path and all its associated configuration information. All the LSPs that are currently using this path will be affected. Additionally, all the services that are actively using these LSPs will be affected. A path must be shut down and unbound from all LSPs using the path before it can be deleted. The no path path-name command will not result in any action except a warning message on the console indicating that the path may be in use.
This command specifies the IP address of the hops that the LSP should traverse on its way to the egress router. The IP address can be the interface IP address, a loopback IP address, or the system IP address. If the system IP address is specified, the LSP can choose the best available interface.
Optionally, the LSP ingress and egress IP address can be included as the first and the last hop. A hop list can include the ingress interface IP address, the system IP address, and the egress IP address of any of the hops being specified.
The no form of this command deletes hop list entries for the path. All the LSPs currently using this path are affected. Additionally, all services actively using these LSPs are affected. The path must be shut down first in order to delete the hop from the hop list. The no hop hop-index command will not result in any action except a warning message on the console indicating that the path is administratively up.
This command configures static LSPs on the ingress router. The static LSP is a manually configured LSP where the next-hop IP address and the outgoing label (push) must be specified.
The no form of this command deletes this static LSP and associated information.
The LSP must be shut down before it can be deleted. If the LSP is not shut down, the no static-lsp lsp-name command generates a warning message on the console indicating that the LSP is administratively up.
This command specifies the label to be pushed onto the label stack and the next-hop IP address for the static LSP.
The no form of this command removes the association of the label to push for the static LSP.
Label values 16 through 31 are 7705 SAR reserved
Label values 32 through 1023 are available for static assignment
Label values 1024 through 2047 are reserved for future use
Label values 2048 through 18431 are statically assigned for services
Label values 28672 through 131071 are dynamically assigned for both MPLS and services
Label values 131072 through 1048575 are reserved for future use.
This command specifies the system IP address of the egress router for the static LSP. For LSPs that are used as transport tunnels for services, the to ip-address must be the system IP address. If the to ip-address does not match the SDP address, the LSP is not included in the SDP definition.
This command is required when creating an LSP.
This command specifies the fast-retry timer that can be configured for static LSPs. When a static LSP is trying to come up, MPLS tries to resolve the ARP entry for the next hop of the LSP. If the next hop is still down or unavailable, the request may fail. In that case, MPLS starts a non-configurable timer of 30 seconds before making the next request. The fast-retry timer allows the user to configure a shorter retry timer so that the LSP comes up shortly after the next hop is available.
This command disables the RSVP-TE protocol instance or the RSVP-related functions for the interface. The RSVP-TE configuration information associated with this interface is retained. When RSVP-TE is administratively disabled, all the RSVP-TE sessions are torn down.
The no form of this command administratively enables RSVP-TE on the interface.
This command creates the RSVP-TE protocol instance and enables RSVP-TE configuration.
RSVP-TE is enabled by default.
RSVP-TE is used to set up LSPs. RSVP-TE should be enabled on all router interfaces that participate in signaled LSPs.
The no form of this command deletes this RSVP-TE protocol instance and removes all configuration parameters for this RSVP-TE instance. To suspend the execution and maintain the existing configuration, use the shutdown command. RSVP-TE must be shut down before the RSVP-TE instance can be deleted. If RSVP-TE is not shut down, the no rsvp command does nothing except issue a warning message on the console indicating that RSVP-TE is still administratively enabled.
no shutdown
This command enables or disables the entropy label capability for an RSVP-TE LSP. When enabled, the egress LER (eLER) signals to the ingress LER (iLER) that the LSP is capable of using entropy labels.
The no form of the command disables entropy label capability.
no entropy-label-capability
This command initiates a graceful shutdown of the specified RSVP interface (referred to as a maintenance interface) or all RSVP interfaces on the node (referred to as a maintenance node). When this command is executed, the node performs the following operations in no specific order.
A PathErr message with an error sub-code of “Local Maintenance on TE Link required” is generated for each LSP that is in transit at this node and is using a maintenance interface as its outgoing interface. A PathErr message with the error code “Local node maintenance required” is generated if all interfaces are affected.
A single make-before-break attempt is performed for all adaptive CSPF LSPs that originate on the node and whose paths make use of the maintenance interfaces listed in the PathErr message. If an alternative path for an affected LSP is not found, the LSP is maintained on its current path. The maintenance node also tears down and resignals any bypass or detour LSP that uses the maintenance interfaces as soon as they are not active. The maintenance node floods an IGP TE LSA/LSP containing a Link TLV for the links under graceful shutdown with the Traffic Engineering metric set to 0xffffffff and the Unreserved Bandwidth parameter set to zero (0).
Upon receipt of the PathErr message, an intermediate LSR tears down and resignals any bypass LSP whose path makes use of the listed maintenance interfaces as soon as no associations with a protected LSP are active. The node does not take any action on a detour LSP whose path makes use of the listed maintenance interfaces.
Upon receipt of the PathErr message, a head-end LER performs a single make-before-break attempt on the affected adaptive CSPF LSP. If an alternative path is not found, the LSP is maintained on its current path.
A node does not take any action on the paths of the following originating LSPs after receiving the PathErr message:
Upon receipt of the updated IPG TE LSA/LSP for the maintenance interfaces, the head-end LER updates the TE database. This information will be used at the next scheduled CSPF computation for any LSP whose path might traverse any of the maintenance interfaces.
The no form of the command disables the graceful shutdown operation at the RSVP interface level or at the RSVP level. The configured TE parameters of the maintenance links are restored and the maintenance node floods the links.
This command is used by RSVP-TE to declare that a reservation is down or the neighbor is down.The keep-multiplier number is used with the refresh-time command to determine when RSVP-TE will declare the session down.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
This command enables the option to include the node-id sub-object in the RRO. Propagation of the node-id sub-object is required to provide fast reroute protection for an LSP that spans multiple area domains.
