Configuring a VPLS Service with CLI

This section provides information to configure VPLS services using the command line interface.

Topics in this section include:

Basic Configuration

The following fields require specific input (there are no defaults) to configure a basic VPLS service:

  1. Customer ID (refer to the Services Overview Guide for more information)
  2. For a local service, configure two SAPs, specifying local access ports and encapsulation values.
  3. For a distributed service, configure a SAP and an SDP for each far-end node.

The following example shows a sample configuration of a local VPLS service on ALA-1.

*A:ALA-1>config>service>vpls# info
        vpls 9001 customer 6 create
            description "Local VPLS"
            sap 1/2/2:0 create
                description "SAP for local service"
            sap 1/1/5:0 create
                description "SAP for local service"
            no shutdown

The following example shows a sample configuration of a distributed VPLS service between ALA-1, ALA-2, and ALA-3.

*A:ALA-1>config>service# info
        vpls 9000 customer 6 create
            description "This is a distributed VPLS."
            def-mesh-vc-id 750
            sap 1/1/5:16 create
                description "VPLS SAP"
            spoke-sdp 2:22 create
            mesh-sdp 7:750 create
*A:ALA-2>config>service# info
        vpls 9000 customer 6 create
            description "This is a distributed VPLS."
            def-mesh-vc-id 750
            sap 1/1/5:16 create
                description "VPLS SAP"
            spoke-sdp 2:22 create
            mesh-sdp 8:750 create
            no shutdown
*A:ALA-3>config>service# info
        vpls 9000 customer 6 create
            description "This is a distributed VPLS."
def-mesh-vc-id 750
            sap 1/1/3:33 create
                description "VPLS SAP"
            spoke-sdp 2:22 create
            mesh-sdp 8:750 create
            no shutdown

Common Configuration Tasks

This section provides a brief overview of the tasks that must be performed to configure both local and distributed VPLS services and provides the CLI commands.

For egress multicast groups (optional):

  1. Define egress multicast group name(s)
  2. Specify the destinations per pass
  3. Define SAP common requirements

For VPLS services:

  1. Associate VPLS service with a customer ID
  2. Define SAPs:
    1. Select node(s) and port(s)
    2. Optional — Select QoS policies other than the default (configured in config>qos context)
    3. Optional — Select filter policies (configured in config>filter context)
    4. Optional — Select accounting policy (configured in config>log context)
    5. — Optional — Specify SAP egress multicast-group name
  3. Associate SDPs for (distributed services)
  4. Modify STP default parameters (optional) (see VPLS and Spanning Tree Protocol)
  5. Enable service

Configuring VPLS Components

Use the CLI syntax displayed below to configure the following entities:

Configuring Egress Multicast Groups

Use the following CLI syntax to configure egress multicast groups:

CLI Syntax:
config>service# egress-multicast-group group-name
description description-string
dest-chain-limit [destinations per pass]
dot1q-etype 0x0600..0xffff
egress-filter [ip ip-filter-id]
egress-filter [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
egress-filter [mac mac-filter-id]
qinq-etype [0x0600..0xffff]
qinq-fixed-tag-value tag-value

The following example shows an egress multicast group configuration:

A:ALA-48>config>service>egress-multicast-group# info
               dest-chain-limit 10
                   dot1q-etype 0x060e
                   egress-filter ip 10

Creating a VPLS Service

Use the following CLI syntax to create a VPLS service:

CLI Syntax:
config>service# vpls service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [m-vpls] [b-vpls | i-vpls] [create]
description description-string
no shutdown

The following example shows a VPLS configuration:

*A:ALA-1>config>service>vpls# info
        vpls 9000 customer 6 create
            description "This is a distributed VPLS."
            def-mesh-vc-id 750

Enabling Multiple MAC Registration Protocol (MMRP)

Once MMRP is enabled in the B-VPLS, it advertises the presence of the I-VPLS instances associated with this B-VPLS.

The following example shows a configuration with MMRP enabled.

*A:PE-B>config>service# info
        vpls 11 customer 1 vpn 11 i-vpls create
            backbone-vpls 100:11
            sap 1/5/1:11 create
            sap 1/5/1:12 create
            no shutdown
        vpls 100 customer 1 vpn 100 b-vpls create
            service-mtu 2000
                flood-time 10
                no shutdown
            sap 1/5/1:100 create
            spoke-sdp 3101:100 create
            spoke-sdp 3201:100 create
            no shutdown

Since I-VPLS 11 is associated with B-VPLS 100, MMRP advertises the group B-MAC 01:1e:83:00:00:0b) associated with I-VPLS 11 through a declaration on all the B-SAPs and B-SDPs. If the remote node also declares an I-VPLS 11 associated to its B-VPLS 10, then this results in a registration for the group B-MAC. This also creates the MMRP multicast tree (MFIB entries). In this case, sdp 3201:100 is connected to a remote node that declares the group B-MAC.

The following show commands display the current MMRP information for this scenario:

*A:PE-C# show service id 100 mrp
MRP Information
Admin State        : Up                 Failed Register Cnt: 0
Max Attributes     : 1023               Attribute Count    : 1
Attr High Watermark: 95%                Attr Low Watermark : 90%
Flood Time         : 10
*A:PE-C# show service id 100 mmrp mac
SAP/SDP                                 MAC Address       Registered  Declared
sap:1/5/1:100                           01:1e:83:00:00:0b No          Yes
sdp:3101:100                            01:1e:83:00:00:0b No          Yes
sdp:3201:100                            01:1e:83:00:00:0b Yes         Yes
*A:PE-C# show service id 100 sdp 3201:100 mrp
Sdp Id 3201:100 MRP Information
Join Time          : 0.2 secs                 Leave Time        : 3.0 secs
Leave All Time     : 10.0 secs                Periodic Time     : 1.0 secs
Periodic Enabled   : false
Rx Pdus            : 7                        Tx Pdus           : 23
Dropped Pdus       : 0
Rx New Event       : 0                        Rx Join-In Event  : 6
Rx In Event        : 0                        Rx Join Empty Evt : 1
Rx Empty Event     : 0                        Rx Leave Event    : 0
Tx New Event       : 0                        Tx Join-In Event  : 4
Tx In Event        : 0                        Tx Join Empty Evt : 19
Tx Empty Event     : 0                        Tx Leave Event    : 0
SDP MMRP Information
MAC Address       Registered        Declared
01:1e:83:00:00:0b Yes               Yes
Number of MACs=1 Registered=1 Declared=1
*A:PE-C#  show service id 100 mfib
Multicast FIB, Service 100
Source Address  Group Address         Sap/Sdp Id               Svc Id   Fwd/Blk
*               01:1E:83:00:00:0B     sdp:3201:100             Local    Fwd
Number of entries: 1

Enabling MAC Move

The mac-move feature is useful to protect against undetected loops in your VPLS topology as well as the presence of duplicate MACs in a VPLS service. For example, if two clients in the VPLS have the same MAC address, the VPLS will experience a high re-learn rate for the MAC and will shut down the SAP or spoke SDP when the threshold is exceeded.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure mac-move parameters.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# vpls service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [m-vpls]
move-frequency frequency
retry-timeout timeout
no shutdown

The following example shows a mac-move configuration:

*A:ALA-2009>config>service>vpls>mac-move# show service id 500 mac-move
Service Mac Move Information
Service Id        : 500                 Mac Move          : Enabled
Primary Factor    : 4                   Secondary Factor  : 2
Mac Move Rate     : 2                   Mac Move Timeout  : 10
Mac Move Retries  : 3
SAP Mac Move Information: 2/1/3:501
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Down
Flags              : RelearnLimitExceeded
Time to come up   : 1 seconds           Retries Left      : 1
Mac Move          : Blockable           Blockable Level   : Tertiary
SAP Mac Move Information: 2/1/3:502
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up
Flags              : None
Time to RetryReset: 267 seconds         Retries Left      : none
Mac Move          : Blockable           Blockable Level   : Tertiary
SDP Mac Move Information: 21:501
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up
Flags              : None
Time to RetryReset: never               Retries Left      : 3
Mac Move          : Blockable           Blockable Level   : Secondary
SDP Mac Move Information: 21:502
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Down
Flags              : RelearnLimitExceeded
Time to come up   : never               Retries Left      : none
Mac Move          : Blockable           Blockable Level   : Tertiary

Configuring STP Bridge Parameters in a VPLS

Modifying some of the Spanning Tree Protocol parameters allows the operator to balance STP between resiliency and speed of convergence extremes. Modifying particular parameters, mentioned below, must be done in the constraints of the following two formulae:

2 x (Bridge_Forward_Delay - 1.0 seconds) >= Bridge_Max_Age Bridge_Max_Age >= 2 x (Bridge_Hello0_Time + 1.0 seconds)

The following STP parameters can be modified at VPLS level:

STP always uses the locally configured values for the first three parameters (Admin State, Mode and Priority).

For the parameters Max Age, Forward Delay, Hello Time and Hold Count, the locally configured values are only used when this bridge has been elected root bridge in the STP domain, otherwise the values received from the root bridge are used. The exception to this rule is: when STP is running in RSTP mode, the Hello Time is always taken from the locally configured parameter. The other parameters are only used when running mode MSTP.

Bridge STP Admin State

The administrative state of STP at the VPLS level is controlled by the shutdown command.

When STP on the VPLS is administratively disabled, any BPDUs are forwarded transparently through the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, or 7950 XRS. When STP on the VPLS is administratively enabled, but the administrative state of a SAP or spoke SDP is down, BPDUs received on such a SAP or spoke SDP are discarded.

