2.15. Configuring a VLL Service with CLI

This section provides information to configure Virtual Leased Line (VLL) services using the command line interface.

2.15.1. Common Configuration Tasks

This section provides a brief overview of the tasks that must be performed, and the CLI commands to configure the VLL services, as follows:

  1. Associate the service with a customer ID.
  2. Define SAP parameters:
    1. Optionally - configure ATM parameters on the 7750 SR
    2. Optionally - select egress and ingress QoS and/or scheduler policies (configured in the config>qos context).
    3. Optionally - select accounting policy (configured in the config>log context).
  3. Define spoke-SDP parameters.
  4. Enable the service.

2.15.2. Configuring VLL Components

This section provides VLL configuration examples for the VLL services. Creating an Apipe Service

Use the following CLI syntax to create an Apipe service on a 7750 SR.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# apipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {atm-vcc|atm-sdu|atm-vpc|atm-cell}][vc-switching]
description description-string
interworking {frf-5}
service-mtu octets
no shutdown

The following example shows the command usage to create an Apipe service.

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# apipe 5 customer 1 create
A:ALA-41config>service>apipe# description “apipe test”
A:ALA-41config>service>apipe# service-mtu 1400
A:ALA-41config>service>apipe# no shutdown

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# apipe 5 customer 1 create
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe# description “apipe test”
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe# service-mtu 1400
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe# no shutdown

The following example shows the Apipe service creation output.

PE Router 1 (ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# info
        apipe 5 customer 1 create
            description "apipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            no shutdown

PE Router 2 (ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# info
        apipe 5 customer 1 create
            description "apipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            no shutdown
A:ALA-42>config>service# Configuring Basic Apipe SAP Parameters

Use the following CLI syntax to configure Apipe SAP parameters.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# apipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {atm-vcc|atm-sdu|atm-vpc|atm-cell}][vc-switching]
sap sap-id
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
description description-string
qos policy-id
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
qos policy-id [shared-queuing]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
multi-service-site customer-site-name
no shutdown

The following example shows the command usage to create Apipe SAPs:

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# apipe 5
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# sap 1/1/1:0/32 create
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap# ingress
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap>ingress# qos 102
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap>ingress# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap# egress
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap>egress# qos 103
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap>egress# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap# no shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap# exit

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

Example: A:ALA-42>config>service# apipe 5
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe# sap 2/2/2:0/32 create
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>sap# ingress
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>sap>ingress# qos 102
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>sap>ingress# exit
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>sap# egress
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>sap>egress# qos 103
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>sap>egress# exit
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>sap# no shutdown
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>sap# exit

The following output shows the Apipe SAP configuration.

PE Router 1 (ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# info
        apipe 5 customer 1 create
            description "apipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 1/1/1:0/32 create
                   qos 102
                   qos 103
            no shutdown

PE Router 2 (ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# info
        apipe 5 customer 1 create
            description "apipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 2/2/2:0/32 create
                   qos 102
                   qos 103
            no shutdown
A:ALA-42>config>service# Configuring an ATM SAP in the N-to-1 Mapping of ATM VPI/VCI to ATM Pseudowire

Users can configure an ATM-cell Apipe service with a new ATM SAP type. The SAP type refers to a preconfigured ATM connection profile name.

configure service apipe 100 vc-type atm-cell 
      sap <port-id | aps-id>[:cp.<connection-profile-num>]

The ATM SAP connection profile is configured with the list of discrete VPI/VCI values, as follows:

configure connection-profile 2 {member vpi/vci...(up to 16)}

A connection profile can only be applied to a SAP that is part of an Apipe VLL service of vc-type atm-cell. The ATM SAP can be on a regular port or APS port. A connection profile can be applied to any number of ATM SAPs.

Up to a maximum of 16 discrete VPI/VCI values can be configured in a connection profile. After creation of the connection profile, the user can subsequently add, remove, or modify the VPI/VCI entries. This triggers a re-evaluation of all the ATM SAPs that are currently using that profile.

The user must also override the PW type signaled to type '0x0009 N:1 VCC cell' by using the following command:

config>service>apipe>signaled-vc-type-override atm-vcc

This command is not allowed in an Apipe VLL of vc-type value atm-cell if a configured ATM SAP is not using a connection profile. Conversely, if the signaling override command is enabled, only an ATM SAP with a connection profile assigned will be allowed.

The override command is not allowed on an Apipe VLL service of vc-type value other than atm-cell. It is also not allowed on a VLL service with the vc-switching option enabled because signaling of the pseudowire FEC in a Multi-Segment Pseudowire (MS-PW) is controlled by the T-PE nodes. Therefore, for this feature to be used on a MS-PW, configure an Apipe service of vc-type atm-cell at the T-PE nodes with the signaled-vc-type-override command enabled, and configure an Apipe VLL service of vc-type atm-vcc at the S-PE node with the vc-switching option enabled.

The following are the restrictions of this feature:

  1. A SAP-to-SAP VLL service is not supported using ATM SAP with a connection profile assigned. The user must configure each VPI/VCI into a separate SAP and create as many Apipe VLL services of type atm-vcc as required.
  2. An ATM SAP with a connection profile assigned cannot be configured on a port that is part of an MC-APS protection group.
  3. It is strongly recommended to not apply a VCI-based QoS Filter to the ingress of an ATM SAP with a connection profile. Because the filter matches the VCI value of the first cell of a concatenated packet, the entire packet will be treated the same way based on the action of the entry of the criteria; all cells of the concatenated packet will be mapped to the same FC and profile, based on the VCI value of the first cell.

This feature is supported on the 4-port OC-3/STM-1:OC-12/STM-4 ATM MDA and on the 16-port OC-3/STM-1 ATM MDA. Configuring Apipe SDP Bindings

Use the following CLI syntax to create a spoke-SDP binding with an Apipe service.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# apipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {atm-vcc|atm-sdu|atm-vpc|atm-cell}] [vc-switching]
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id
max-cells cell-count
max-delay delay-time
vc-label egress-vc-label
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no shutdown

The following example displays the command usage to create Apipe spoke-SDPs:

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

Example: A:ALA-41>config>service# apipe 5
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# spoke-sdp 1:5 create
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# no shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# exit

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

Example: A:ALA-42>config>service# apipe 5
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe# spoke-sdp 1:5 create
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# no shutdown
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# exit

The following output shows the Apipe spoke-SDP configurations.