This command is used to define the value of the rapid retransmission interval. This is used in the retransmission mechanism based on an exponential backoff timer in order to handle unacknowledged message-_id objects. The RSVP-TE message with the same message-id is retransmitted every 2 × rapid-retransmit-time interval. The node will stop retransmission of unacknowledged RSVP-TE messages whenever the updated backoff interval exceeds the value of the regular refresh interval or the number of retransmissions reaches the value of the rapid-retry-limit parameter, whichever comes first.
The rapid retransmission interval must be smaller than the regular refresh interval configured in config>router>rsvp>refresh-time.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
5 (which represents 500 msec)
This command is used to define the value of the rapid retry limit. This is used in the retransmission mechanism based on an exponential backoff timer in order to handle unacknowledged message_id objects. The RSVP-TE message with the same message_id is retransmitted every 2 × rapid-retransmit-time interval. The node will stop retransmission of unacknowledged RSVP-TE messages whenever the updated backoff interval exceeds the value of the regular refresh interval or the number of retransmissions reaches the value of the rapid-retry-limit parameter, whichever comes first.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
This command enables the refresh reduction capabilities over all bypass tunnels originating on this 7705 SAR PLR node or terminating on this 7705 SAR Merge Point (MP) node.
By default, this is disabled. Since a bypass tunnel may merge with the primary LSP path in a node downstream of the next hop, there is no direct interface between the PLR and the MP node and it is possible that the latter will not accept summary refresh messages received over the bypass.
When disabled, the node as a PLR or MP will not set the “Refresh-Reduction-Capable” bit on RSVP-TE messages pertaining to LSP paths tunneled over the bypass. It will also not send message-id in RSVP-TE messages. This effectively disables summary refresh.
This command controls the interval, in seconds, between the successive PATH and RESV refresh messages. RSVP-TE declares the session down after it misses keep-multiplier number consecutive refresh messages.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
This command enables RSVP-TE protocol support on an IP interface. No RSVP-TE commands are executed on an IP interface where RSVP-TE is not enabled.
The no form of this command deletes all RSVP-TE commands such as hello-interval and subscription, which are defined for the interface. The RSVP-TE interface must be shut down before it can be deleted. If the interface is not shut down, the no interface ip-int-name command does nothing except issue a warning message on the console indicating that the interface is administratively up.
This command associates an authentication keychain with the RSVP-TE interface. The keychain is a collection of keys used to authenticate RSVP-TE messages from remote peers. The keychain allows the rollover of authentication keys during the lifetime of a session and also supports stronger authentication algorithms than clear text and MD5.
The keychain must already be defined in the config>system>security>keychain context.
Either the authentication-key command or the auth-keychain command can be used by RSVP-TE, but both cannot be supported at the same time. If both commands are configured, the auth-keychain configuration will be applied and the authentication-key command will be ignored.
By default, authentication is not enabled.
no auth-keychain
This command specifies the authentication key to be used between RSVP-TE neighbors to authenticate RSVP-TE messages. Authentication uses the MD5 message-based digest.
When enabled on an RSVP-TE interface, authentication of RSVP-TE messages operates in both directions of the interface.
A 7705 SAR node maintains a security association using one authentication key for each interface to a neighbor. The following items are stored in the context of this security association:
A 7705 SAR RSVP-TE sender transmits an authenticating digest of the RSVP-TE message, computed using the shared authentication key and a keyed hash algorithm. The message digest is included in an integrity object that also contains a flags field, a key identifier field, and a sequence number field. The 7705 SAR RSVP-TE sender complies with the procedures for RSVP-TE message generation in RFC 2747, RSVP Cryptographic Authentication.
A 7705 SAR RSVP-TE receiver uses the key together with the authentication algorithm to process received RSVP-TE messages.
When a PLR node switches the path of the LSP to a bypass LSP, it does not send the integrity object in the RSVP-TE messages sent over the bypass tunnel. If the PLR receives an RSVP-TE message with an integrity object, it will perform the digest verification for the key of the interface over which the packet was received. If this fails, the packet is dropped. If the received RSVP-TE message is an RESV message and does not have an integrity object, then the PLR node will accept it only if it originated from the MP node.
A 7705 SAR MP node will accept RSVP-TE messages received over the bypass tunnel with and without the integrity object. If an integrity object is present, the proper digest verification for the key of the interface over which the packet was received is performed. If this fails, the packet is dropped.
The 7705 SAR MD5 implementation does not support the authentication challenge procedures in RFC 2747.
Either the authentication-key command or the auth-keychain command can be used by RSVP-TE, but both cannot be supported at the same time. If both commands are configured, the auth-keychain configuration will be applied and the authentication-key command will be ignored.
The no form of this command disables authentication.
no authentication-key — the authentication key value is the null string
This is useful when a user must configure the parameter, but for security purposes, the actual unencrypted key value is not provided.
This command enables the use of bidirectional forwarding (BFD) to control the state of the associated RSVP-TE interface. This causes RSVP-TE to register the interface with the BFD session on that interface.
The user configures the BFD session parameters, such as transmit-interval, receive-interval, and multiplier, under the IP interface in the config>router>if>bfd context.
The BFD session on the interface might already have been started because of a prior registration with another protocol; for example, OSPF or IS-IS.
The registration of an RSVP-TE interface with BFD is performed when a neighbor gets its first session, which means registration occurs when this node sends or receives a new PATH message over the interface. However, if the session did not come up due to not receiving an RESV for a new PATH message sent after the maximum number of retries, the LSP is shut down and the node deregisters with BFD. In general, the registration of RSVP-TE with BFD is removed as soon as the last RSVP-TE session is cleared.