CLI Syntax:
config>service>vpls service-id# stp
no shutdown


To be compatible with the different iterations of the IEEE 802.1D standard, the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and 7950 XRS support several variants of the Spanning Tree protocol:

  1. rstp — Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) compliant with IEEE 802.1D-2004 - default mode.
  2. dot1w — Compliant with IEEE 802.1w.
  3. comp-dot1w — Operation as in RSTP but backwards compatible with IEEE 802.1w (this mode was introduced for interoperability with some MTU types).
  4. mstp — Compliant with the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol specified in IEEE 802.1Q REV/D5.0-09/2005. This mode of operation is only supported in an mVPLS.
  5. pmstp — Compliant with the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol specified in IEEE 802.1Q REV/D3.0-04/2005 but with some changes to make it backwards compatible to 802.1Q 2003 edition and IEEE 802.1w.

See section Spanning Tree Operating Modes for details on these modes.

CLI Syntax:
config>service>vpls service-id# stp
mode {rstp | comp-dot1w | dot1w | mstp}

Default: rstp

Bridge Priority

The bridge-priority command is used to populate the priority portion of the bridge ID field within outbound BPDUs (the most significant 4 bits of the bridge ID). It is also used as part of the decision process when determining the best BPDU between messages received and sent. When running MSTP, this is the bridge priority used for the CIST.

All values will be truncated to multiples of 4096, conforming with IEEE 802.1t and 802.1D-2004.

CLI Syntax:
config>service>vpls service-id# stp
priority bridge-priority

Range: 1 to 65535

Default: 32768

Restore Default: no priority

Max Age

The max-age command indicates how many hops a BPDU can traverse the network starting from the root bridge. The message age field in a BPDU transmitted by the root bridge is initialized to 0. Each other bridge will take the message_age value from BPDUs received on their root port and increment this value by 1. The message_age thus reflects the distance from the root bridge. BPDUs with a message age exceeding max-age are ignored.

STP uses the max-age value configured in the root bridge. This value is propagated to the other bridges by the BPDUs. The default value of max-age is 20. This parameter can be modified within a range of 6 to 40, limited by the standard STP parameter interaction formulae.

CLI Syntax:
config>service>vpls service-id# stp
max-age max-info-age

Range: 6 to 40 seconds

Default: 20 seconds

Restore Default: no max-age

Forward Delay

RSTP, as defined in the IEEE 802.1D-2004 standards, will normally transition to the forwarding state by a handshaking mechanism (rapid transition), without any waiting times. If handshaking fails (e.g. on shared links, see below), the system falls back to the timer-based mechanism defined in the original STP (802.1D-1998) standard.

A shared link is a link with more than two Ethernet bridges (for example, a shared 10/100BaseT segment). The port-type command is used to configure a link as point-to-point or shared (see section SAP Link Type on page 605).

For timer-based transitions, the 802.1D-2004 standard defines an internal variable forward-delay, which is used in calculating the default number of seconds that a SAP or spoke SDP spends in the discarding and learning states when transitioning to the forwarding state. The value of the forward-delay variable depends on the STP operating mode of the VPLS instance:

  1. in rstp mode, but only when the SAP or spoke SDP has not fallen back to legacy STP operation, the value configured by the hello-time command is used;
  2. in all other situations, the value configured by the forward-delay command is used.
CLI Syntax:
config>service>vpls service-id# stp
forward-delay seconds

Range: 4 to 30 seconds

Default: 15 seconds

Restore Default: no forward-delay

Hello Time

The hello-time command configures the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) hello time for the Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) STP instance.

The seconds parameter defines the default timer value that controls the sending interval between BPDU configuration messages by this bridge, on ports where this bridge assumes the designated role.

The active hello time for the spanning tree is determined by the root bridge (except when the STP is running in RSTP mode, then the hello time is always taken from the locally configured parameter).

The configured hello-time value can also be used to calculate the bridge forward delay, see Forward Delay on page 595.

CLI Syntax:
config>service>vpls service-id# stp
hello-time hello-time

Range: 1 to 10 seconds

Default: 2 seconds

Restore Default: no hello-time

Hold Count

The hold-count command configures the peak number of BPDUs that can be transmitted in a period of one second.

CLI Syntax:
config>service>vpls service-id# stp
hold-count count-value

Range: 1 to 10

Default: 6

Restore Default: no hold-count

MST Instances

You can create up to 15 MST-instances. They can range from 1 to 4094. By changing path-cost and priorities, you can make sure that each instance will form it's own tree within the region, thus making sure different VLANs follow different paths.

You can assign non overlapping VLAN ranges to each instance. VLANs that are not assigned to an instance are implicitly assumed to be in instance 0, which is also called the CIST. This CIST cannot be deleted or created.

The parameter that can be defined per instance are mst-priority and vlan-range.

  1. mst-priority — The bridge-priority for this specific mst-instance. It follows the same rules as bridge-priority. For the CIST, the bridge-priority is used.
  2. vlan-range — The VLANs are mapped to this specific mst-instance. If no VLAN-ranges are defined in any mst-instances, then all VLANs are mapped to the CIST.

MST Max Hops

The mst-max-hops command defines the maximum number of hops the BPDU can traverse inside the region. Outside the region max-age is used.

MST Name

The MST name defines the name that the operator gives to a region. Together with MST revision and the VLAN to MST-instance mapping, it forms the MST configuration identifier. Two bridges that have the same MST configuration identifier form a region if they exchange BPDUs.

MST Revision

The MST revision together with MST-name and VLAN to MST-instance mapping define the MST configuration identifier. Two bridges that have the same MST configuration identifier form a region if they exchange BPDUs.

Configuring GSMP Parameters

The following parameters must be configured in order for GSMP to function:

  1. One or more GSMP sessions
  2. One or more ANCP policies
  3. For basic subscriber management only, ANCP static maps
  4. For enhanced subscriber management only, associate subscriber profiles with ANCP policies.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure GSMP parameters.

CLI Syntax:
config>service>vpls# gsmp
group name [create]
description description-string
hold-multiplier multiplier
keepalive seconds
neighbor ip-address [create]
description v
local-address ip-address
priority-marking dscp dscp-name
priority-marking prec ip-prec-value
[no] shutdown
[no] shutdown
[no] shutdown

This example shows a GSMP group configuration.

A:ALA-48>config>service>vpls>gsmp# info
                group "group1" create
                    description "test group config"
                    neighbor create
                        description "neighbor1 config"
                        no shutdown
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown

Configuring a VPLS SAP

A default QoS policy is applied to each ingress and egress SAP. Additional QoS policies can be configured in the config>qos context. There are no default filter policies. Filter policies are configured in the config>filter context and must be explicitly applied to a SAP. Use the following CLI syntax to create:


To configure a local VPLS service, enter the sap sap-id command twice with different port IDs in the same service configuration.

The following example shows a local VPLS configuration:

*A:ALA-1>config>service# info
        vpls 90001 customer 6 create
            description "Local VPLS"
            sap 1/2/2:0 create
                description "SAP for local service"
            sap 1/1/5:0 create
                description "SAP for local service"
            no shutdown
*A:ALA-1>config>service# info
       vpls 1150 customer 1 create
            fdb-table-size 1000
            fdb-table-low-wmark 5
            fdb-table-high-wmark 80
            local-age 60
            sap 1/1/1:1155 create     
            sap 1/1/2:1150 create
            no shutdown

Distributed VPLS SAPs

To configure a distributed VPLS service, you must configure service entities on originating and far-end nodes. You must use the same service ID on all ends (for example, create a VPLS service ID 9000 on ALA-1, ALA-2, and ALA-3). A distributed VPLS consists of a SAP on each participating node and an SDP bound to each participating node.

For SDP configuration information, see the Services Overview Guide. For SDP binding information, see Configuring SDP Bindings on page 611.

The following example shows a configuration of VPLS SAPs configured for ALA-1, ALA-2, and ALA-3.

*A:ALA-1>config>service# info
        vpls 9000 customer 6 vpn 750 create
            description "Distributed VPLS services."
def-mesh-vc-id 750
            sap 1/2/5:0 create
                description "VPLS SAP"
                multi-service-site "West"
*A:ALA-2>config>service# info
        vpls 9000 customer 6 vpn 750 create
            description "Distributed VPLS services."
def-mesh-vc-id 750
            sap 1/1/2:22 create
                description "VPLS SAP"
                multi-service-site "West"
*A:ALA-3>config>service# info
        vpls 9000 customer 6 vpn 750 create
            description "Distributed VPLS services."
def-mesh-vc-id 750
            sap 1/1/3:33 create
                description "VPLS SAP"
                multi-service-site "West"

Configuring SAP-Specific STP Parameters

When a VPLS has STP enabled, each SAP within the VPLS has STP enabled by default. The operation of STP on each SAP is governed by:

SAP STP Administrative State

The administrative state of STP within a SAP controls how BPDUs are transmitted and handled when received. The allowable states are:

  1. SAP Admin Up
    The default administrative state is up for STP on a SAP. BPDUs are handled in the normal STP manner on a SAP that is administratively up.
  2. SAP Admin Down
    An administratively down state allows a service provider to prevent a SAP from becoming operationally blocked. BPDUs will not originate out the SAP towards the customer.
    If STP is enabled on VPLS level, but disabled on the SAP, received BPDUs are discarded. Discarding the incoming BPDUs allows STP to continue to operate normally within the VPLS service while ignoring the down SAP. The specified SAP will always be in an operationally forwarding state.

    The administratively down state allows a loop to form within the VPLS.