PE Router 1 (ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# info
        apipe 5 customer 1 create
            description "apipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 1/1/1:0/32 create
                   qos 102
                   qos 103
            spoke-sdp 1:5 create
            no shutdown

PE Router 2 (ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# info
        apipe 5 customer 1 create
            description "apipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 2/2/2:0/32 create
                   qos 102
                   qos 103
            spoke-sdp 1:5 create
            no shutdown
A:ALA-42>config>service# Creating a Cpipe Service Basic Configuration

Use the following CLI syntax to create a Cpipe service on a 7750 SR. A route distinguisher must be defined in order for Cpipe to be operationally active.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# cpipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {satop-e1 | satop-t1 | cesopsn | cesopsn-cas}] [vc-switching] [create]

For the 7450 ESS platforms, the vc-switching option must be configured for Cpipe functionality, as follows:

cpipe 1 name "XYZ Cpipe 1" customer 1 vc-switching vc-type cesopsn create
            spoke-sdp 20:1 create 
                description "Description for Sdp Bind 20 for Svc ID 1" 
                    vc-label 10002 
                    vc-label 10001 
            spoke-sdp 50:1 create 
                description "Description for Sdp Bind 50 for Svc ID 1" 
            no shutdown 

The following displays a Cpipe service configuration example:

*A:ALA-1>config>service# info
        cpipe 210 customer 1 vc-type cesopsn create
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 1/5/ create
            spoke-sdp 1:210 create
            no shutdown
*A:ALA-1>config>service# Configuration Requirements

Before a Cpipe service can be provisioned, the following tasks must be completed: Configuring a DS1 Port

The following example shows a DS1 port configured for CES:

A:sim216#  show port 1/5/ 
TDM DS1 Interface
Description        : DS1
Interface          : 1/5/10.1.3,1 
Type               : ds1                     Framing              : esf       
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up        
Physical Link      : yes                     Clock Source         : loop-timed
Signal Mode        : none                                                     
Last State Change  : 10/31/2006 14:23:12     Channel IfIndex      : 580943939 
Loopback           : none                    Invert Data          : false     
Remote Loop respond: false                   In Remote Loop       : false     
Load-balance-algo  : default                 Egr. Sched. Pol      : n/a       
BERT Duration      : N/A                     BERT Pattern         : none      
BERT Synched       : 00h00m00s               Err Insertion Rate   : 0         
BERT Errors        : 0                       BERT Status          : idle      
BERT Total Bits    : 0                                                        
Cfg Alarm          : ais los                                                  
Alarm Status       :                                                          
A:sim216# Configuring a Channel Group

The following example shows a DS1 channel group configured for CES:

A:sim216#  show port 1/5/  
TDM DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 1/5/                                              
TimeSlots          : 1-12                                                      
Speed              : 64                      CRC                  : 16         
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up         
Last State Change  : 10/31/2006 14:23:12     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 580943940  
Configured mode    : access                  Encap Type           : cem        
Admin MTU          : 4112                    Oper MTU             : 4112       
Physical Link      : Yes                     Bundle Number        : none       
Idle Cycle Flags   : flags                   Load-balance-algo    : default    
Egr. Sched. Pol    : n/a                                                       
A:sim216# Configuring Cpipe SAPs and Spoke-SDPs

The following examples show Cpipe SAP and spoke-SDP configurations:

*A:ALA-49>config>service# info
echo "Service Configuration"
        cpipe 100 customer 1 vc-type cesopsn create
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 1/5/ create
            spoke-sdp 1:100 create
            no shutdown
        cpipe 200 customer 1 vc-type cesopsn-cas create
            sap 1/5/ create
            sap 1/5/ create
            no shutdown
        cpipe 210 customer 1 vc-type cesopsn-cas create
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 1/5/ create
            spoke-sdp 1:210 create
            no shutdown
        cpipe 300 customer 1 vc-type cesopsn create
            sap 1/5/ create
            sap 1/5/ create
            no shutdown
        cpipe 400 customer 1 vc-type satop-e1 create
            sap 1/5/ create
            spoke-sdp 1:400 create
            no shutdown
A:sim213>config>service>cpipe# info 
            description "cpipe-100"
            sap 1/5/ create
                    packet jitter-buffer 16 payload-size 384
                    report-alarm rpktloss 
                    no report-alarm stray 
            spoke-sdp 1:100 create
            no shutdown
A:sim213>config>service>cpipe# Creating an Epipe Service

Use the following CLI syntax to create an Epipe service.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# epipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-switching]
description description-string
no shutdown

The following example shows an Epipe configuration:

A:ALA-1>config>service# info
        epipe 500 customer 5 vpn 500 create
            description "Local epipe service"
            no shutdown
A:ALA-1>config>service# Configuring Epipe SAP Parameters

A default QoS policy is applied to each ingress and egress SAP. Additional QoS policies can be configured in the config>qos context. Filter policies are configured in the config>filter context and explicitly applied to a SAP. There are no default filter policies.

Use the following CLI syntax to create:

The following example shows a configuration for the 7950 XRS.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# epipe service-id [customer customer-id]
sap sap-id [endpoint endpoint-name]
sap sap-id [no-endpoint]
accounting-policy policy-id
description description-string
no shutdown
filter {ip ip-filter-name | mac mac-filter-name}
qos sap-egress-policy-id
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
filter {ip ip-filter-name | mac mac-filter-name}
match-qinq-dot1p {top | bottom}
qos policy-id
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name

The following example shows a configuration for the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# epipe service-id [customer customer-id]
sap sap-id [endpoint endpoint-name]
sap sap-id [no-endpoint]
accounting-policy policy-id
description description-string
no shutdown
filter {ip ip-filter-name | mac mac-filter-name}
qos sap-egress-policy-id
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
filter {ip ip-filter-name | mac mac-filter-name}
match-qinq-dot1p {top | bottom}
qos policy-id [shared-queuing]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name Local Epipe SAPs

To configure a basic local Epipe service, enter the sap sap-id command twice with different port IDs in the same service configuration.

By default, QoS policy ID 1 is applied to ingress and egress service SAPs. Existing filter policies or other existing QoS policies can be associated with service SAPs on ingress and egress ports. Table 11 shows supported SAP types.

Table 11:  Supported SAP Types 

Uplink Type



Cust. VID

Access SAPs

Network SAPs



Null, dot1q *








Dot1q (encap = X)

Q1.Q2 (where Q2 = X)

An existing scheduler policy can be applied to ingress and egress SAPs to be used by the SAP queues and, at egress only, policers. The schedulers comprising the policy are created when the scheduler policy is applied to the SAP. If any policers or orphaned queues (with a non-existent local scheduler defined) exist on a SAP and the policy application creates the required scheduler, the status on the queue becomes non-orphaned at this time.

Ingress and egress SAP parameters can be applied to local and distributed Epipe service SAPs.