The registration of an RSVP-TE interface with BFD is performed independently of whether RSVP-TE hello is enabled on the interface or not. However, hello timeout clears all sessions toward the neighbor and RSVP-TE deregisters with BFD at the clearing of the last session.
An RSVP-TE session is associated with a neighbor based on the interface address that the PATH message is sent to. If multiple interfaces exist to the same node, each interface is treated as a separate RSVP-TE neighbor. The user must enable BFD on each interface, and RSVP-TE will register with the BFD session running with each of those neighbors independently.
Similarly, disabling BFD on the interface results in removing registration of the interface with BFD.
When a BFD session transitions to the down state, the following actions are triggered. For RSVP-TE signaled LSPs, this triggers activation of FRR bypass or detour backup LSPs (PLR role), global revertive (head-end role), and switchover to secondary (if any) (head-end role) for affected LSPs with FRR enabled. It triggers a switchover to secondary (if any) and scheduling of retries for signaling the primary path of the non-FRR-affected LSPs (head-end role).
The no form of this command removes BFD from the associated RSVP-TE protocol adjacency.
no bfd-enable
This command configures the time interval between RSVP-TE hello messages.
RSVP-TE hello packets are used to detect loss of RSVP-TE connectivity with the neighboring node. Hello packets detect the loss of a neighbor more quickly than it would take for the RSVP-TE session to time out based on the refresh interval. After the loss of the of keep-multiplier number consecutive hello packets, the neighbor is declared to be in a down state.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value of the hello-interval. To disable sending hello messages, set the value to zero.
This command enables the use of the RSVP-TE overhead refresh reduction capabilities on this RSVP-TE interface.
When this option is enabled, a 7705 SAR node will enable support for three capabilities:
The reliable message delivery must be explicitly enabled by the user after refresh reduction is enabled. The other two capabilities are enabled immediately.
A bundle RSVP-TE message is intended to reduce the overall message handling load. A bundle message consists of a bundle header followed by one or more bundle sub-messages. A sub-message can be any regular RSVP-TE message except another bundle message. A 7705 SAR node will only process received bundle RSVP-TE messages but will not generate them.
When reliable RSVP-TE message delivery is supported by both the node and its peer over the RSVP-TE interface, an RSVP-TE message is sent with a message_id object. A message_id object can be added to any RSVP-TE message when sent individually or as a sub-message of a bundle message.
If the sender sets the ack_desired flag in the message_id object, the receiver acknowledges the receipt of the RSVP-TE message by piggy-backing a message_ack object to the next RSVP-TE message it sends to its peer. Alternatively, an ACK message can also be used to send the message_ack object. In both cases, one or many message_ack objects could be included in the same message.
The 7705 SAR supports the sending of separate ACK messages only, but is capable of processing received message_ack objects piggy-backed to hop-by-hop RSVP-TE messages, such as PATH and RESV.
The 7705 SAR sets the ack_desired flag only in non-refresh RSVP-TE messages and in refresh messages that contain new state information.
A retransmission mechanism based on an exponential backoff timer is supported in order to handle unacknowledged message_id objects. The RSVP-TE message with the same message_id is retransmitted every 2 × rapid-retransmit-time interval. The rapid-retransmit-time is referred to as the rapid retransmission interval because it must be smaller than the regular refresh interval configured in the config>router>rsvp>refresh-time context. There is also a maximum number of retransmissions of an unacknowledged RSVP-TE message rapid-retry-limit. The node will stop retransmission of unacknowledged RSVP-TE messages whenever the updated backoff interval exceeds the value of the regular refresh-time interval or the number of retransmissions reaches the value of the rapid-retry-limit parameter, whichever comes first. These two parameters are configurable globally on a system in the config>router>rsvp context.
Summary refresh consists of sending a summary refresh message containing a message_id list object. The fields of this object are populated each with the value of the message_identifier field in the message_id object of a previously sent individual PATH or RESV message. The summary refresh message is sent every refresh regular interval as configured by the user using the refresh-time command in the config>router>rsvp context. The receiver checks each message_id object against the saved PATH and RESV states. If a match is found, the state is updated as if a regular PATH or RESV refresh message was received from the peer. If a specific message_identifier field does not match, then the node sends a message_id_nack object to the originator of the message.
The above capabilities are referred to collectively as “refresh overhead reduction extensions”. When the refresh-reduction is enabled on a 7705 SAR RSVP-TE interface, the node indicates this to its peer by setting a “refresh-reduction-capable” bit in the flags field of the common RSVP-TE header. If both peers of an RSVP-TE interface set this bit, all the above three capabilities can be used. Furthermore, the node monitors the settings of this bit in received RSVP-TE messages from the peer on the interface. As soon as this bit is cleared, the 7705 SAR stops sending summary refresh messages. If a peer did not set the “refresh-reduction-capable” bit, a node does not attempt to send summary refresh messages.
However, if the peer did not set the “refresh-reduction-capable” bit, then a node with refresh reduction enabled and reliable message delivery enabled will still attempt to perform reliable message delivery with this peer. If the peer does not support the message_id object, it returns the error message “unknown object class”. In this case, the 7705 SAR node retransmits the RSVP-TE message without the message_id object and reverts to using this method for future messages destined for this peer.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
no refresh-reduction
This command enables reliable delivery of RSVP-TE messages over the RSVP-TE interface. When refresh-reduction is enabled on an interface and reliable-delivery is disabled, then the 7705 SAR will send a message_id and not set ACK desired in the RSVP-TE messages over the interface. Thus, the 7705 SAR does not expect an ACK but will accept it if received. The node will also accept message ID and reply with an ACK when requested. In this case, if the neighbor set the “refresh-reduction-capable” bit in the flags field of the common RSVP-TE header, the node will enter summary refresh for a specific message_id it sent regardless of whether it received an ACK or not to this message from the neighbor.