CLI Syntax:
[no] shutdown

Range: shutdown or no shutdown

Default: no shutdown (SAP admin up)

SAP Virtual Port Number

The virtual port number uniquely identifies a SAP within configuration BPDUs. The internal representation of a SAP is unique to a system and has a reference space much bigger than the 12 bits definable in a configuration BPDU. STP takes the internal representation value of a SAP and identifies it with it’s own virtual port number that is unique to every other SAP defined on the VPLS. The virtual port number is assigned at the time that the SAP is added to the VPLS.

Since the order in which SAPs are added to the VPLS is not preserved between reboots of the system, the virtual port number may change between restarts of the STP instance. To achieve consistency after a reboot, the virtual port number can be specified explicitly.

CLI Syntax:
config>service>vpls>sap# stp
port-num number

Range: 1 to 2047

Default: (automatically generated)

Restore Default: no port-num

SAP Priority

SAP priority allows a configurable “tie breaking” parameter to be associated with a SAP. When configuration BPDUs are being received, the configured SAP priority will be used in some circumstances to determine whether a SAP will be designated or blocked. These are the values used for CIST when running MSTP for the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR.

In traditional STP implementations (802.1D-1998), this field is called the port priority and has a value of 0 to 255. This field is coupled with the port number (0 to 255 also) to create a 16 bit value. In the latest STP standard (802.1D-2004) only the upper 4 bits of the port priority field are used to encode the SAP priority. The remaining 4 bits are used to extend the port ID field into a 12 bit virtual port number field. The virtual port number uniquely references a SAP within the STP instance. See SAP Virtual Port Number on page 602 for details on the virtual port number.

STP computes the actual SAP priority by taking the configured priority value and masking out the lower four bits. The result is the value that is stored in the SAP priority parameter. For example, if a value of 0 was entered, masking out the lower 4 bits would result in a parameter value of 0. If a value of 255 was entered, the result would be 240.

The default value for SAP priority is 128. This parameter can be modified within a range of 0 to 255, 0 being the highest priority. Masking causes the values actually stored and displayed to be 0 to 240, in increments of 16.

CLI Syntax:
priority stp-priority

Range: 0 to 255 (240 largest value, in increments of 16)

Default: 128

Restore Default: no priority

SAP Path Cost

The SAP path cost is used by STP to calculate the path cost to the root bridge. The path cost in BPDUs received on the root port is incremented with the configured path cost for that SAP. When BPDUs are sent out other egress SAPs, the newly calculated root path cost is used. These are the values used for CIST when running MSTP.

STP suggests that the path cost is defined as a function of the link bandwidth. Since SAPs are controlled by complex queuing dynamics, in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and 7950 XRS the STP path cost is a purely static configuration.

The default value for SAP path cost is 10. This parameter can be modified within a range of 1 to 65535, 1 being the lowest cost.

CLI Syntax:
path-cost sap-path-cost

Range: 1 to 200000000

Default: 10

Restore Default: no path-cost

SAP Edge Port

The SAP edge-port command is used to reduce the time it takes a SAP to reach the forwarding state when the SAP is on the edge of the network, and thus has no further STP bridge to handshake with.

The edge-port command is used to initialize the internal OPER_EDGE variable. At any time, when OPER_EDGE is false on a SAP, the normal mechanisms are used to transition to the forwarding state (see Forward Delay on page 595). When OPER_EDGE is true, STP assumes that the remote end agrees to transition to the forwarding state without actually receiving a BPDU with an agreement flag set.

The OPER_EDGE variable will dynamically be set to false if the SAP receives BPDUs (the configured edge-port value does not change). The OPER_EDGE variable will dynamically be set to true if auto-edge is enabled and STP concludes there is no bridge behind the SAP.

When STP on the SAP is administratively disabled and re-enabled, the OPER_EDGE is re-initialized to the value configured for edge-port.

Valid values for SAP edge-port are enabled and disabled with disabled being the default.

CLI Syntax:
[no] edge-port

Default: no edge-port

SAP Auto Edge

The SAP edge-port command is used to instruct STP to dynamically decide whether the SAP is connected to another bridge.

If auto-edge is enabled, and STP concludes there is no bridge behind the SAP, the OPER_EDGE variable will dynamically be set to true. If auto-edge is enabled, and a BPDU is received, the OPER_EDGE variable will dynamically be set to true (see SAP Edge Port on page 604).

Valid values for SAP auto-edge are enabled and disabled with enabled being the default.

CLI Syntax:
[no] auto-edge

Default: auto-edge

SAP Link Type

The SAP link-type parameter instructs STP on the maximum number of bridges behind this SAP. If there is only a single bridge, transitioning to forwarding state will be based on handshaking (fast transitions). If more than two bridges are connected by a shared media, their SAPs should all be configured as shared, and timer-based transitions are used.

Valid values for SAP link-type are shared and pt-pt with pt-pt being the default.

CLI Syntax:
link-type {pt-pt|shared}

Default: link-type pt-pt

Restore Default: no link-type

STP SAP Operational States

The operational state of STP within a SAP controls how BPDUs are transmitted and handled when received. Defined states are:

Operationally Disabled

Operationally disabled is the normal operational state for STP on a SAP in a VPLS that has any of the following conditions:

  1. VPLS state administratively down
  2. SAP state administratively down
  3. SAP state operationally down

If the SAP enters the operationally up state with the STP administratively up and the SAP STP state is up, the SAP will transition to the STP SAP discarding state.

When, during normal operation, the router detects a downstream loop behind a SAP or spoke SDP, BPDUs can be received at a very high rate. To recover from this situation, STP will transition the SAP to disabled state for the configured forward-delay duration.

Operationally Discarding

A SAP in the discarding state only receives and sends BPDUs, building the local proper STP state for each SAP while not forwarding actual user traffic. The duration of the discarding state is explained in section Forward Delay on page 595.


In previous versions of the STP standard, the discarding state was called a blocked state.

Operationally Learning

The learning state allows population of the MAC forwarding table before entering the forwarding state. In this state, no user traffic is forwarded.

Operationally Forwarding

Configuration BPDUs are sent out a SAP in the forwarding state. Layer 2 frames received on the SAP are source learned and destination forwarded according to the FIB. Layer 2 frames received on other forwarding interfaces and destined for the SAP are also forwarded.

SAP BPDU Encapsulation State

IEEE 802.1d (referred as Dot1d) and Cisco’s per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST) BPDU encapsulations are supported on a per SAP basis for the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR. STP is associated with a VPLS service like PVST is associated per VLAN. The main difference resides in the Ethernet and LLC framing and a type-length-value (TLV) field trailing the BPDU.

The following table shows differences between Dot1d and PVST Ethernet BPDU encapsulations based on the interface encap-type field:

Each SAP has a Read-Only operational state that shows which BPDU encapsulation is currently active on the SAP. The states are:

  1. Dot1d — This state specifies that the switch is currently sending IEEE 802.1d standard BPDUs. The BPDUs are tagged or non-tagged based on the encapsulation type of the egress interface and the encapsulation value defined in the SAP. A SAP defined on an interface with encapsulation type Dot1q continues in the dot1d BPDU encapsulation state until a PVST encapsulated BPDU is received in which case, the SAP will convert to the PVST encapsulation state. Each received BPDU must be properly IEEE 802.1q tagged if the interface encapsulation type is defined as Dot1q. PVST BPDUs will be silently discarded if received when the SAP is on an interface defined with encapsulation type null.
  2. PVST — This state specifies that the switch is currently sending proprietary encapsulated BPDUs. PVST BPDUs are only supported on Ethernet interfaces with the encapsulation type set to dot1q. The SAP continues in the PVST BPDU encapsulation state until a dot1d encapsulated BPDU is received, in which case, the SAP reverts to the dot1d encapsulation state. Each received BPDU must be properly IEEE 802.1q tagged with the encapsulation value defined for the SAP. PVST BPDUs are silently discarded if received when the SAP is on an interface defined with a null encapsulation type.

Dot1d is the initial and only SAP BPDU encapsulation state for SAPs defined on Ethernet interface with encapsulation type set to null.

Each transition between encapsulation types optionally generates an alarm that can be logged and optionally transmitted as an SNMP trap on the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR.

Configuring VPLS SAPs with Split Horizon

To configure a VPLS service with a split horizon group, add the split-horizon-group parameter when creating the SAP. Traffic arriving on a SAP within a split horizon group will not be copied to other SAPs in the same split horizon group.

The following example shows a VPLS configuration with split horizon enabled:

*A:ALA-1>config>service# info
    vpls 800 customer 6001 vpn 700 create
        description "VPLS with split horizon for DSL"
        sap 1/1/3:100 split-horizon-group DSL-group1 create
            description "SAP for residential bridging"
        sap 1/1/3:200 split-horizon-group DSL-group1 create
            description "SAP for residential bridging"
        split-horizon-group DSL-group1
            description "Split horizon group for DSL"
        no shutdown

Configuring MAC Learning Protection

To configure MAC learning protection, configure split horizon, MAC protection, and SAP parameters on the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR.