The following example shows the SAP configurations for local Epipe service 500 on SAP 1/1/2 and SAP 1/1/3 on ALA-1:

A:ALA-1>config>service# epipe 500 customer 5 create
    config>service>epipe$ description "Local epipe service"
    config>service>epipe# sap 1/1/2:0 create
    config>service>epipe>sap? ingress
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# qos 20
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# filter ip 1
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# exit
    config>service>epipe>sap# egress
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# qos 20
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# scheduler-policy test1
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# exit
    config>service>epipe>sap# no shutdown
    config>service>epipe>sap# exit
    config>service>epipe# sap 1/1/3:0 create
    config>service>epipe>sap# ingress
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# qos 555
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# filter ip 1
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# exit
    config>service>epipe>sap# egress
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# qos 627
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# scheduler-policy alpha
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# exit
    config>service>epipe>sap# no shutdown
    config>service>epipe>sap# exit

The following example shows the local Epipe configuration:

A:ALA-1>config>service# info
        epipe 500 customer 5 vpn 500 create
            description "Local epipe service"
            sap 1/1/2:0 create
                    qos 20
                    filter ip 1
                    scheduler-policy "test1"
                    qos 20
            sap 1/1/3:0 create
                    qos 555
                    filter ip 1
                    scheduler-policy "alpha"
                    qos 627
            no shutdown
A:ALA-1>config>service# Distributed Epipe SAPs

To configure a distributed Epipe service, you must configure service entities on the originating and far-end nodes. You should use the same service ID on both ends (for example, Epipe 5500 on ALA-1 and Epipe 5500 on ALA-2). The spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id must match on both sides. A distributed Epipe consists of two SAPs on different nodes.

By default, QoS policy ID 1 is applied to ingress and egress service SAPs. Existing filter policies or other existing QoS policies can be associated with service SAPs on ingress and egress.

An existing scheduler policy can be applied to ingress and egress SAPs to be used by the SAP queues and, at egress only, policers. The schedulers comprising the policy are created when the scheduler policy is applied to the SAP. If any policers or orphaned queues (with a non-existent local scheduler defined) exist on a SAP and the policy application creates the required scheduler, the status on the queue becomes non-orphaned at this time.

Ingress and egress SAP parameters can be applied to local and distributed Epipe service SAPs.

For SDP configuration information, refer to the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Services Overview Guide. For SDP binding information, see Configuring SDP Bindings.

The following example shows a configuration of a distributed service between ALA-1 and ALA-2:

A:ALA-1>epipe 5500 customer 5 create
    config>service>epipe$ description "Distributed epipe service to east coast"
    config>service>epipe# sap 221/1/3:21 create 
    config>service>epipe>sap# ingress
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# qos 555
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# filter ip 1
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# exit
    config>service>epipe>sap# egress
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# qos 627
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# scheduler-policy alpha
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# exit
    config>service>epipe>sap# no shutdown
    config>service>epipe>sap# exit
A:ALA-2>config>service# epipe 5500 customer 5 create
    config>service>epipe$ description "Distributed epipe service to west coast"
    config>service>epipe# sap 441/1/4:550 create
    config>service>epipe>sap# ingress
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# qos 654
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# filter ip 1020
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# exit
    config>service>epipe>sap# egress
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# qos 432
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# filter ip 6
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# scheduler-policy test1
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# exit
    config>service>epipe>sap# no shutdown

The following example shows the SAP configurations for ALA-1 and ALA-2:

A:ALA-1>config>service# info
        epipe 5500 customer 5 vpn 5500 create
            description "Distributed epipe service to east coast"
            sap 221/1/3:21 create
                    qos 555
                    filter ip 1
                    scheduler-policy "alpha"
                    qos 627
A:ALA-2>config>service# info
        epipe 5500 customer 5 vpn 5500 create
            description "Distributed epipe service to west coast"
            sap 441/1/4:550 create
                    qos 654
                    filter ip 1020
                    scheduler-policy "test1"
                    qos 432
                    filter ip 6
A:ALA-2>config>service# PBB Epipe Configuration

The following example shows the PBB Epipe configuration:

*A:Wales-1>config>service>epipe# info
    description "Default epipe description for service id 20000"
    pbb-tunnel 200 backbone-dest-mac 00:03:fa:15:d3:a8 isid 20000
    sap 1/1/2:1.1 create
        description "Default sap description for service id 20000"
        filter mac 1
    no shutdown
CLI Syntax:
configure service vpls 200 customer 1 b-vpls create
*A:Wales-1>config>service>vpls# info
    service-mtu 2000
    fdb-table-size 131071
    no shutdown
    sap 1/1/8 create
    sap 1/2/3:200 create
    mesh-sdp 1:200 create
    mesh-sdp 100:200 create
    mesh-sdp 150:200 create
    mesh-sdp 500:200 create
    no shutdown
*A:Wales-1>config>service>vpls# Configuring Ingress and Egress SAP Parameters

By default, QoS policy ID 1 is applied to ingress and egress service SAPs. Existing filter policies or other existing QoS policies can be associated with service SAPs on ingress and egress ports.

An existing scheduler policy can be applied to ingress and egress SAPs to be used by the SAP queues and, at egress only, policers. The schedulers comprising the policy are created when the scheduler policy is applied to the SAP. If any policers or orphaned queues (with a non-existent local scheduler defined) exist on a SAP and the policy application creates the required scheduler, the status on the queue becomes non-orphaned at this time.

Ingress and egress SAP parameters can be applied to local and distributed Epipe service SAPs.

The following example shows the SAP ingress and egress parameters:

ALA-1>config>service# epipe 5500
    config>service>epipe# sap 2/1/3:21
    config>service>epipe>sap# ingress
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# qos 555
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# filter ip 1
    config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# exit
    config>service>epipe>sap# egress
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# qos 627
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# scheduler-policy alpha
    config>service>epipe>sap>egress# exit

The following example shows the Epipe SAP ingress and egress configuration:

        epipe 5500 customer 5 vpn 5500 create
            description "Distributed epipe service to east coast"
            sap 2/1/3:21 create
                    qos 555
                    filter ip 1
                    scheduler-policy "alpha"
                    qos 627
            spoke-sdp 2:123 create
                    vc-label 6600
                    vc-label 5500
            no shutdown
A:ALA-1>config>service# Configuring SDP Bindings

Figure 49 shows an example of a distributed Epipe service configuration between two routers, identifying the service and customer IDs, and the uni-directional SDPs required to communicate to the far-end routers.

A spoke-SDP is treated like the equivalent of a traditional bridge “port”, where flooded traffic received on the spoke-SDP is replicated on all other “ports” (other spoke and mesh SDPs or SAPs) and not transmitted on the port it was received.

Figure 49:  SDPs — Uni-Directional Tunnels 

Use the following CLI syntax to create a spoke-SDP binding with an Epipe service.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# epipe service-id [customer customer-id]
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id [vc-type {ether | vlan}]
vlan-vc-tag 0..4094
filter {ip ip-filter-id}
vc-label egress-vc-label
filter {ip ip-filter-id}
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no shutdown

The following example shows the command usage to bind an Epipe service between ALA-1 and ALA-2. This example assumes the SAPs have already been configured (see Distributed Epipe SAPs).