Finally, when the reliable-delivery option is enabled on any interface, RSVP-TE message pacing is disabled on all RSVP-TE interfaces of the system; for example, the user cannot enable the msg-pacing option in the config>router>rsvp context, and an error message is returned in CLI. When the msg-pacing option is enabled, the user cannot enable the reliable-delivery option on any interface on this system. An error message will also be generated in CLI after such an attempt.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
no reliable-delivery
This command configures the percentage of the link bandwidth that RSVP-TE can use for reservation and sets a limit for the amount of over-subscription or under-subscription allowed on the interface.
When the subscription is set to zero, no new sessions are permitted on this interface. If the percentage is exceeded, the reservation is rejected and a log message is generated.
The no form of this command resets the percentage to the default value.
This command enables RSVP-TE message pacing, which is defined by the max-burst and period commands. A count is kept of the messages that were dropped because the output queue for the interface used for message pacing was full.
no msg-pacing
This command specifies the maximum number of RSVP-TE messages that can be sent under normal operating conditions, as specified by the period command. The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
This command specifies the time interval, in milliseconds, during which the router can send RSVP-TE messages, as specified by the max-burst command. The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
![]() | Note: The following command outputs are examples only; actual displays may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration. |
This command displays MPLS administrative group information.
The following output is an example of MPLS administrative group information, and Table 7 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Group Name | The name of the administrative group. The name identifies the administrative group within a router instance. |
Group Value | The unique group value associated with the administrative group. If the value displays “-1”, then the group value for this entry has not been set. |
No. of Groups | The total number of configured administrative groups within the router instance |
If fast reroute is enabled on an LSP and the facility method is selected, instead of creating a separate LSP for every LSP that is to be backed up, a single LSP is created that serves as a backup for a set of LSPs. This type of LSP tunnel is called a bypass tunnel.
The following output is an example of MPLS bypass tunnel information, and Table 8 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
To | The system IP address of the egress router |
State | The administrative state of the LSP |
Out I/F | The name of the network IP interface |
Out Label | The incoming MPLS label on which to match |
Reserved BW (Kbps) | The amount of bandwidth in kilobytes per second (Kbps) reserved for the LSP |
Protected LSP Count | The number of times this LSP has used a protected LSP |
Type | The type of protected LSP |
This command displays MPLS interface information.
The following output is an example of MPLS interface information, and Table 9 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Interface | The interface name |
Port-id | The port ID in the slot/mda/port format |
Adm | The administrative state of the interface |
Opr | The operational state of the interface |
Te-metric | The traffic engineering metric used on the interface |
Srlg Groups | The shared risk link group (SRLG) |
Interfaces | The total number of interfaces |
Transmitted | The number of packets and octets transmitted from the interface |
Received | The number of packets and octets received |
In Label | The ingress label |
In I/F | The ingress interface |
Out Label | The egress label |
Out I/F | The egress interface |
Next Hop | The next-hop IP address for the static LSP |
Type | Indicates whether the label value is statically or dynamically assigned |
Invalid | Labels — the number of incoming packets discarded due to invalid labels |
IPoMPLS Pkts — the number of incoming labeled packets discarded due to invalid IP packet headers in the packet | |
Stack Too Big Pkts — the number of incoming packets discarded due to having greater than the maximum number of labels in the label stack (that is, greater than five) | |
TTL Expired Pkts — the number of incoming packets discarded due to exceeding the maximum Time-To-Live (TTL) value | |
Other Discard Pkts — the number of incoming packets discarded due to internal errors (for example, memory corruption or invalid label table programming) | |
Last Invalid | Label Value — the value of the last invalid label received |
Label Position — the position in the label stack of the last invalid label received |
This command displays MPLS labels exchanged.
The following output is an example of MPLS label information, and Table 10 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Label | The value of the label |
Label Type | Specifies whether the label value is statically or dynamically assigned |
Label Owner | The label owner |
In-use labels in entire range | The total number of labels being used |
This command displays the MPLS label range.
The following output is an example of MPLS label range information, and Table 11 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Label Type | Displays information about static-lsp, static-svc, and dynamic label types |
Start Label | The label value assigned at the ingress router |
End Label | The label value assigned for the egress router |
Aging | The number of labels released from a service that are transitioning back to the label pool. Labels are aged 15 seconds. |
Total Available | The number of label values available |
This command displays LSP details.