The following example shows a VPLS configuration with split horizon enabled:

A:ALA-48>config>service>vpls# info
            description "IMA VPLS"
            split-horizon-group "DSL-group1" create
                 mac ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
            sap 1/1/9:0 create
                    scheduler-policy "SLA1"
                    qos 100 shared-queuing
                    scheduler-policy "SLA1"
                    filter ip 10
                host-connectivity-verify source-ip

Applying an Egress Multicast Group to a VPLS Service SAP

Use the following CLI syntax to apply an egress multicast group to a VPLS service SAP on the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR:

CLI Syntax:
config>service>vpls service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [mvpls]
sap sap-id [split-horizon-group group-name]
multicast-group group-name

The following example shows a VPLS configuration with egress multicast group:

A:ALA-48>config>service>vpls# info
            description "VPLS with split horizon for DSL"
            split-horizon-group "DSL-group1" create
                description "Split horizon group for DSL"
            sap 1/1/4:200 split-horizon-group "DSL-group1" create
                description "SAP for residential bridging"
            sap 1/1/3:100 split-horizon-group "DSL-group1" create
                description "SAP for residential bridging"
                   multicast-group “vpls-emg-1”
            no shutdown

Configuring SAP Subscriber Management Parameters

Use the following CLI syntax to configure subscriber management parameters on a VPLS service SAP on the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR. The policies and profiles that are referenced in the def-sla-profile, def-sub-profile, non-sub-traffic, and sub-ident-policy commands must already be configured in the config>subscr-mgmt context.

CLI Syntax:
config>service>vpls service-id
sap sap-id [split-horizon-group group-name]
def-sla-profile default-sla-profile-name
def-sub-profile default-subscriber-profile-name
multi-sub-sap [number-of-sub]
no shutdown
non-sub-traffic sub-profile sub-profile-name sla-profile sla-profile-name [subscriber sub-ident-string]
sub-ident-policy sub-ident-policy-name

The following example shows a subscriber management configuration:

            description "Local VPLS"
            sap 1/2/2:0 create
                description "SAP for local service"
                    def-sla-profile "sla-profile1"
                    sub-ident-policy "SubIdent1"
            sap 1/1/5:0 create
                description "SAP for local service"
            no shutdown

MSTP Control over Ethernet Tunnels

When MSTP is used to control VLANs, a range of VLAN IDs is normally used to specify the VLANs to be controlled on the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR.

If an Ethernet tunnel SAP is to be controlled by MSTP, the Ethernet Tunnel SAP ID needs to be within the VLAN range specified under the mst-instance.

vpls 400 customer 1 m-vpls create
                mode mstp
                mst-instance 111 create
                    vlan-range 1-100
                mst-name "abc"
                mst-revision 1
                no shutdown
            sap 1/1/1:0 create // untagged
            sap eth-tunnel-1 create
            no shutdown
        vpls 401 customer 1 create
            sap 1/1/1:12 create
            sap eth-tunnel-1:12 create
                // Ethernet tunnel SAP ID 12 falls within the VLAN
                // range for mst-instance 111
                    path 1 tag 1000
                    path 8 tag 2000
            no shutdown

Configuring SDP Bindings

VPLS provides scaling and operational advantages. A hierarchical configuration eliminates the need for a full mesh of VCs between participating devices. Hierarchy is achieved by enhancing the base VPLS core mesh of VCs with access VCs (spoke) to form two tiers. Spoke SDPs are generally created between Layer 2 switches and placed at the Multi-Tenant Unit (MTU). The PE routers are placed at the service provider's Point of Presence (POP). Signaling and replication overhead on all devices is considerably reduced.

A spoke SDP is treated like the equivalent of a traditional bridge port where flooded traffic received on the spoke SDP is replicated on all other “ports” (other spoke and mesh SDPs or SAPs) and not transmitted on the port it was received (unless a split horizon group was defined on the spoke SDP, see section Configuring VPLS Spoke SDPs with Split Horizon on page 623).

A spoke SDP connects a VPLS service between two sites and, in its simplest form, could be a single tunnel LSP. A set of ingress and egress VC labels are exchanged for each VPLS service instance to be transported over this LSP. The PE routers at each end treat this as a virtual spoke connection for the VPLS service in the same way as the PE-MTU connections. This architecture minimizes the signaling overhead and avoids a full mesh of VCs and LSPs between the two metro networks.

A mesh SDP bound to a service is logically treated like a single bridge “port” for flooded traffic where flooded traffic received on any mesh SDP on the service is replicated to other “ports” (spoke SDPs and SAPs) and not transmitted on any mesh SDPs.

A VC-ID can be specified with the SDP-ID. The VC-ID is used instead of a label to identify a virtual circuit. The VC-ID is significant between peer SRs on the same hierarchical level. The value of a VC-ID is conceptually independent from the value of the label or any other datalink specific information of the VC.

Figure 90 shows an example of a distributed VPLS service configuration of spoke and mesh SDPs (uni-directional tunnels) between routers and MTUs.

Configuring Overrides on Service SAPs

The following output shows a service SAP queue override configuration example.

*A:ALA-48>config>service>vpls>sap# info
    scheduler-policy "SLA1"
        scheduler "sched1" create
            parent weight 3 cir-weight 3
    policer-control-policy "SLA1-p"
    policer-control-override create
        max-rate 50000
    qos 100 multipoint-shared
        queue 1 create
            rate 1500000 cir 2000
        policer 1 create
            rate 10000
    scheduler-policy "SLA1"
    policer-control-policy "SLA1-p"
    policer-control-override create
        max-rate 60000
    qos 100
        queue 1 create
            adaptation-rule pir max cir max
        policer 1 create
            mbs 2000 kilobytes
    filter ip 10
Figure 90:  SDPs — Uni-Directional Tunnels 

Use the following CLI syntax to create a mesh or spoke SDP bindings with a distributed VPLS service. SDPs must be configured prior to binding. Refer to the Services Overview Guide for information about creating SDPs.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure mesh SDP bindings:

CLI Syntax:
config>service# vpls service-id
mesh-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id] [vc-type {ether | vlan}]
filter {ip ip-filter-id|mac mac-filter-id}
mda mda-id
vc-label egress-vc-label
filter {ip ip-filter-id|mac mac-filter-id}
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no shutdown
static-mac ieee-address
vlan-vc-tag 0..4094

Use the following CLI syntax to configure spoke SDP bindings:

CLI Syntax:
config>service# vpls service-id
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id [vc-type {ether | vlan}] [split-horizon-group group-name]
filter {ip ip-filter-id|mac mac-filter-id}
vc-label egress-vc-label
filter {ip ip-filter-id|mac mac-filter-id}
vc-label ingress-vc-label
vlan-vc-tag 0..4094
no shutdown
static-mac ieee-address
path-cost stp-path-cost
priority stp-priority
no shutdown
vlan-vc-tag [0..4094]

The following examples show SDP binding configurations for ALA-1, ALA-2, and ALA-3 for VPLS service ID 9000 for customer 6:

*A:ALA-1>config>service# info
        vpls 9000 customer 6 create
            description "This is a distributed VPLS."
            def-mesh-vc-id 750
            sap 1/2/5:0 create
            spoke-sdp 2:22 create
            mesh-sdp 5:750 create
            mesh-sdp 7:750 create
            no shutdown
*A:ALA-2>config>service# info
        vpls 9000 customer 6 create
            description "This is a distributed VPLS."
            def-mesh-vc-id 750
            sap 1/1/2:22 create
            spoke-sdp 2:22 create
            mesh-sdp 5:750 create
            mesh-sdp 7:750 create
            no shutdown
*A:ALA-3>config>service# info
        vpls 9000 customer 6 create
            description "This is a distributed VPLS."
            def-mesh-vc-id 750
            sap 1/1/3:33 create
            spoke-sdp 2:22 create
            mesh-sdp 5:750 create
            mesh-sdp 7:750 create
            no shutdown

Configuring Spoke SDP Specific STP Parameters

When a VPLS has STP enabled, each spoke SDP within the VPLS has STP enabled by default. The operation of STP on each spoke SDP is governed by:

Spoke SDP STP Administrative State

The administrative state of STP within a spoke SDP controls how BPDUs are transmitted and handled when received. The allowable states are:

  1. Spoke SDP Admin Up
    The default administrative state is up for STP on a spoke SDP. BPDUs are handled in the normal STP manner on a spoke SDP that is administratively up.
  2. Spoke SDP Admin Down
    An administratively down state allows a service provider to prevent a spoke SDP from becoming operationally blocked. BPDUs will not originate out the spoke SDP towards the customer.
    If STP is enabled on VPLS level, but disabled on the spoke SDP, received BPDUs are discarded. Discarding the incoming BPDUs allows STP to continue to operate normally within the VPLS service while ignoring the down spoke SDP. The specified spoke SDP will always be in an operationally forwarding state.

    The administratively down state allows a loop to form within the VPLS.

CLI Syntax:
[no] shutdown

Range: shutdown or no shutdown

Default: no shutdown (spoke SDP admin up)

Spoke SDP Virtual Port Number

The virtual port number uniquely identifies a spoke SDP within configuration BPDUs. The internal representation of a spoke SDP is unique to a system and has a reference space much bigger than the 12 bits definable in a configuration BPDU. STP takes the internal representation value of a spoke SDP and identifies it with it’s own virtual port number that is unique to every other spoke SDP defined on the VPLS. The virtual port number is assigned at the time that the spoke SDP is added to the VPLS. Since the order in which spoke SDPs are added to the VPLS is not preserved between reboots of the system, the virtual port number may change between restarts of the STP instance. To achieve consistency after a reboot, the virtual port number can be specified explicitly.

CLI Syntax:
config>service>vpls>spoke-sdp# stp
port-num number

Range: 1 to 2047

Default: automatically generated

Restore Default: no port-num

Spoke SDP Priority

Spoke SDP priority allows a configurable tie breaking parameter to be associated with a spoke SDP. When configuration BPDUs are being received, the configured spoke SDP priority will be used in some circumstances to determine whether a spoke SDP will be designated or blocked.