A:ALA-1>config>service# epipe 5500
    config>service>epipe# spoke-sdp 2:123
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp# egress
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>egress# vc-label 5500
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>egress# exit
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp# ingress
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>ingress# vc-label 6600
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>ingress# exit
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp# no shutdown
    ALA-2>config>service# epipe 5500
    config>service>epipe# spoke-sdp 2:456
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp# egress
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>egress# vc-label 6600
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>egress# exit
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp# ingress
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>ingress# vc-label 5500
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>ingress# exit
    config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp# no shutdown

The following example shows the SDP binding for the Epipe service between ALA-1 and ALA-2:

A:ALA-1>config>service# info
        epipe 5500 customer 5 vpn 5500 create
            description "Distributed epipe service to east coast"
            sap 2/1/3:21 create
                    qos 555
                    filter ip 1
                    scheduler-policy "alpha"
                    qos 627
            spoke-sdp 2:123 create
                    vc-label 6600
                    vc-label 5500
            no shutdown
A:ALA-2>config>service# info
        epipe 5500 customer 5 vpn 5500 create
            description "Distributed epipe service to west coast"
            sap 441/1/4:550 create
                    qos 654
                    filter ip 1020
                    scheduler-policy "test1"
                    qos 432
                    filter ip 6
            spoke-sdp 2:456 create
                    vc-label 5500
                    vc-label 6600
            no shutdown
A:ALA-2>config>service# Creating an Fpipe Service

Use the following CLI syntax to create an Fpipe service on a 7750 SR.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# fpipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {fr-dlci}] [vc-switching]
description description-string
service-mtu octets
no shutdown

The following example shows the command usage to create an Fpipe service:

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# fpipe 1 customer 1 create
A:ALA-41config>service>fpipe# description “fpipe test”
A:ALA-41config>service>fpipe# service-mtu 1400
A:ALA-41config>service>fpipe# no shutdown

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# fpipe 1 customer 1 create
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe# description “fpipe test”
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe# service-mtu 1400
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe# no shutdown

The following example shows the Fpipe service creation output:

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# info

        fpipe 1 customer 1 create
            description “fpipe test”
            service-mtu 1400
            no shutdown

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# info


        fpipe 1 customer 1 create
            description “fpipe test”
            service-mtu 1400
            no shutdown
A:ALA-42>config>service# Configuring Fpipe SAP Parameters

Use the following CLI syntax to configure Fpipe SAP parameters.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# fpipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {fr-dlci}] [vc-switching]
sap sap-id
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
description description-string
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
qos policy-id
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
qos policy-id [shared-queuing]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
multi-service-site customer-site-name
no shutdown

The following example shows the command usage to create an Fpipe SAP:

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# fpipe 1
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# sap 1/2/1:16 create
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap# ingress
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap>ingress# qos 101
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap>ingress# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap# egress
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap>egress# qos 1020
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap>egress# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap# no shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap# exit

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# fpipe 1
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe# sap 2/1/1.1:16 create
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>sap# ingress
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>sap>ingress# qos 101
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>sap>ingress# exit
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>sap# egress
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>sap>egress# qos 1020
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>sap>egress# exit
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>sap# no shutdown
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>sap# exit

The following example shows the Fpipe SAP configuration:

PE Router 1 (ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# info
        fpipe 1 customer 1 create
            description "fpipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 1/2/1:16 create
                   qos 101
                   qos 1020
            no shutdown

PE Router 2 (ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# info
        fpipe 1 customer 1 create
            description "fpipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 2/1/1.1:16 create
                   qos 101
                   qos 1020
            no shutdown
A:ALA-42>config>service# Configuring Fpipe SDP Bindings

Use the following CLI syntax to create a spoke-SDP binding with an Fpipe service.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# fpipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {fr-dlci}] [vc-switching]
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id
filter ip ip-filter-id
vc-label egress-vc-label
filter ip ip-filter-id
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no shutdown

The following example shows the command usage to create an Fpipe spoke-SDP:

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# fpipe 1
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# spoke-sdp 1:1 create
A:ALA-41>config>service>spoke-sdp# no shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>spoke-sdp# exit

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# fpipe 1
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe# spoke-sdp 1:1 create
A:ALA-42>config>service>spoke-sdp# no shutdown
A:ALA-42>config>service>spoke-sdp# exit

The following example shows the Fpipe spoke-SDP configuration:

PE Router 1 (ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# info
        fpipe 1 customer 1 create
            description "fpipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 1/2/1:16 create
                   qos 101
                   qos 1020
            spoke-sdp 1:1 create
            no shutdown

PE Router 2 (ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# info
        fpipe 1 customer 1 create
            description "fpipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 2/1/1.1:16 create
                   qos 101
                   qos 1020
            spoke-sdp 1:1 create
            no shutdown
A:ALA-42>config>service# Creating an Ipipe Service

Use the following CLI syntax to create an Ipipe service on a 7450 ESS or 7750 SR.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# ipipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-switching]
description description-string
no shutdown

The following example shows an Ipipe configuration:

A:ALA-1>config>service# info
        ipipe 202 customer 1 create
            description "eth_ipipe"
            no shutdown
A:ALA-1>config>service# Configuring Ipipe SAP Parameters

The following example shows an Ipipe SAP configuration:

A:ALA-48>config>service# info
        ipipe 202 customer 1 create
            sap 1/1/2:444 create
                description "eth_ipipe"
            sap 1/3/2:445 create
                description "eth_ipipe"
            no shutdown

The following example shows a Frame Relay to Ethernet local Ipipe configuration.

config>service# ipipe 204 customer 1 create
config>service>ipipe$ sap 1/1/2:446 create
config>service>ipipe>sap$ description "eth_fr_ipipe"
config>service>ipipe>sap$ ce-address
config>service>ipipe>sap$ no shutdown
config>service>ipipe>sap$ exit
config>service>ipipe# sap 2/2/2:16 create
config>service>ipipe>sap$ ce-address
config>service>ipipe>sap$ no shutdown
config>service>ipipe>sap$ exit
config>service>ipipe# no shutdown
config>service>ipipe# exit

The following example shows the output:

A:ALA-48>config>service# info
        ipipe 204 customer 1 create
            sap 1/1/2:446 create
                description "eth_fr_ipipe"
            sap 2/2/2:16 create
            no shutdown

The following example shows a PPP to Ethernet local Ipipe configuration.

config>service# ipipe 206 customer 1 create
config>service>ipipe$ sap 1/1/2:447 create
config>service>ipipe>sap$ description "eth_ppp_ipipe"
config>service>ipipe>sap$ ce-address
config>service>ipipe>sap$ no shutdown
config>service>ipipe>sap$ exit
config>service>ipipe# sap 2/2/2 create
config>service>ipipe>sap$ description "ppp_eth_ipipe"
config>service>ipipe>sap$ ce-address
config>service>ipipe>sap$ no shutdown
config>service>ipipe>sap$ exit
config>service>ipipe# no shutdown
config>service>ipipe# exit

The following example shows the output:

A:ALA-48>config>service# info
        ipipe 206 customer 1 create
            sap 1/1/2:447 create
                description "eth_ppp_ipipe"
            sap 2/2/2 create
                description "ppp_eth_ipipe"
            no shutdown
A:ALA-48>config>service# Configuring Ipipe SDP Bindings

The following example shows an Ipipe SDP configuration:

A:ALA-48>config>service# info
        sdp 16 mpls create
            path-mtu 1600
            no shutdown
        ipipe 207 customer 1 create
            sap 1/1/2:449 create
                description "Remote_Ipipe"
            spoke-sdp 16:516 create

2.15.3. Using Spoke-SDP Control Words

The control word command provides the option to add a control word as part of the packet encapsulation for PW types for which the control word is optional. These are Ethernet pseudowire (Epipe), ATM N:1 cell mode pseudowires (Apipe vc-types atm-vcc and atm-vpc), and VT pseudowire (Apipe vc-type atm-cell). The control word might be needed because when ECMP is enabled on the network, packets of a specific pseudowire may be spread over multiple ECMP paths if the hashing router mistakes the PW packet payload for an IPv4 or IPv6 packet. This occurs when the first nibble following the service label corresponds to a value of 4 or 6.