The following outputs are examples of MPLS LSP information:
Label | Description |
LSP Name | The name of the LSP used in the path |
To | The system IP address of the egress router for the LSP |
FastFail Config | enabled — fast reroute is enabled. In the event of a failure, traffic is immediately rerouted on the precomputed protection LSP, thus minimizing packet loss |
disabled — there is no protection LSP from each node on the primary path | |
Adm State | Down — the path is administratively disabled |
Up — the path is administratively enabled | |
Oper State | Down — the path is operationally down |
Up — the path is operationally up | |
LSPs | The total number of LSPs configured |
Label | Description |
LSP Name | The name of the LSP used in the path |
From | The IP address of the ingress router for the LSP |
To | The system IP address of the egress router for the LSP |
Adm State | Down — the path is administratively disabled |
Up — the path is administratively enabled | |
Oper State | Down — the path is operationally down |
Up — the path is operationally up | |
LSP Up Time | The length of time the LSP has been operational |
LSP Down Time | The total time in increments that the LSP path has not been operational |
Transitions | The number of transitions that have occurred for the LSP |
Path Changes | The number of path changes this LSP has had. For every path change (path down, path up, path change), a corresponding syslog/trap (if enabled) is generated. |
Retry Limit | The number of attempts that the software should make to re-establish the LSP after it has failed |
Retry Timer | The time, in seconds, for LSP re-establishment attempts after an LSP failure |
Signaling | Specifies the signaling style |
Resv Style | se — specifies a shared reservation environment with a limited reservation scope. This reservation style creates a single reservation over a link that is shared by an explicit list of senders. |
ff — specifies a shared reservation environment with an explicit reservation scope. Specifies an explicit list of senders and a distinct reservation for each of them. | |
Hop Limit | The maximum number of hops that an LSP can traverse, including the ingress and egress routers |
Negotiated MTU | The size of the maximum transmission unit (MTU) that is negotiated during establishment of the LSP |
Adaptive | Indicates whether make-before-break is enabled or disabled for resignaled paths |
Fast Reroute | Enabled — fast reroute is enabled. In the event of a failure, traffic is immediately rerouted on the pre-computed protection LSP, thus minimizing packet loss. |
Disabled — there is no protection LSP from each node on the primary path | |
Oper FR | Indicates whether FRR has been enabled or disabled |
FR Method | The type of Fast Reroute (FRR) that is used by the path |
FR Hop Limit | The total number of hops a protection LSP can take before merging back onto the main LSP path |
FR Bandwidth | The amount of bandwidth reserved for fast reroute |
FR Node Protect | Indicates whether FRR has node protection enabled or disabled |
FR Object | Indicates whether signaling the frr-object is on or off |
CSPF | Indicates whether CSPF has been enabled or disabled |
ADSPEC | enabled — the LSP will include advertising data (ADSPEC) objects in RSVP-TE messages |
disabled — the LSP will not include advertising data (ADSPEC) objects in RSVP-TE messages | |
Metric | The TE metric value |
Use TE metric | Indicates whether the use of the TE metric is enabled or disabled |
Include Grps | The admin groups that are to be included by an LSP when signaling a path |
Exclude Grps | The admin groups that are to be avoided by an LSP when signaling a path |
Type | The type of LSP |
IGP Shortcut | Indicates whether this LSP can be used as a shortcut by OSPF or IS-IS |
IGP LFA | Indicates whether the LSP is included in the LFA SPF calculation |
IGP Rel Metric | The relative metric of the LSP |
Secondary | The alternate path that the LSP will use if the primary path is not available |
Down Time | The length of time that the path has been down |
Bandwidth | The amount of bandwidth in megabits per second (Mbps) reserved for the LSP path |
Primary | The preferred path for the LSP |
Label | Description |
LSP Name | The name of the LSP used in the path |
Path LSP ID | The LSP ID for the path |
From | The IP address of the ingress router for the LSP |
To | The system IP address of the egress router for the LSP |
Adm State | Down — the path is administratively disabled |
Up — the path is administratively enabled | |
Oper State | Down — the path is operationally down |
Up — the path is operationally up | |
Path Name | The alphanumeric name of the path |
Path Type | The type of path: primary or secondary |
Path Admin | The administrative status of the path |
Path Oper | The operational status of the path |
OutInterface | The output interface of the LSP |
Out Label | The output label of the LSP |
Path Up Time | The length of time that the path has been operationally up |
Path Down Time | The length of time that the path has been operationally down |
Retry Limit | The number of times an LSP will retry before giving up |
Retry Timer | The length of time between LSP signaling attempts |
Retry Attempt | The number of attempts that have been made to re-establish the LSP |
Next Retry | The time when the next attempt to re-establish the LSP will occur |
Bandwidth | The amount of bandwidth in megabits per second (Mbps) reserved for the LSP |
Oper Bandwidth | The bandwidth reserved by the LSP |
Hop Limit | The limit on the number of hops taken by the LSP |
Record Route | Indicates whether a list of routers for the LSP has been recorded |
Record Label | Indicates whether a list of router labels has been recorded |
Oper MTU | The operational MTU of the connection to the next hop |
Neg MTU | The MTU negotiated between the router and its next hop |
Adaptive | Indicates whether make-before-break is enabled or disabled for resignaled paths |
Include Grps | The admin groups that are to be included by an LSP when signaling a path |
Exclude Grps | The admin groups that are to be avoided by an LSP when signaling a path |
Path Trans | The number of times a path has made a transition between up and down states |
CSPF Queries | The number of requests made by the LSP to the TE database |
Failure Code | The reason code for in-progress MBB failure. A value of none indicates that no failure has occurred. |
Failure Node | The IP address of the node in the LSP at which the in-progress MBB failed. If no failure has occurred, this value is none. |
Explicit Hops | The hops that have been specified by the user |
Actual Hops | The hops that the route has taken, either numbered or unnumbered |
Record Label | The label recorded at the specified hop |
Computed Hops | The hops computed and returned from the routing database, either numbered or unnumbered |
LastResignalAttempt | The system up time when the last attempt to resignal this LSP was made |
Last Resignal | The last time the route was resignaled |
Metric | The value of the metric |
Last MBB | The header for the last make-before-break (MBB) information |
MBB Type | An enumerated integer that specifies the type of make-before-break (MBB) operation. If none displays, then there is no MBB in progress or no last MBB. |