In traditional STP implementations (802.1D-1998), this field is called the port priority and has a value of 0 to 255. This field is coupled with the port number (0 to 255 also) to create a 16 bit value. In the latest STP standard (802.1D-2004) only the upper 4 bits of the port priority field are used to encode the spoke SDP priority. The remaining 4 bits are used to extend the port ID field into a 12 bit virtual port number field. The virtual port number uniquely references a spoke SDP within the STP instance. See Spoke SDP Virtual Port Number on page 617 for details on the virtual port number.

STP computes the actual spoke SDP priority by taking the configured priority value and masking out the lower four bits. The result is the value that is stored in the spoke SDP priority parameter. For instance, if a value of 0 was entered, masking out the lower 4 bits would result in a parameter value of 0. If a value of 255 was entered, the result would be 240.

The default value for spoke SDP priority is 128. This parameter can be modified within a range of 0 to 255, 0 being the highest priority. Masking causes the values actually stored and displayed to be 0 to 240, in increments of 16.

CLI Syntax:
priority stp-priority

Range: 0 to 255 (240 largest value, in increments of 16)

Default: 128

Restore Default: no priority

Spoke SDP Path Cost

The spoke SDP path cost is used by STP to calculate the path cost to the root bridge. The path cost in BPDUs received on the root port is incremented with the configured path cost for that spoke SDP. When BPDUs are sent out other egress spoke SDPs, the newly calculated root path cost is used.

STP suggests that the path cost is defined as a function of the link bandwidth. Since spoke SDPs are controlled by complex queuing dynamics, the STP path cost is a purely static configuration.

The default value for spoke SDP path cost is 10. This parameter can be modified within a range of 1 to 200000000 (1 is the lowest cost).

CLI Syntax:
path-cost stp-path-cost

Range: 1 to 200000000

Default: 10

Restore Default: no path-cost

Spoke SDP Edge Port

The spoke SDP edge-port command is used to reduce the time it takes a spoke SDP to reach the forwarding state when the spoke SDP is on the edge of the network, and thus has no further STP bridge to handshake with.

The edge-port command is used to initialize the internal OPER_EDGE variable. At any time, when OPER_EDGE is false on a spoke SDP, the normal mechanisms are used to transition to the forwarding state (see Forward Delay on page 595). When OPER_EDGE is true, STP assumes that the remote end agrees to transition to the forwarding state without actually receiving a BPDU with an agreement flag set.

The OPER_EDGE variable will dynamically be set to false if the spoke SDP receives BPDUs (the configured edge-port value does not change). The OPER_EDGE variable will dynamically be set to true if auto-edge is enabled and STP concludes there is no bridge behind the spoke SDP.

When STP on the spoke SDP is administratively disabled and re-enabled, the OPER_EDGE is re-initialized to the spoke SDP configured for edge-port.

Valid values for spoke SDP edge-port are enabled and disabled with disabled being the default.

CLI Syntax:
[no] edge-port

Default: no edge-port

Spoke SDP Auto Edge

The spoke SDP edge-port command is used to instruct STP to dynamically decide whether the spoke SDP is connected to another bridge.

If auto-edge is enabled, and STP concludes there is no bridge behind the spoke SDP, the OPER_EDGE variable will dynamically be set to true. If auto-edge is enabled, and a BPDU is received, the OPER_EDGE variable will dynamically be set to true (see Spoke SDP Edge Port on page 618).

Valid values for spoke SDP auto-edge are enabled and disabled with enabled being the default.

CLI Syntax:
[no] auto-edge

Default: auto-edge

Spoke SDP Link Type

The spoke SDP link-type command instructs STP on the maximum number of bridges behind this spoke SDP. If there is only a single bridge, transitioning to forwarding state will be based on handshaking (fast transitions). If more than two bridges are connected by a shared media, their spoke SDPs should all be configured as shared, and timer-based transitions are used.

Valid values for spoke SDP link-type are shared and pt-pt with pt-pt being the default.

CLI Syntax:
link-type {pt-pt|shared}

Default: link-type pt-pt

Restore Default: no link-type

Spoke SDP STP Operational States

The operational state of STP within a spoke SDP controls how BPDUs are transmitted and handled when received. Defined states are:

Operationally Disabled

Operationally disabled is the normal operational state for STP on a spoke SDP in a VPLS that has any of the following conditions:

  1. VPLS state administratively down
  2. Spoke SDP state administratively down
  3. Spoke SDP state operationally down

If the spoke SDP enters the operationally up state with the STP administratively up and the spoke SDP STP state is up, the spoke SDP will transition to the STP spoke SDP discarding state.

When, during normal operation, the router detects a downstream loop behind a spoke SDP, BPDUs can be received at a very high rate. To recover from this situation, STP will transition the spoke SDP to a disabled state for the configured forward-delay duration.

Operationally Discarding

A spoke SDP in the discarding state only receives and sends BPDUs, building the local proper STP state for each spoke SDP while not forwarding actual user traffic. The duration of the discarding state is explained in section Forward Delay on page 595.


In previous versions of the STP standard, the discarding state was called a blocked state.

Operationally Learning

The learning state allows population of the MAC forwarding table before entering the forwarding state. In this state no user traffic is forwarded.

Operationally Forwarding

Configuration BPDUs are sent out a spoke SDP in the forwarding state. Layer 2 frames received on the spoke SDP are source learned and destination forwarded according to the FIB. Layer 2 frames received on other forwarding interfaces and destined for the spoke SDP are also forwarded.

Spoke SDP BPDU Encapsulation States

IEEE 802.1D (referred as dot1d) and Cisco’s per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST) BPDU encapsulations are supported on a per spoke SDP basis. STP is associated with a VPLS service like PVST is per VLAN. The main difference resides in the Ethernet and LLC framing and a type-length-value (TLV) field trailing the BPDU.

Table 39 shows differences between dot1D and PVST Ethernet BPDU encapsulations based on the interface encap-type field:

Table 39:  Spoke SDP BPDU Encapsulation States  



encap-type null


encap-type dot1q


encap-type null


encap-type dot1q

Destination MAC





Source MAC

Sending Port MAC

Sending Port MAC


Sending Port MAC



0x81 00


0x81 00

Dot1p and CFI









VPLS spoke SDP encap value


LLC Length

LLC Length


LLC Length





0xaaaa (SNAP)










00 00 0c (Cisco OUI)





01 0b


Standard 802.1d

Standard 802.1d


Standard 802.1d

TLV: Type & Len




58 00 00 00 02





VPLS spoke SDP encap value


As Required

As Required


As Required

Each spoke SDP has a Read Only operational state that shows which BPDU encapsulation is currently active on the spoke SDP. The following states apply:

  1. Dot1d specifies that the switch is currently sending IEEE 802.1D standard BPDUs. The BPDUs will be tagged or non-tagged based on the encapsulation type of the egress interface and the encapsulation value defined in the spoke SDP. A spoke SDP defined on an interface with encapsulation type dot1q will continue in the dot1d BPDU encapsulation state until a PVST encapsulated BPDU is received, after which the spoke SDP will convert to the PVST encapsulation state. Each received BPDU must be properly IEEE 802.1q tagged if the interface encapsulation type is defined to dot1q.
  2. PVST specifies that the switch is currently sending proprietary encapsulated BPDUs. PVST BPDUs are only supported on Ethernet interfaces with the encapsulation type set to dot1q. The spoke SDP continues in the PVST BPDU encapsulation state until a dot1d encapsulated BPDU is received, in which case the spoke SDP reverts to the dot1d encapsulation state. Each received BPDU must be properly IEEE 802.1q tagged with the encapsulation value defined for the spoke SDP.

Dot1d is the initial and only spoke SDP BPDU encapsulation state for spoke SDPs defined on Ethernet interface with encapsulation type set to null.

Each transition between encapsulation types optionally generates an alarm that can be logged and optionally transmitted as an SNMP trap.

Configuring VPLS Spoke SDPs with Split Horizon

To configure spoke SDPs with a split horizon group, add the split-horizon-group parameter when creating the spoke SDP. Traffic arriving on a SAP or spoke SDP within a split horizon group will not be copied to other SAPs or spoke SDPs in the same split horizon group.

The following example shows a VPLS configuration with split horizon enabled:

*A:ALA-1>config>service# *A:ALA-1>config>service# info
vpls 800 customer 6001 vpn 700 create
     description "VPLS with split horizon for DSL"
     spoke-sdp 51:15 split-horizon-group DSL-group1 create
     split-horizon-group DSL-group1
         description "Split horizon group for DSL"
     no shutdown

Configuring VPLS Redundancy

This section discusses the following service management tasks:

Creating a Management VPLS for SAP Protection

This section provides a brief overview of the tasks that must be performed to configure a management VPLS for SAP protection and provides the CLI commands, see Figure 91. The tasks below should be performed on both nodes providing the protected VPLS service.

Before configuring a management VPLS, first read VPLS Redundancy for an introduction to the concept of management VPLS and SAP redundancy.

  1. Create an SDP to the peer node.
  2. Create a management VPLS.
  3. Define a SAP in the m-vpls on the port towards the MTU. Note that the port must be dot1q or qinq tagged. The SAP corresponds to the (stacked) VLAN on the MTU in which STP is active.
  4. Optionally modify STP parameters for load balancing.
  5. Create a mesh SDP in the m-vpls using the SDP defined in Step 1. Ensure that this mesh SDP runs over a protected LSP (see note below).
  6. Enable the management VPLS service and verify that it is operationally up.
  7. Create a list of VLANs on the port that are to be managed by this management VPLS.
  8. Create one or more user VPLS services with SAPs on VLANs in the range defined by Step 6.