The control word negotiation procedures described in Section 6.2 of RFC 4447 are not supported and, therefore, the service will only come up if the same C-bit value is signaled in both directions. If a spoke-SDP is configured to use the control word, but the node receives a label mapping message with a C-bit clear, the node releases the label with an “Illegal C-bit” status code per Section 6.1 of RFC 4447. As soon as the user enables control of the remote peer, the remote peer withdraws its original label and sends a label mapping with the C-bit set to 1 and the VLL service is up in both nodes.

When the control word is enabled, VCCV packets also include the VCCV control word. In that case, the VCCV CC type 1 (OAM CW) is signaled in the VCCV parameter in the FEC. If the control word is disabled on the spoke-SDP, the Router Alert label is used. In that case, VCCV CC type 2 is signaled. For a multi-segment pseudowire (MS-PW), the CC type 1 is the only type supported; therefore, the control word must be enabled on the spoke-SDP to be able to use VCCV-ping and VCCV-trace.

The following example shows a spoke-SDP control word configuration:

-Dut-B>config>service>epipe# info
    description "Default epipe description for service id 2100"
    sap 1/2/7:4 create
        description "Default sap description for service id 2100"
    spoke-sdp 1:2001 create
    no shutdown
To disable the control word on spoke-sdp 1:2001:
*A:ALA-Dut-B>config>service>epipe# info
    description "Default epipe description for service id 2100"
    sap 1/2/7:4 create
        description "Default sap description for service id 2100"
    spoke-sdp 1:2001 create
    no shutdown

2.15.4. Same-Fate Epipe VLANs Access Protection

The following example shows a G.8031 Ethernet tunnel for Epipe protection configuration for 7450 ESS or 7750 SR using same-fate SAPs for each Epipe access (two Ethernet member ports 1/1/1 and 2/1/1/1 are used):

*A:7750_ALU>config>eth-tunnel 1
        description "Protection is APS"
        protection-type 8031_1to1
            mac 00:11:11:11:11:12
            encap-type dot1q
        ccm-hold-time down 5 up 10 // 50 ms down, 1 second up
        path 1
            member 1/1/1
            control-tag 5 // primary control vlan 5
            precedence primary
                mep 2 domain 1 association 1
                    no shutdown
            no shutdown
        path 2
            member 2/1/1
            control-tag 105 //secondary control vlan 105
                mep 2 domain 1 association 2
                    no shutdown
            no shutdown
        no shutdown
# Configure Ethernet tunnel SAPs 
*A:7750_ALU>config>service epipe 10 customer 5 create
        sap eth-tunnel-1 create // Uses control tags from the Ethernet tunnel port
            description "g8031-protected access ctl/data SAP for eth-tunnel 1"
        no shutdown 
*A:7750_ALU>config>service epipe 11 customer 5 create
    sap eth-tunnel-1:1 create
        description "g8031-protected access same-fate SAP for eth-tunnel 1"
        // must specify tags for each corresponding path in Ethernet tunnel port 
        eth-tunnel path 1 tag 6
        eth-tunnel path 2 tag 106
*A:7750_ALU>config>service epipe 10 customer 5 create
    sap eth-tunnel-1:3 create
        description "g8031-protected access same-fate SAP for eth-tunnel 1"
        // must specify tags for each path for same-fate SAPs
        eth-tunnel path 1 tag 10
        eth-tunnel path 2 tag 110

2.15.5. Pseudowire Configuration Notes

The vc-switching parameter must be specified when the VLL service is created. When the vc-switching parameter is specified, you are configuring an S-PE. This is a pseudowire switching point (switching from one pseudowire to another). Therefore, you cannot add a SAP to the configuration.

The following example shows the configuration when a SAP is added to a pseudowire. The CLI generates an error response if you attempt to create a SAP. VC switching is only needed on the pseudowire at the S-PE.

*A:ALA-701>config>service# epipe 28 customer 1 create vc-switching 
*A:ALA-701>config>service>epipe$ sap 1/1/3 create
MINOR: SVCMGR #1311 SAP is not allowed under PW switching service 

Use the following CLI syntax to create pseudowire switching VLL services. These are examples only. Different routers support different pseudowire switching VLL services.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# apipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {atm-vcc|atm-sdu|atm-vpc|atm-cell}] [vc-switching]
description description-string
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id
CLI Syntax:
config>service# epipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-switching]
description description-string
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id
CLI Syntax:
config>service# fpipe service-id [customer customer-id][vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {fr-dlci}] [vc-switching]
description description-string
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id
CLI Syntax:
config>service# ipipe service-id [customer customer-id][vpn vpn-id] [vc-switching]
description description-string
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id

The following example shows the command usage to configure VLL pseudowire switching services:

config>service# apipe 1 customer 1 vpn 1 vc-switching create
config>service>apipe$ description “Default apipe description for service id 100”
config>service>apipe# spoke-sdp 3:1 create
config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# exit
config>service>apipe# spoke-sdp 6:200 create
config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# exit
config>service>apipe# no shutdown

The following example shows configurations for each service:

*A:ALA-48>config>service# info
        apipe 100 customer 1 vpn 1 vc-switching create
            description "Default apipe description for service id 100"
            spoke-sdp 3:1 create
            spoke-sdp 6:200 create
            no shutdown
        epipe 107 customer 1 vpn 107 vc-switching create
            description "Default epipe description for service id 107"
            spoke-sdp 3:8 create
            spoke-sdp 6:207 create
            no shutdown
        ipipe 108 customer 1 vpn 108 vc-switching create
            description "Default ipipe description for service id 108"
            spoke-sdp 3:9 create
            spoke-sdp 6:208 create
            no shutdown
        fpipe 109 customer 1 vpn 109 vc-switching create
            description "Default fpipe description for service id 109"
            spoke-sdp 3:5 create
            spoke-sdp 6:209 create
            no shutdown

2.15.6. Configuring Two VLL Paths Terminating on T-PE2

Figure 50:  VLL Resilience with Pseudowire Redundancy and Switching 


The following shows an example of the T-PE1 configuration:

*A:ALA-T-PE1>config>service>epipe# info
            endpoint "x" create
            endpoint "y" create
            spoke-sdp 1:100 endpoint "y" create
                precedence primary
                revert-time 0
            spoke-sdp 4:400 endpoint "y" create
                precedence 0
            no shutdown

The following shows an example of the T-PE2 configuration for 7950 XRS.