MBB State | The state of the most recent invocation of the make-before-break functionality |
Ended at | The system up time when the last MBB ended |
Old Metric | The cost of the traffic engineered path for the LSP prior to MBB |
In Progress MBB | Header for the currently in-progress MBB information |
MBB Type | An enumerated integer that specifies the type of make-before-break (MBB) operation. If none displays, then there is no MBB in progress or no last MBB. |
NextRetryIn | The amount of time remaining, in seconds, before the next attempt is made to retry the in-progress MBB |
Started At | The time the current MBB began |
RetryAttempt | The number of attempts for the MBB in progress |
Failure Code | The reason code for in-progress MBB failure. A value of none indicates that no failure has occurred. |
Failure Node | The IP address of the node in the LSP at which the in-progress MBB failed. If no failure has occurred, this value is none. |
Label | Description |
LastResignalAttempt | The system up time when the last attempt to resignal this LSP was made |
CSPF Metric | The value of the CSPF metric |
Last MBB | Header for the last make-before-break (MBB) information |
MBB Type | An enumerated integer that specifies the type of make-before-break (MBB) operation. If none displays, then there is no MBB in progress or no last MBB. |
MBB State | The state of the most recent invocation of the make-before-break functionality |
Ended at | The system up time when the last MBB ended |
Old Metric | The cost of the traffic-engineered path for the LSP path prior to MBB |
In Progress MBB | The header for the currently in-progress MBB information |
MBB Type | An enumerated integer that specifies the type of make-before-break (MBB) operation. If none displays, then there is no MBB in progress or no last MBB. |
NextRetryIn | The amount of time remaining, in seconds, before the next attempt is made to retry the in-progress MBB |
Started At | The time that the current MBB began |
RetryAttempt | The number of attempts for the MBB in progress |
Failure Code | The reason code for in-progress MBB failure. A value of none indicates that no failure has occurred. |
Failure Node | The IP address of the node in the LSP path at which the in-progress MBB failed. When no failure has occurred, this value is none. |
Label | Description |
LSP Name | The name of the LSP used in the path |
Type | The type of auto LSP |
FastFail Config | enabled — fast reroute is enabled. In the event of a failure, traffic is immediately rerouted on the precomputed protection LSP, thus minimizing packet loss |
disabled — there is no protection LSP from each node on the primary path | |
Admin State | Down — the path is administratively disabled |
Up — the path is administratively enabled | |
Oper State | Down — the path is operationally down |
Up — the path is operationally up | |
LSPs | The total number of LSPs configured |
This command displays MPLS LSP template information.
The following output is an example of MPLS LSP template information, and Table 17 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Type | The type of LSP |
Admin State | Down — the path is administratively disabled |
Up — the path is administratively enabled | |
From | The IP address of the ingress router for the LSP |
Default Path | The value used to order the hops in a path |
Adaptive | Indicates whether the adaptive option is enabled or disabled |
Bandwidth | n/a |
Hop Limit | The maximum number of hops that an LSP can traverse, including the ingress and egress routers |
CSPF | Indicates whether the CSPF option is enabled or disabled (always enabled for LSP templates) |
Use TE metric | Indicates whether the TE metric option is enabled or disabled |
Propagate Admin Grp | Indicates whether the propagate admin group option is enabled or disabled |
Include Groups | The admin groups that are to be included by an LSP when signaling a path |
Exclude Groups | The admin groups that are to be excluded by an LSP when signaling a path |
FastReroute | Indicates whether the Fast Reroute option is enabled or disabled |
FR Method | The type of Fast Reroute (FRR) that is used by the path (always Facility for LSP templates) |
FR Hop Limit | The total number of hops a protection LSP can take before merging back onto the main LSP path |
FR Prop Admin Group | Indicates whether the FRR propagate admin group option is enabled or disabled |
FR Node Protect | Indicates whether FRR has node protection enabled or disabled |
Record Route | Indicates whether the route is being recorded |
Record Label | Indicates whether the label is being recorded |
Retry Limit | The maximum number of retries allowed |
Retry Timer | The time between retry attempts |
LSP Count | The number of LSPs belonging to the LSP template |
Ref Count | n/a |
LdpOverRsvp | n/a |
VprnAutoBind | Indicates whether the VPRN auto-bind option is enabled or disabled |
IGP Shortcut | Indicates whether the IGP shortcut option is enabled or disabled |
BGP Shortcut | n/a |
IGP LFA | Indicates whether the IGP LFA option is enabled or disabled |
IGP Rel Metric | Indicates whether the IGP relative metric option is enabled or disabled |
Least Fill | Indicates whether the least fill option is enabled or disabled |
Metric | The TE metric value |
SetupPriority | n/a |
Hold Priority | n/a |
Egress Stats | n/a |
Collect Stats | n/a |
Accounting Policy | n/a |
Class Type | n/a |
Backup Class Type | n/a |
Main CT Retry Limit | n/a |
BGP Transport Tunn | Indicates whether the BGP transport tunnel option is enabled or disabled |
ADSPEC | enabled — the LSP will include advertising data (ADSPEC) objects in RSVP-TE messages |
disabled — the LSP will not include advertising data (ADSPEC) objects in RSVP-TE messages |
This command displays MPLS paths.
The following output is an example of MPLS path information, and Table 18 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Path Name | The unique name label for the LSP path |
Adm | Down — the path is administratively disabled |
Up — the path is administratively enabled | |
Hop Index | The value used to order the hops in a path |
IP Address | The IP address of the hop that the LSP should traverse on the way to the egress router |
Strict/Loose | Strict — the LSP must take a direct path from the previous hop router to the next router |
Loose — the route taken by the LSP from the previous hop to the next hop can traverse other routers | |
Opr | The operational status of the path (up or down) |
LSP Name | The name of the LSP used in the path |
Binding | Primary — the preferred path for the LSP |
Secondary — the standby path for the LSP | |
Paths | Total number of paths configured |
This command displays MPLS shared risk link groups (SRLGs)
The following output is an example of MPLS SRLG group information, and Table 19 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Group Name | The name of the SRLG group within a router instance |
Group Value | The group value associated with this SRLG group |
Interfaces | The interface where the SRLG group is associated |
No. of Groups | The total number of SRLG groups associated with the output |
This command displays MPLS static LSP information.