    The mesh SDP should be protected by a backup LSP or Fast Reroute. If the mesh SDP were to go down, STP on both nodes would go to “forwarding” state and a loop would occur.

Figure 91:  Example Configuration for Protected VPLS SAP 

Use the following CLI syntax to create a management VPLS on the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR:

CLI Syntax:
config>service# sdp sdp-id mpls create
far-end ip-address
lsp lsp-name
no shutdown
CLI Syntax:
vpls service-id customer customer-id [m-vpls] create
description description-string
sap sap-id create
range vlan-range
mesh-sdp sdp-id:vc-id create
no shutdown

The following example shows a VPLS configuration:

*A:ALA-1>config>service# info
       sdp 300 mpls create
            lsp "toALA-A2"
            no shutdown
       vpls 1 customer 1 m-vpls create
            sap 1/1/1:1 create
                    range 100-1000
            mesh-sdp 300:1 create
            no shutdown

Creating a Management VPLS for Spoke SDP Protection

This section provides a brief overview of the tasks that must be performed to configure a management VPLS for spoke SDP protection and provides the CLI commands, see Figure 92. The tasks below should be performed on all four nodes providing the protected VPLS service. Before configuring a management VPLS, first read Configuring a VPLS SAP on page 599 for an introduction to the concept of management VPLS and spoke SDP redundancy.

  1. Create an SDP to the local peer node (node ALA-A2 in the example below).
  2. Create an SDP to the remote peer node (node ALA-B1 in the example below).
  3. Create a management VPLS.
  4. Create a spoke SDP in the m-vpls using the SDP defined in Step 1. Ensure that this mesh SDP runs over a protected LSP (see note below).
  5. Enable the management VPLS service and verify that it is operationally up.
  6. Create a spoke SDP in the m-vpls using the SDP defined in Step 2. Optionally, modify STP parameters for load balancing (see Configuring Load Balancing with Management VPLS on page 627).
  7. Create one or more user VPLS services with spoke SDPs on the tunnel SDP defined by Step 2.

As long as the user spoke SDPs created in step 7are in this same tunnel SDP with the management spoke SDP created in step 6, the management VPLS will protect them.

The SDP should be protected by, for example, a backup LSP or Fast Reroute. If the SDP were to go down, STP on both nodes would go to “forwarding” state and a loop would occur.

Figure 92:  Example Configuration for Protected VPLS Spoke SDP 

Use the following CLI syntax to create a management VPLS for spoke SDP protection:

CLI Syntax:
config>service# sdp sdp-id mpls create
far-end ip-address
lsp lsp-name
no shutdown
CLI Syntax:
vpls service-id customer customer-id [m-vpls] create
description description-string
mesh-sdp sdp-id:vc-id create
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id create
no shutdown

The following example shows a VPLS configuration:

*A:ALA-A1>config>service# info
       sdp 100 mpls create
            lsp "toALA-B1"
            no shutdown
       sdp 300 mpls create
            lsp "toALA-A2"
            no shutdown
       vpls 101 customer 1 m-vpls create
            spoke-sdp 100:1 create
            meshspoke-sdp 300:1 create
            no shutdown

Configuring Load Balancing with Management VPLS

With the concept of management VPLS, it is possible to load balance the user VPLS services across the two protecting nodes. This is done by creating two management VPLS instances, where both instances have different active QinQ spokes (by changing the STP path-cost). When different user VPLS services are associated with either the two management VPLS services, the traffic will be split across the two QinQ spokes. Load balancing can be achieved in both the SAP protection and spoke SDP protection scenarios.

Figure 93:  Example Configuration for Load Balancing Across Two Protected VPLS Spoke SDPs 

Use the following CLI syntax to create a load balancing across two management VPLS instances:

CLI Syntax:
config>service# sdp sdp-id mpls create
far-end ip-address
lsp lsp-name
no shutdown
CLI Syntax:
vpls service-id customer customer-id [m-vpls] create
description description-string
mesh-sdp sdp-id:vc-id create
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id create
no shutdown

The STP path costs in each peer node should be reversed.

The following example shows the VPLS configuration on ALA-A1 (top left, IP address

*A:ALA-A1>config>service# info
      sdp 101 mpls create
            lsp "1toALA-B1"
            no shutdown
      sdp 102 mpls create
            lsp "2toALA-B1"
            no shutdown
     vpls 101 customer 1 m-vpls create
            spoke-sdp 101:1 create
                  path-cost 1
            mesh-sdp 300:1 create
           no shutdown
      vpls 102 customer 1 m-vpls create
            spoke-sdp 102:2 create
                  path-cost 1000
            mesh-sdp 300:2 create
            no shutdown

The following example shows the VPLS configuration on ALA-A2 (bottom left, IP address

*A:ALA-A2>config>service# info
      sdp 101 mpls create
            lsp "1toALA-B2"
            no shutdown
      sdp 102 mpls create
            lsp "2toALA-B2"
            no shutdown
     vpls 101 customer 1 m-vpls create
            spoke-sdp 101:1 create
                  path-cost 1000
            mesh-sdp 300:1 create
           no shutdown
      vpls 102 customer 1 m-vpls create
            spoke-sdp 102:2 create
                  path-cost 1
            mesh-sdp 300:2 create
            no shutdown

The following example shows the VPLS configuration on ALA-A3 (top right, IP address

*A:ALA-A1>config>service# info
      sdp 101 mpls create
            lsp "1toALA-A1"
            no shutdown
      sdp 102 mpls create
            lsp "2toALA-A1"
            no shutdown
     vpls 101 customer 1 m-vpls create
            spoke-sdp 101:1 create
                  path-cost 1
            mesh-sdp 300:1 create
            no shutdown
      vpls 102 customer 1 m-vpls create
            spoke-sdp 102:2 create
                  path-cost 1000
            mesh-sdp 300:2 create
            no shutdown

The following example shows the VPLS configuration on ALA-A4 (bottom right, IP address

*A:ALA-A2>config>service# info
      sdp 101 mpls create
            lsp "1toALA-B2"
            no shutdown
      sdp 102 mpls create
            lsp "2toALA-B2"
            no shutdown
     vpls 101 customer 1 m-vpls create
            spoke-sdp 101:1 create
                  path-cost 1000
            mesh-sdp 300:1 create
            no shutdown
      vpls 102 customer 1 m-vpls create
            spoke-sdp 102:2 create
                  path-cost 1
            mesh-sdp 300:2 create
            no shutdown

Configuring Selective MAC Flush

Use the following CLI syntax to enable selective MAC Flush in a VPLS.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# vpls service-id

Use the following CLI syntax to disable selective MAC Flush in a VPLS.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# vpls service-id
no send-flush-on-failure

Configuring Multi-Chassis Endpoints

The following output shows configuration examples of multi-chassis redundancy and the VPLS configuration. The configurations in the graphics depicted in Inter-Domain VPLS Resiliency Using Multi-Chassis Endpoints on page 505 are expressed in this output.

Node mapping to the following examples in this section:

  1. PE3 = Dut-B
  2. PE3' = Dut-C
  3. PE1 = Dut-D
  4. PE2 = Dut-E


*A:Dut-B>config>redundancy>multi-chassis# info 
            peer create
                peer-name "Dut-C"
                description "mcep-basic-tests"
                    no shutdown
                    system-priority 50
                no shutdown
*A:Dut-B>config>service>vpls# info 
            fdb-table-size 20000
            endpoint "mcep-t1" create
                no suppress-standby-signaling
                mc-endpoint 1
                    mc-ep-peer Dut-C
            mesh-sdp 201:1 vc-type vlan create
            mesh-sdp 211:1 vc-type vlan create
            spoke-sdp 221:1 vc-type vlan endpoint "mcep-t1" create
                precedence 1          
            spoke-sdp 231:1 vc-type vlan endpoint "mcep-t1" create
                precedence 2
            no shutdown

PE3' Dut-C

:Dut-C>config>redundancy>multi-chassis# info 
            peer create
                peer-name "Dut-B"
                description "mcep-basic-tests"
                    no shutdown
                    system-priority 21
                no shutdown
*A:Dut-C>config>service>vpls# info 
            fdb-table-size 20000
            endpoint "mcep-t1" create
                no suppress-standby-signaling
                mc-endpoint 1
                    mc-ep-peer Dut-B
            mesh-sdp 301:1 vc-type vlan create
            mesh-sdp 311:1 vc-type vlan create
            spoke-sdp 321:1 vc-type vlan endpoint "mcep-t1" create
                precedence 3
            spoke-sdp 331:1 vc-type vlan endpoint "mcep-t1" create
            no shutdown

PE1 Dut-D

*A:Dut-D>config>redundancy>multi-chassis# info 
            peer create
                peer-name "Dut-E"
                description "mcep-basic-tests"
                    no shutdown
                    system-priority 50
                no shutdown
*A:Dut-D>config>service>vpls# info 
            fdb-table-size 20000
            endpoint "mcep-t1" create
                mc-endpoint 1
                    mc-ep-peer Dut-E
            mesh-sdp 401:1 vc-type vlan create
            spoke-sdp 411:1 vc-type vlan endpoint "mcep-t1" create
                precedence 2
            spoke-sdp 421:1 vc-type vlan endpoint "mcep-t1" create
                precedence 1
            mesh-sdp 431:1 vc-type vlan create
            no shutdown

PE2 Dut-E

*A:Dut-E>config>redundancy>multi-chassis# info 
            peer create
                peer-name "Dut-D"
                description "mcep-basic-tests"
                    no shutdown
                    system-priority 22
                no shutdown
*A:Dut-E>config>service>vpls# info 
            fdb-table-size 20000
            endpoint "mcep-t1" create
                mc-endpoint 1
                    mc-ep-peer Dut-D
            spoke-sdp 501:1 vc-type vlan endpoint "mcep-t1" create
                precedence 3
            spoke-sdp 511:1 vc-type vlan endpoint "mcep-t1" create
            mesh-sdp 521:1 vc-type vlan create
            mesh-sdp 531:1 vc-type vlan create
            no shutdown

ATM/Frame Relay PVC Access and Termination on a VPLS Service

The application as shown in Figure 94 provides access to a VPLS service to Frame Relay and ATM users connected either directly or through an ATM access network to a 7750 SR PE node. The 7750 SR supports a Frame Relay or an ATM VC-delimited Service Access Point (SAP) terminating on a VPLS service.