*A:ALA-T-PE2>config>service>epipe# info
            endpoint "x" create
            endpoint "y" create
            sap endpoint "x" create
            spoke-sdp 3:300 endpoint "y" create
                precedence primary
                revert-time 0
            spoke-sdp 6:600 endpoint "y" create
                precedence 0
            no shutdown

The following shows and example of the T-PE2 configuration for 7450 ESS and 7750 SR.


*A:ALA-T-PE2>config>service>epipe# info
            endpoint "x" create
            endpoint "y" create
            sap 2/2/2:200 endpoint "x" create
            spoke-sdp 3:300 endpoint "y" create
                precedence primary
                revert-time 0
            spoke-sdp 6:600 endpoint "y" create
                precedence 0
            no shutdown

S-PE1: Specifying the vc-switching parameter enables a VC cross-connect, so the service manager does not signal the VC label mapping immediately, but will put this into passive mode.

The following example shows the configuration:

*A:ALA-S-PE1>config>service>epipe# info
            spoke-sdp 2:200 create
            spoke-sdp 3:300 create
            no shutdown

S-PE2: Specifying the vc-switching parameter enables a VC cross-connect, so the service manager does not signal the VC label mapping immediately, but will put this into passive mode.

The following example shows the configuration:

*A:ALA-S-PE2>config>service>epipe# info
            spoke-sdp 2:200 create
            spoke-sdp 3:300 create
            no shutdown

2.15.7. Configuring VLL Resilience

Figure 51 shows an example to create VLL resilience. The zero revert-time value means that the VLL path will be switched back to the primary immediately after it comes back up.

Figure 51:  VLL Resilience 


The following example shows the configuration on PE-1:

*A:ALA-48>config>service>epipe# info
            endpoint "x" create
            endpoint "y" create
            spoke-sdp 1:100 endpoint "y" create
                precedence primary
            spoke-sdp 2:200 endpoint "y" create
                precedence 1
            no shutdown

2.15.8. Configuring VLL Resilience for a Switched Pseudowire Path

Figure 52:  VLL Resilience with Pseudowire Switching 


The following example shows the configuration on T-PE-1.

*A:ALA-48>config>service>epipe# info
            endpoint "x" create
            endpoint "y" create
            sap 1/1/1:100 endpoint "x" create
            spoke-sdp 1:100 endpoint "y" create
                precedence primary
            spoke-sdp 2:200 endpoint "y" create
                precedence 1
            spoke-sdp 3:300 endpoint "y" create
                precedence 1
            no shutdown


The following example shows the configuration on T-PE-2.

*A:ALA-49>config>service>epipe# info
            endpoint "x" create
            endpoint "y" create
                revert-time 100
            spoke-sdp 4:400 endpoint "y" create
                precedence primary
            spoke-sdp 5:500 endpoint "y" create
                precedence 1
            spoke-sdp 6:600 endpoint "y" create
                precedence 1
            no shutdown


The following example shows the configuration on S-PE-1.

*A:ALA-50>config>service>epipe# info
            spoke-sdp 1:100 create
            spoke-sdp 4:400 create
            no shutdown

2.15.9. Configuring BGP Virtual Private Wire Service (VPWS) Single-Homed BGP VPWS

Figure 53 shows an example topology for a BGP VPWS service used to create a virtual lease-line across an MPLS network between two sites: A and B.

Figure 53:  Single-Homed BGP VPWS Configuration Example 

An Epipe is configured on PE1 and PE2 with BGP VPWS enabled. PE1 and PE2 are connected to site A and B, respectively, each using a SAP. The interconnection between the two PEs is achieved through a pseudowire, using Ethernet VLAN encapsulation, which is signaled using BGP VPWS over a tunnel LSP between PE1 and PE2. A MIP or MEP can be configured on a BGP VPWS SAP. However, fault propagation between a MEP and the BGP update state signaling is not supported. BGP VPWS routes are accepted only over an IBGP session.

The following example shows the BGP VPWS configuration on each PE:

pw-template 1 create
    vc-type vlan
epipe 1 customer 1 create
        route-distinguisher 65536:1
        route-target export target:65536:1 import target:65536:1
        pw-template-binding 1
        ve-name PE1
            ve-id 1
        remote-ve-name PE2
            ve-id 2
        no shutdown
    sap 1/1/1:1 create
    no shutdown
pw-template 1 create
    vc-type vlan
epipe 1 customer 1 create
        route-distinguisher 65536:2
        route-target export target:65536:1 import target:65536:1
        pw-template-binding 1
        ve-name PE2
            ve-id 2
        remote-ve-name PE1
            ve-id 1
        no shutdown
    sap 1/1/1:1 create
    no shutdown

The BGP-VPWS update can be shown using the following command:

A:PE1# show service l2-route-table bgp-vpws detail 
Services: L2 Bgp-Vpws Route Information - Summary
Svc Id         : 1
VeId           : 2
PW Temp Id     : 1
RD             : *65536:2
Next Hop       :
State (D-Bit)  : up(0)
Path MTU       : 1514
Control Word   : 0
Seq Delivery   : 0
Status         : active
Tx Status      : active
CSV            : 0
Preference     : 0
Sdp Bind Id    : 17407:4294967295
A:PE1# Dual-Homed BGP VPWS

Single Pseudowire Example:

Figure 54 shows an example topology for a dual-homed BGP VPWS service used to create a virtual lease-line across an MPLS network between two sites: A and B. A single pseudowire is established between the designated forwarder of the dual-homed PEs and the remote PE.

Figure 54:  Example of Dual-Homed BGP VPWS with Single Pseudowire 

An Epipe with BGP VPWS enabled is configured on each PE. Site A is dual-homed to PE1 and PE2 with a remote PE (PE3) connected to site B; each connection uses a SAP. A single pseudowire using Ethernet Raw Mode encaps connects PE3 to PE1. The pseudowire is signaled using BGP VPWS over a tunnel LSP between the PEs.

Site A is configured on PE1 and PE2 with the BGP route selection, the site state, and the site-preference used to ensure PE1 is the designated forwarder when the network is fully operational.