The following output is an example of MPLS static LSP information, and Table 20 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Lsp Name | The name of the LSP used in the path |
To | The system IP address of the egress router for the LSP |
Next Hop | The system IP address of the next hop in the LSP path |
Out Label | The egress label |
Adm | Down — indicates that the path is administratively disabled |
Up — indicates that the path is administratively enabled | |
Opr | Down — indicates that the path is operationally down |
Up — indicates that the path is operationally up | |
LSPs | The total number of static LSPs |
In Label | The ingress label |
In Port | The ingress port |
Out Port | The egress port |
Up/Down Time | The duration that the LSP is either operationally up or down |
Static-LSP Count | The number of originating, transit, and terminating static LSPs |
This command displays MPLS operation information.
The following output is an example of MPLS status information, and Table 21 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Admin Status | Down — indicates that MPLS is administratively disabled |
Up — indicates that MPLS is administratively enabled | |
Oper Status | Down — indicates that MPLS is operationally down |
Up — indicates that MPLS is operationally up | |
LSP Counts | Static LSPs — displays the count of static LSPs that originate, transit, and terminate on or through the router |
Dynamic LSPs — displays the count of dynamic LSPs that originate, transit, and terminate on or through the router | |
Detour LSPs — displays the count of detour LSPs that originate, transit, and terminate on or through the router | |
FR Object | Enabled — specifies that fast reroute object is signaled for the LSP |
Disabled — specifies that fast reroute object is not signaled for the LSP | |
Resignal Timer | Enabled — specifies that the resignal timer is enabled for the LSP |
Disabled — specifies that the resignal timer is disabled for the LSP | |
Hold Timer | The amount of time that the ingress node holds before programming its data plane and declaring the LSP up to the service module |
Oper Down Reason | The reason that MPLS is operationally down |
Next Resignal | The amount of time until the next resignal for the LSP |
Dynamic Bypass | Indicates whether dynamic bypass is enabled or disabled |
LSP Counts | The number of originate, transit, and terminate LSPs that are static, dynamic, or detour |
![]() | Note: The following command outputs are examples only; actual displays may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration. |
This command shows RSVP-TE interface information.
The following outputs are examples of RSVP-TE interface information:
Label | Description |
Interface | The name of the IP interface |
Total Sessions | The total number of RSVP-TE sessions on this interface. This count includes sessions that are active as well as sessions that have been signaled but a response has not yet been received. |
Active Sessions | The total number of active RSVP-TE sessions on this interface |
Total BW (Mbps) | The amount of bandwidth in megabits per second (Mbps) available to be reserved for the RSVP-TE protocol on the interface |
Resv BW (Mbps) | The amount of bandwidth in megabits per second (Mbps) reserved on this interface. A value of zero (0) indicates that no bandwidth is reserved. |
Adm | Down — the RSVP-TE interface is administratively disabled |
Up — the RSVP-TE interface is administratively enabled | |
Opr | Down — the RSVP-TE interface is operationally down |
Up — the RSVP-TE interface is operationally up | |
Interfaces | The number of interfaces listed in the display |
Label | Description |
Interface | The name of the IP interface |
Port ID | The physical port bound to the interface |
Admin State | Down — the RSVP-TE interface is administratively disabled |
Up — the RSVP-TE interface is administratively enabled | |
Oper State | Down — the RSVP-TE interface is operationally down |
Up — the RSVP-TE interface is operationally up | |
Active Sessions | The total number of active RSVP-TE sessions on this interface |
Active Resvs | The total number of active RSVP-TE sessions that have reserved bandwidth |
Total Sessions | The total number of RSVP-TE sessions on this interface. This count includes sessions that are active as well as sessions that have been signaled but a response has not yet been received. |
Subscription | The percentage of the link bandwidth that RSVP-TE can use for reservation. When the value is zero (0), no new sessions are permitted on this interface. |
Port Speed | The speed on the interface |
Total BW | The amount of bandwidth in megabits per second (Mbps) available to be reserved for the RSVP-TE protocol on this interface |
Aggregate | Indicates whether aggregate messages are sent. Aggregate messages are used to pack multiple RSVP messages into a single packet to reduce the network overhead. When the value is true, RSVP negotiates with each neighbor and gets consensus before sending aggregate messages. |
Hello Interval | The length of time, in seconds, between the Hello packets that the router sends on the interface. This value must be the same for all routers attached to a common network. A value of zero (0) indicates that the sending of hello messages is disabled. A value of n/a indicates that the interface is an unnumbered interface. |
Hello Timeouts | The total number of Hello messages that timed out on this RSVP-TE interface. A value of n/a indicates that the interface is an unnumbered interface. |
Auth Rx Seq Num | The received MD5 sequence number |
Auth Key Id | The MD5 key identifier |
Auth Tx Seq Num | The transmitted MD5 sequence number |
Auth Win Size | The MD5 window size |
Refresh Reduc. | Indicates whether refresh reduction capabilities are enabled or disabled |
Reliable Deli. | Indicates whether reliable delivery is enabled or disabled |
Bfd Enabled | Indicates whether BFD is enabled or disabled on the RSVP-TE interface. A value of n/a indicates that BFD is not applicable because the interface is an unnumbered interface. |
Graceful Shut. | Indicates whether graceful shutdown is enabled or disabled |
ImplicitNullLabel | Indicates whether the implicit null label is enabled or disabled |
GR helper | Indicates whether Graceful-Restart Helper is enabled or disabled |
IGP Update | |
Up Thresholds (%) | Indicates up threshold levels for the interface |
Down Thresholds (%) | Indicates down threshold levels for the interface |
IGP Update Pending | Indicates whether an IGP update will occur |
Next Update | Indicates when the next IGP update will be, if there is one pending |
Label | Description |
Interface | The name of the IP interface displayed in the header |
Interface (status) | The status of the interface (up or down) |
Sent | The total number of error-free RSVP-TE packets that have been transmitted on the RSVP-TE interface |
Recd | The total number of error-free RSVP-TE packets received on the RSVP-TE interface |
Total Packets | The total number of RSVP-TE packets, including errors, received on the RSVP-TE interface |