Figure 94:  ATM/Frame Relay PVC Access and Termination on a VPLS Example 

RFC 2427-encapsulated or RFC 2684-encapsulated untagged Ethernet/802.3 frames (with or without Frame Check Sequence (FCS)) or BPDUs from a customer’s bridge device are received on a given SAP over an ATM or Frame Relay interface on the 7750 SR. The Frame Relay or ATM-related encapsulation is stripped and the frames (without FCS) are forwarded towards destination SAPs either locally, or using SDPs associated with the VPLS service (as dictated by destination MAC address VPLS processing). In the egress direction, the received untagged frames are encapsulated into RFC 2427 or RFC 2684 (no Q-tags are added, no FCS in the forwarded frame) and sent over ATM or a FR VC towards the customer CPE.

When AAL5 RFC2427/2684 encapsulated tagged frames are received from the customer’s bridge on an FR/ATM SAP, the tags are transparent and the frames are processed as described above with the exception that the frames forwarded towards the destination(s) will have the received tags preserved. Similarly in the egress direction, the received tagged Ethernet frames are encapsulated as is (i.e. Q-tags are again transparent and preserved) into RFC 2427/2684 and sent over the FR/ATM PVC towards the customer CPE. Note that since the tagging is transparent, the 7750 SR performs unqualified MAC learning (for example, MAC addresses are learned without reference to VLANs they are associated with). Because of that, MAC addresses used must be unique across all the VLANs used by the customer for a given VPLS service instance. If a customer wants a per-VLAN separation, then the VLAN traffic that needs to be separated must come on different VCs (different SAPs) associated with different VPLS service instances.

All VPLS functionality available on the 7750 SR is applicable to FR and ATM-delimited VPLS SAPs. For example, bridged PDUs received over ATM SAP can be tunneled through or dropped; all Forwarding Information Base functionality applies; packet level QoS and MAC filtering applies; etc. Also, split horizon groups are applicable to ATM SAPs terminating on VPLS. In other words, frame forwarding between ATM SAPs, also referred to as VCI-to-VCI forwarding, within the same group is disabled.

The Ethernet pseudowire is established using Targeted LDP (TLDP) signaling and uses the ether, vlan, or vpls VC type on the SDP. The SDP can be an MPLS or a GRE type.

Configuring BGP Auto-Discovery

This section provides important information to explain the different configuration options used to populate the required BGP AD and generate the LDP generalized pseudowire-ID FEC fields. There are a large number of configuration options that are available with the this feature. Not all these configurations option are required to start using BGP AD. At the end of this section, it will be apparent that a very simple configuration will automatically generate the required values used by BGP and LDP. In most cases, deployments will provide full mesh connectivity between all nodes across a VPLS instance. However, capabilities are available to influence the topology and build hierarchies or hub and spoke models.

Configuration Steps

Using Figure 95, assume PE6 was previously configured with VPLS 100 as indicated by the configurations lines in the upper right. The BGP AD process will commence after PE134 is configured with the VPLS 100 instance as shown in the upper left. This shows a very basic and simple BGP AD configuration. The minimum requirement for enabling BGP AD on a VPLS instance is configuring the VPLS-ID and point to a pseudowire template.

Figure 95:  BGP AD Configuration Example 

In many cases, VPLS connectivity is based on a pseudowire mesh. To reduce the configuration requirement, the BGP values can be automatically generated using the VPLS-ID and the MPLS router-ID. By default, the lower six bytes of the VPLS-ID are used to generate the RD and the RT values. The VSI-ID value is generated from the MPLS router-ID. All of these parameters are configurable and can be coded to suit requirements and build different topologies.

[no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable BGP auto-discovery
vpls-id - Configure VPLS-ID
vsi-id + Configure VSI-id

A helpful command shows the service information, the BGP parameters and the SDP bindings in use. When the discovery process is completed successfully each endpoint will have an entry for the service.

PE134># show service l2-route-table 
Services: L2 Route Information - Summary Service
Svc Id     L2-Routes (RD-Prefix)                 Next Hop        Origin
               Sdp Bind Id
100        65535:100-                    BGP-L2
No. of L2 Route Entries: 1 
PERs6># show service l2-route-table
Services: L2 Route Information - Summary Service
Svc Id     L2-Routes (RD-Prefix)                 Next Hop        Origin
               Sdp Bind Id
100        65535:100-                BGP-L2
No. of L2 Route Entries: 1

When only one of the endpoints has an entry for the service in the l2-routing-table, it is most likely a problem with the RT values used for import and export. This would most likely happen when different import and export RT values are configured using a router policy or the route-target command.

Service specific commands continue to be available to show service specific information, including status.

PERs6# show service sdp-using
SDP Using
SvcId       SdpId               Type    Far End        Opr S* I.Label  E.Label
100         17406:4294967295    BgpAd      Up     131063   131067
Number of SDPs : 1
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.

BGP AD will advertise the VPLS-ID in the extended community attribute, VSI-ID in the NLRI and the local PE id in the BGP next hop. At the receiving PE, the VPLS-ID is compared against locally provisioned information to determine whether the two PEs share a common VPLS. If it is found that they do, the BGP information is used in the signaling phase (see Configuring BGP VPLS on page 644).

LDP Signaling

T-LDP is triggered once the VPN endpoints have been discovered using BGP. The T-LDP session between the PEs is established when one does not exist. The far-end IP address required for the T-LDP identification is gleaned from the BGP AD next hop information. The pw-template and pw-template-binding configuration statements are used to establish the automatic SDP or to map to the appropriate SDP. The FEC129 content is built using the following values:

  1. AGI from the locally configured VPLS-ID.
  2. The SAII from the locally configured VSI-ID.
  3. The TAII from the VSI-ID contained in the last 4 bytes of the received BGP NLRI.

Figure 96 shows the different detailed phases of the LDP signaling path, post BGP AD completion. It also indicates how some fields can be auto generated when they are not specified in the configuration.

Figure 96:  BGP AD Triggering LDP Functions 

The first command shows the LDP peering relationships that have been established (Figure 97). The type of adjacency is displayed in the “Adj Type” column. In this case the type is “Both” meaning link and targeted sessions have been successfully established.

Figure 97:  Show Router LDP Session Output 

The second command shows the specific LDP service label information broken up per FEC element type, 128 or 129, basis (Figure 98). The information for FEC element 129 includes the AGI, SAII and the TAII.

Figure 98:  Show Router LDP Bindings FEC-Type Services 

Pseudowire Template

The pseudowire template is defined under the top-level service command (config>service> pw-template) and specifies whether to use an automatically generated SDP or manually configured SDP. It also provides the set of parameters required for establishing the pseudowire (SDP binding) as displayed below:

PERs6>config>service# pw-template 1 create
 -[no] pw-template <policy-id> [use-provisioned-sdp | prefer-provisioned-sdp]
<policy-id> : [1..2147483647]
<use-provisioned-s*> : keyword
<prefer-provisioned*> : keyword
[no] accounting-pol*    - Configure accounting-policy to be used
[no] auto-learn-mac*    - Enable/Disable automatic update of MAC protect list
[no] block-on-peer-*    - Enable/Disable block traffic on peer fault
[no] collect-stats      - Enable/disable statistics collection
[no] control word       - Enable/Disable the use of Control Word
[no] disable-aging      - Enable/disable aging of MAC addresses
[no] disable-learni*    - Enable/disable learning of new MAC addresses
[no] discard-unknow*    - Enable/disable discarding of frames with unknown source
                          MAC address
     egress             + Spoke SDP binding egress configuration
[no] force-qinq-vc-*    - Forces qinq-vc-type forwarding in the data-path
[no] force-vlan-vc-*    - Forces vlan-vc-type forwarding in the data-path
[no] hash-label         - Enable/disable use of hash-label
     igmp-snooping      + Configure IGMP snooping parameters
     in gr ess          + Spoke SDP binding ingress configuration
[no] l2pt-terminati*    - Configure L2PT termination on this spoke SDP
[no] limit-mac-move     - Configure mac move
[no] mac-pinning        - Enable/disable MAC address pinning on this spoke SDP
[no] max-nbr-mac-ad*    - Configure the maximum number of MAC entries in the FDB
                          from this SDP
[no] restrict-prote*    - Enable/disable protected src MAC restriction
[no] sdp-exclude        - Configure excluded SDP group
[no] sdp-include        - Configure included SDP group
[no] split-horizon-*    + Configure a split horizon group
     stp                + Configure STP parameters
     vc-type            - Configure VC type
[no] vlan-vc-tag        - Configure VLAN VC tag

A pw-template-binding command configured within the VPLS service under the bgp-ad sub-command is a pointer to the pw-template that should be used. If a VPLS service does not specify an import-rt list, then that binding applies to all route targets accepted by that VPLS. The pw-template-bind command can select a different template on a per import-rt basis. It is also possible to specify specific pw-templates for some route targets with a VPLS service and use the single pw-template-binding command to address all unspecified but accepted imported targets.