The following example shows the BGP VPWS configuration on each PE.


pw-template 1 create
epipe 1 customer 1 create
        route-distinguisher 65536:1
        route-target export target:65536:1 import target:65536:1
        pw-template-binding 1 
        ve-name PE1
            ve-id 1
        remote-ve-name PE3
            ve-id 3
        no shutdown
    sap 1/1/1:1 create
    site "siteA" create
        site-id 1
        sap 1/1/1:1
        boot-timer 20
        site-activation-timer 5
        no shutdown
    no shutdown


pw-template 1 create
epipe 1 customer 1 create
        route-distinguisher 65536:2
        route-target export target:65536:1 import target:65536:1
        pw-template-binding 1
        ve-name PE2
            ve-id 1
        remote-ve-name PE3
            ve-id 3
        no shutdown
    sap 1/1/1:1 create
    site "siteA" create
        site-id 1
        sap 1/1/1:1
        boot-timer 20
        site-activation-timer 5
        no shutdown
    no shutdown


pw-template 1 create
epipe 1 customer 1 create
        route-distinguisher 65536:3
        route-target export target:65536:1 import target:65536:1
        pw-template-binding 1
        ve-name PE3
            ve-id 3
        remote-ve-name PE1orPE2
            ve-id 1
        no shutdown
    sap 1/1/1:1 create
    no shutdown

Active/Standby Pseudowire Example:

Figure 55 shows an example topology for a dual-homed BGP VPWS service used to create a virtual lease-line across an MPLS network between two sites: A and B. Two pseudowires are established between the remote PE and the dual-homed PEs. The active pseudowire used for the traffic is the one connecting the remote PE to the designated forwarder of the dual-homed PEs.

Figure 55:  Example of Dual-homed BGP VPWS with Active/Standby Pseudowires 

An Epipe with BGP VPWS enabled is configured on each PE. Site A is dual-homed to PE1 and PE2 with a remote PE (PE3) connected to site B; each connection uses a SAP. Active/standby pseudowires using Ethernet Raw Mode encaps connect PE3 to PE1 and PE2, respectively. The pseudowires are signaled using BGP VPWS over a tunnel LSP between the PEs.

Site A is configured on PE1 and PE2 with the site-preference set to ensure that PE1 is the designated forwarder when the network is fully operational. An endpoint is automatically created on PE3 in which the active/standby pseudowires are created.

The following example shows the BGP VPWS configuration on each PE.


pw-template 1 create
epipe 1 customer 1 create
        route-distinguisher 65536:1
        route-target export target:65536:1 import target:65536:1
        pw-template-binding 1 
        ve-name PE1
            ve-id 1
        remote-ve-name PE3
            ve-id 3
        no shutdown
    sap 1/1/1:1 create
    site "siteA" create
        site-id 1
        sap 1/1/1:1
        boot-timer 20
        site-activation-timer 5
        site-preference 200
        no shutdown
    no shutdown


pw-template 1 create
epipe 1 customer 1 create
        route-distinguisher 65536:2
        route-target export target:65536:1 import target:65536:1
        pw-template-binding 1
        ve-name PE2
            ve-id 2
        remote-ve-name PE3
            ve-id 3
        no shutdown
    sap 1/1/1:1 create
    site "siteA" create
        site-id 1
        sap 1/1/1:1
        boot-timer 20
        site-activation-timer 5
        site-preference 10 
        no shutdown
    no shutdown


pw-template 1 create
epipe 1 customer 1 create
        route-distinguisher 65536:3
        route-target export target:65536:1 import target:65536:1
        pw-template-binding 1
        ve-name PE3
            ve-id 3
        remote-ve-name PE1
            ve-id 1
        remote-ve-name PE2
            ve-id 2
        no shutdown
    sap 1/1/1:1 create
    no shutdown

2.16. Service Management Tasks

This section discusses VLL service management tasks.

2.16.1. Modifying Apipe Service Parameters

The following example shows the command usage to modify Apipe parameters, supported on the 7750 SR only:

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# apipe 5
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# sap 1/1/1:0/32 create
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap# accounting-policy 2
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# spoke-sdp 1:4
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# egress
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp>egress# vc-label 16
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp>egress# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# exit

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# apipe 5
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe# sap 2/2/2:0/32 create
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>sap# accounting-policy 2
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>sap# exit
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe# spoke-sdp 1:4
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# egress
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp>egress# vc-label 16
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp>egress# exit
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# exit
PE Router 1 (ALA-41):
A:ALA-41>config>service# info
        apipe 5 customer 1 create
            description "apipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 1/1/1:0/32 create
               accounting-policy 2
                   qos 102
                   qos 103
            spoke-sdp 1:4 create
                   vc-label 16
            no shutdown
PE Router 2 (ALA-42):
A:ALA-42>config>service# info
        apipe 5 customer 1 create
            description "apipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 2/2/2:0/32 create
               accounting-policy 2
                   qos 102
                   qos 103
            spoke-sdp 1:4 create
                   vc-label 16
            no shutdown

2.16.2. Disabling an Apipe Service

An Apipe service can be shut down without deleting any service parameters.

CLI Syntax:
apipe service-id

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# apipe 5
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# exit

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# apipe 5
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe# shutdown
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe# exit

PE Router 1 (ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# info
        apipe 5 customer 1 create
            description "apipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 1/1/1:0/32 create
               accounting-policy 2
                   qos 102
                   qos 103
            spoke-sdp 1:4 create
                   vc-label 16
            no shutdown

PE Router 2 (ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# info
        apipe 5 customer 1 create
            description "apipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 2/2/2:0/32 create
               accounting-policy 2
                   qos 102
                   qos 103
            spoke-sdp 1:4 create
                   vc-label 16

2.16.3. Re-enabling an Apipe Service

Use the following CLI syntax to re-enable an Apipe service that was shut down.

CLI Syntax:
apipe service-id
no shutdown

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# apipe 5
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# no shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# exit

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# apipe 5
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe# no shutdown
A:ALA-42>config>service>apipe# exit

2.16.4. Deleting an Apipe Service

An Apipe service cannot be deleted until the SAP is shut down. If protocols and/or a spoke-SDP are defined, they must be shut down and removed from the configuration as well.

Use the following CLI syntax to delete Apipe services.

CLI Syntax:
no apipe service-id
no sap sap-id
no spoke-sdp [sdp-id:vc-id]

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# apipe 5
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# sap 1/1/1:0/32
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap# shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# no sap 1/1/1:0/32
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# spoke-sdp 1:4
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# no spoke-sdp 1:4
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service# no apipe 5

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

Example: A:ALA-41>config>service# apipe 5
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# sap 2/2/2:0/32
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap# shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>sap# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# no sap 2/2/2:0/32
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# spoke-sdp 1:4
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# no spoke-sdp 1:4
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>apipe# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service# no apipe 5

2.16.5. Modifying a Cpipe Service

The following example shows the Cpipe service configuration, supported on the 7750 SR only:

*A:ALA-1>config>service# info
        cpipe 94002 customer 1 vc-type cesopsn create
            endpoint "to7705" create
            endpoint "toMC-APS" create
            sap aps- endpoint "toMC-APS" create
                    qos 20 
            spoke-sdp 14004:94002 endpoint "to7705" create
            spoke-sdp 100:294002 endpoint "toMC-APS" icb create
            spoke-sdp 100:194002 endpoint "to7705" icb create
            no shutdown
*A:ALA-1>config>service> Cpipe#

2.16.6. Deleting a Cpipe Service

A Cpipe service cannot be deleted until SAPs are shut down and deleted. If a spoke-SDP is defined, it must be shut down and removed from the configuration as well.