Bad Packets | The total number of RSVP-TE packets with errors transmitted on the RSVP-TE interface |
Paths | The total number of RSVP-TE PATH messages received on the RSVP-TE interface |
Path Errors | The total number of RSVP-TE PATH ERROR messages transmitted on the RSVP-TE interface |
Path Tears | The total number of RSVP-TE PATH TEAR messages received on the RSVP-TE interface |
Resvs | The total number of RSVP-TE RESV messages received on the RSVP-TE interface |
Resv Confirms | The total number of RSVP-TE RESV CONFIRM messages received on the RSVP-TE interface |
Resv Errors | The total number of RSVP-TE RESV ERROR messages received on the RSVP-TE interface |
Resv Tears | The total number of RSVP-TE RESV TEAR messages received on the RSVP-TE interface |
Refresh Summaries | The total number of RSVP-TE RESV summary refresh messages received on the RSVP-TE interface |
Refresh Acks | The total number of RSVP-TE RESV acknowledgment messages received when refresh reduction is enabled on the RSVP-TE interface |
Bundle Packets | The total number of RSVP-TE RESV bundle packets received on the RSVP-TE interface |
Hellos | The total number of RSVP-TE RESV HELLO REQ messages received on the RSVP-TE interface |
Auth Errors | The number of authentication errors |
This command displays RSVP-TE neighbors.
The following output is an example of RSVP-TE neighbor information, and Table 25 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Neighbor | The IP address of the RSVP-TE neighbor |
Interface | The interface ID of the RSVP-TE neighbor |
Hello | The status of the Hello message |
Last Oper Change | The time of the last operational change to the connection |
Flags | Any flags associated with the connection to the neighbor |
This command shows RSVP-TE session information.
The following output is an example of RSVP-TE session information, and Table 26 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
From | The IP address of the originating router |
To | The IP address of the egress router |
Tunnel ID | The ID of the ingress node of the tunnel supporting this RSVP-TE session |
LSP ID | The ID assigned by the agent to this RSVP-TE session |
Name | The administrative name assigned to the RSVP-TE session by the agent |
State | Down — the operational state of this RSVP-TE session is down |
Up — the operational state of this RSVP-TE session is up |
This command displays global statistics in the RSVP-TE instance.
The following output is an example of RSVP-TE statistics information, and Table 27 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
PATH Timeouts | The total number of PATH timeouts |
RESV Timeouts | The total number of RESV timeouts |
GR Helper PATH Timeouts | The total number of graceful restart helper PATH timeouts |
GR Helper RESV Timeouts | The total number of graceful restart helper RESV timeouts |
This command displays RSVP-TE operational status.
The following output is an example of RSVP-TE status information, and Table 28 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Admin Status | Down — RSVP-TE is administratively disabled |
Up — RSVP-TE is administratively enabled | |
Oper Status | Down — RSVP-TE is operationally down |
Up — RSVP-TE is operationally up | |
Keep Multiplier | The keep-multiplier number used by RSVP-TE to declare that a reservation is down or the neighbor is down |
Refresh Time | The refresh-time interval, in seconds, between the successive PATH and RESV refresh messages |
Message Pacing | Enabled — RSVP-TE messages, specified in the max-burst command, are sent in a configured interval, specified in the period command |
Disabled — message pacing is disabled. RSVP-TE message transmission is not regulated. | |
Pacing Period | The time interval, in milliseconds, during which the router can send the number of RSVP-TE messages specified in the max-burst command |
Max Packet Burst | The maximum number of RSVP-TE messages that are sent under normal operating conditions in the period specified |
Refresh Bypass | Enabled — the refresh-reduction-over-bypass command is enabled |
Disabled — the refresh-reduction-over-bypass command is disabled | |
Rapid Retransmit | The time interval for the rapid retransmission time, which is used in the retransmission mechanism that handles unacknowledged message_id objects (the units “hmsec” represent hundreds of msec; for example, 5 hmsec represents 500 msec) |
Rapid Retry Limit | The value of the rapid retry limit, which is used in the retransmission mechanism that handles unacknowledged message_id objects |
Graceful Shutdown | Specifies whether graceful shutdown of the RSVP node is enabled |
This command resets or clears statistics for MPLS interfaces.
This command resets and restarts an LSP.
This command resets or clears statistics for an RSVP-TE interface.
This command clears global statistics for the RSVP-TE instance; for example, clears path and resv timeout counters.
This command enables and configures debugging for MPLS.
This command enables debugging for specific events.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs all events.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs fast reroute events.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs MPLS IOM events.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs LSP setup events.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs the state of the most recent invocation of the make-before-break (MBB) functionality.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs miscellaneous events.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs cross-connect events.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command enables and configures debugging for RSVP.
This command debugs authentication events.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs neighbor events.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs path-related events.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs RSVP-TE reservation events.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs refresh reduction events.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command enters the context to debug packets.
This command debugs ack packets.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs all packets.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs bundle packets.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs hello packets.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command enables debugging for RSVP-TE path packets.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs path error packets.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs path tear packets.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command enables debugging for RSVP-TE RESV packets.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs ResvErr packets.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs ResvTear packets.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
This command debugs srefresh packets.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.