Figure 99:  PW-Template-Binding CLI Syntax 

It is important understand the significance of the split-horizon-group used by the pw-template. Traditionally, when a VPLS instance was manually created using mesh-sdp bindings, these were automatically placed in a common split-horizon-group to prevent forwarding between the pseudowire in the VPLS instances. This prevents loops that would have otherwise occurred in the Layer 2 service. When automatically discovering VPLS service using BGP AD the service provider has the option of associating the auto-discovered pseudowire with a split-horizon group to control the forwarding between pseudowires.

Configuring BGP VPLS

This section gives a configuration example required to bring up BGP VPLS in the VPLS PEs depicted in Figure 100:

Figure 100:  BGP VPLS Example 

The red BGP VPLS is configured in the PE24, PE25 and PE26 using the commands shown in the following CLI examples.

*A:PE24>config>service>vpls# info 
                route-distinguisher 65024:600
                route-target export target:65019:600 import target:65019:600
                pw-template-binding 1
                max-ve-id 100
                ve-name 24
                    ve-id 24
                no shutdown
            sap 1/1/20:600.* create
            no shutdown
*A:PE25>config>service>vpls# info 
                route-distinguisher 65025:600
                route-target export target:65019:600 import target:65019:600
                pw-template-binding 1
                max-ve-id 100
                ve-name 25
                    ve-id 25
                no shutdown
            sap 1/1/19:600.* create
            no shutdown
*A:PE26>config>service>vpls# info 
                route-distinguisher 65026:600
                route-target export target:65019:600 import target:65019:600
                pw-template-binding 1
                max-ve-id 100
                ve-name 26
                    ve-id 26
                no shutdown
            sap 5/2/20:600.* create
            no shutdown

Configuring a VPLS Management Interface

Use the following CLI syntax to create a VPLS management interface.

CLI Syntax:
config>service>vpls# interface ip-int-name
address ip-address[/mask] [netmask]
arp-timeout seconds
description description-string
mac ieee-address
no shutdown
static-arp ip-address ieee-address

The following example shows the configuration.

A:ALA-49>config>service>vpls>interface# info detail
               no description
               mac 14:31:ff:00:00:00
               no arp-timeout
               no shutdown

Configuring Policy-Based Forwarding for Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) in VPLS

The purpose of policy-based forwarding is to capture traffic from a customer and perform a deep packet inspection (DPI) and forward traffic, if allowed, by the DPI on the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR.

In the following example, the split horizon groups are used to prevent flooding of traffic. Traffic from customers enter at SAP 1/1/5:5. Due to the mac-filter 100 that is applied on ingress, all traffic with dot1p 07 marking will be forwarded to SAP 1/1/22:1, which is the DPI.

DPI performs packet inspection/modification and either drops the traffic or forwards the traffic back into the box through SAP 1/1/21:1. Traffic will then be sent to spoke-sdp 3:5.

SAP 1/1/23:5 is configured to see if the VPLS service is flooding all the traffic. If flooding is performed by the router then traffic would also be sent to SAP 1/1/23:5 (which it should not).

Figure 101 shows an example to configure policy-based forwarding for deep packet inspection on a VPLS service. For information about configuring filter policies, refer to the Router Configuration Guide.

Figure 101:  Policy-Based Forwarding For Deep Packet Inspection 

The following example shows the service configuration:

*A:ALA-48>config>service# info
        vpls 10 customer 1 create
            service-mtu 1400
            split-horizon-group "dpi" residential-group create
            split-horizon-group "split" create
                expiry-time 65535
                no shutdown
            sap 1/1/21:1 split-horizon-group "split" create
                static-mac 00:00:00:31:11:01 create
            sap 1/1/22:1 split-horizon-group "dpi" create
                static-mac 00:00:00:31:12:01 create
            sap 1/1/23:5 create
                static-mac 00:00:00:31:13:05 create
            no shutdown

The following example shows the MAC filter configuration:

*A:ALA-48>config>filter# info
        mac-filter 100 create
            default-action forward
            entry 10 create
                    dot1p 7 7
                log 101
                action forward sap 1/1/22:1

The following example shows the service configuration with a MAC filter:

*A:ALA-48>config>service# info
        vpls 10 customer 1 create
            service-mtu 1400
            split-horizon-group "dpi" residential-group create
            split-horizon-group "split" create
                expiry-time 65535
                no shutdown
            sap 1/1/5:5 split-horizon-group "split" create
                    filter mac 100
                static-mac 00:00:00:31:15:05 create
            sap 1/1/21:1 split-horizon-group "split" create
                static-mac 00:00:00:31:11:01 create
            sap 1/1/22:1 split-horizon-group "dpi" create
                static-mac 00:00:00:31:12:01 create
            sap 1/1/23:5 create
                static-mac 00:00:00:31:13:05 create
            spoke-sdp 3:5 create
            no shutdown

Configuring VPLS E-Tree Services

When configuring a VPLS E-Tree service the etree keyword must be specified when the VPLS service is created. This is the first operation required before any SAPs or SDPs are added to the service, since the E-Tree service type affects the operations of the SAPs and SDP bindings.

When configuring AC SAPs the configuration model is very similar to normal SAPs. Since the VPLS service must be designated as an E-Tree, the default AC SAP is a root AC SAP. Note that an E-Tree service with all root AC behaves just as a regular VPLS service. A leaf AC SAP must be configured for leaf behavior.

For root-leaf-tag SAPs, the SAP is created with both root and leaf VIDs. The 1/1/1:x.* or 1/1/1:x would be the typical format where x designates the root tag. A leaf-tag is configured at SAP creation and replaces the x with a leaf-tag VID. Combined statistics for root and leaf SAPs are reported under the SAP. There are no individual statistics shown for root and leaf.

The following example illustrates the configuration of a VPLS E-Tree service with root AC (default configuration for SAPs and SDP binds) and leaf AC interfaces, as well as a root leaf tag SAP and SDP bind.

Note that in the example, the SAP 1/1/7:2006.200 is configured using the root-leaf-tag parameter, where the outer VID 2006 is used for root traffic and the outer VID 2007 is used for leaf traffic.

*A:ALA-48>config>service# info
        service vpls 2005 etree customer 1 create
            sap 1/1/1:2005 leaf-ac create
            sap 1/1/7:2006.200 root-leaf-tag leaf-tag 2007 create
            sap 1/1/7:0.* create
            spoke-sdp 12:2005 vc-type vlan root-leaf-tag create
                no shutdow
            spoke-sdp 12:2006 leaf-ac create
                no shutdown
            no shutdown
*A:ALA-48>config>service# info

Service Management Tasks

This section discusses the following service management tasks:

Modifying VPLS Service Parameters

You can change existing service parameters. The changes are applied immediately. To display a list of services, use the show service service-using vpls command. Enter the parameter such as description, SAP, SDP, and/or service-MTU command syntax, and then enter the new information.

The following shows a modified VPLS configuration.

*A:ALA-1>config>service>vpls# info
            description "This is a different description."
            local-age 500
            remote-age 1000
            sap 1/1/5:22 create
                description "VPLS SAP"
            spoke-sdp 2:22 create
            no shutdown

Modifying Management VPLS Parameters

To modify the range of VLANs on an access port that are to be managed by an existing management VPLS, first the new range should be entered and afterwards the old range removed. If the old range is removed before a new range is defined, all customer VPLS services in the old range will become unprotected and may be disabled.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# vpls service-id
sap sap-id
[no] range vlan-range

Deleting a Management VPLS

As with normal VPLS service, a management VPLS cannot be deleted until SAPs and SDPs are unbound (deleted), interfaces are shutdown, and the service is shutdown on the service level.

Use the following CLI syntax to delete a management VPLS service:

CLI Syntax:
[no] vpls service-id
[no] spoke-sdp sdp-id
[no] mesh-sdp sdp-id
[no] sap sap-id

Disabling a Management VPLS

You can shut down a management VPLS without deleting the service parameters.

When a management VPLS is disabled, all associated user VPLS services are also disabled (to prevent loops). If this is not desired, first un-manage the user’s VPLS service by removing them from the managed-vlan-list or moving the spoke SDPs on to another tunnel SDP.

CLI Syntax:
vpls service-id
config>service# vpls 1
config>service>vpls# shutdown
config>service>vpls# exit

Deleting a VPLS Service

A VPLS service cannot be deleted until SAPs and SDPs are unbound (deleted), interfaces are shutdown, and the service is shutdown on the service level.

Use the following CLI syntax to delete a VPLS service:

CLI Syntax:
[no] vpls service-id
[no] mesh-sdp sdp-id
sap sap-id [split-horizon-group group-name]
no sap sap-id

Disabling a VPLS Service

You can shut down a VPLS service without deleting the service parameters.

CLI Syntax:
config>service> vpls service-id
[no] shutdown
config>service# vpls 1
config>service>vpls# shutdown
config>service>vpls# exit

Re-Enabling a VPLS Service

To re-enable a VPLS service that was shut down.

CLI Syntax:
config>service> vpls service-id
[no] shutdown
config>service# vpls 1
config>service>vpls# no shutdown
config>service>vpls# exit