Use the following CLI syntax to delete a Cpipe service.

CLI Syntax:
[no] cpipe service-id [customer customer-id]
[no] spoke-sdp sdp-id
[no] shutdown

2.16.7. Modifying Epipe Service Parameters

The following example shows how to add an accounting policy to an existing SAP:

config>service# epipe 2
config>service>epipe# sap 2/1/3:21
config>service>epipe>sap# accounting-policy 14
config>service>epipe>sap# exit

The following example shows the SAP configuration:

ALA-1>config>service# info
    epipe 2 customer 6 vpn 2 create
            description "Distributed Epipe service to east coast"
            sap 2/1/3:21 create
              accounting-policy 14
            spoke-sdp 2:6000 create
            no shutdown

2.16.8. Disabling an Epipe Service

You can shut down an Epipe service without deleting the service parameters.

CLI Syntax:
config>service> epipe service-id
config>service# epipe 2
config>service>epipe# shutdown
config>service>epipe# exit

2.16.9. Re-enabling an Epipe Service

Use the following CLI syntax to re-enable an Epipe service that was shut down.

CLI Syntax:
config>service# epipe service-id
no shutdown
config>service# epipe 2
config>service>epipe# no shutdown
config>service>epipe# exit

2.16.10. Deleting an Epipe Service

Perform the following steps prior to deleting an Epipe service:

  1. Shut down the SAP and SDP.
  2. Delete the SAP and SDP.
  3. Shut down the service.

Use the following CLI syntax to delete an Epipe service.

CLI Syntax:
[no] epipe service-id
[no] sap sap-id
[no] spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id
config>service# epipe 2
config>service>epipe# sap 2/1/3:21
config>service>epipe>sap# shutdown
config>service>epipe>sap# exit
config>service>epipe# no sap 2/1/3:21
config>service>epipe# spoke-sdp 2:6000
config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp# shutdown
config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp# exit
config>service>epipe# no spoke-sdp 2:6000
config>service>epipe# epipe 2
config>service>epipe# shutdown
config>service>epipe# exit
config>service# no epipe 2

2.16.11. Modifying Fpipe Service Parameters

The following example shows the command usage to modify Fpipe parameters, supported on the 7750 SR only:

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# fpipe 1
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# sap 1/2/1:16 create
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap# accounting-policy 2
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# spoke-sdp 1:4
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>spoke-sdp# ingress
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>spoke-sdp>filter ip 10
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>spoke-sdp# exit

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# fpipe 1
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe# sap 2/1/1.1:16 create
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>sap# accounting-policy 2
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>sap# exit
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe# spoke-sdp 1:1
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>spoke-sdp# egress
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>spoke-sdp>egress# filter ip 10
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>spoke-sdp>egress# exit
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe>spoke-sdp# exit

PE Router 1 (ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# info
        fpipe 1 customer 1 create
            description "fpipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 1/2/1:16 create
               accounting-policy 2
                   qos 101
                   qos 1020
            spoke-sdp 1:1 create
                   filter ip 10
            no shutdown

PE Router 2 (ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# info
        fpipe 1 customer 1 create
            description "fpipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 2/1/1.1:16 create
               accounting-policy 2
                   qos 101
                   qos 1020
            spoke-sdp 1:1 create
                   filter ip 10
            no shutdown

2.16.12. Disabling an Fpipe Service

An Fpipe service can be shut down without deleting any service parameters.

CLI Syntax:
fpipe service-id

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# fpipe 1
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# shutdown

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# fpipe 1
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe# shutdown

PE Router 1 (ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# info
        fpipe 1 customer 1 create
            description "fpipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 1/2/1:16 create
               accounting-policy 2
                   qos 101
                   qos 1020
            spoke-sdp 1:1 create
                   filter ip 10

PE Router 2 (ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# info
        fpipe 1 customer 1 create
            description "fpipe test"
            service-mtu 1400
            sap 2/1/1.1:16 create
               accounting-policy 2
                   qos 101
                   qos 1020
            spoke-sdp 1:1 create
                   filter ip 10

2.16.13. Re-enabling an Fpipe Service

Use the following CLI syntax to re-enable an Fpipe service that was shut down.

CLI Syntax:
fpipe service-id
no shutdown

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# fpipe 1
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# no shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# exit

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

A:ALA-42>config>service# fpipe 1
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe# no shutdown
A:ALA-42>config>service>fpipe# exit

2.16.14. Deleting an Fpipe Service

An Fpipe service cannot be deleted until the SAP is shut down. If protocols and/or a spoke-SDP are defined, they must be shut down and removed from the configuration as well.

Use the following CLI syntax to delete a Fpipe service.

CLI Syntax:
no fpipe service-id
no sap sap-id
no spoke-sdp [sdp-id:vc-id]

PE router 1 (A:ALA-41):

A:ALA-41>config>service# fpipe 1
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# sap 1/1/1:0/32
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap# shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# no sap 1/1/1:0/32
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# spoke-sdp 1:1
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>spoke-sdp# shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>spoke-sdp# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# no spoke-sdp 1:1
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service# no fpipe 1

PE router 2 (A:ALA-42):

A:ALA-41>config>service# fpipe 1
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# sap 2/1/1.1:16
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap# shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>sap# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# no sap 2/1/1.1:16
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# spoke-sdp 1:1
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>spoke-sdp# shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe>spoke-sdp# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# no spoke-sdp 1:1
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service>fpipe# exit
A:ALA-41>config>service# no fpipe 1

2.16.15. Modifying Ipipe Service Parameters

The following example shows the command usage to modify Ipipe parameters, supported on the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR only:

config>service# ipipe 202
config>service>ipipe# sap 1/1/2:444
config>service>ipipe>sap# shutdown
config>service>ipipe>sap# exit
config>service>ipipe# no sap 1/1/2:444
config>service>ipipe# sap 1/1/2:555 create
config>service>ipipe>sap$ description “eth_ipipe”
config>service>ipipe>sap$ ce-address
config>service>ipipe>sap$ no shutdown
config>service>ipipe>sap$ exit
config>service>ipipe# info
A:ALA-48>config>service# info
        ipipe 202 customer 1 create
            sap 1/1/2:445 create
                description "eth_ipipe"
            sap 1/1/2:555 create
                description "eth_ipipe"
            no shutdown

2.16.16. Disabling an Ipipe Service

An Ipipe service can be shut down without deleting any service parameters.

CLI Syntax:
ipipe service-id
A:ALA-41>config>service# ipipe 202
A:ALA-41>config>service>ipipe# shutdown
A:ALA-48>config>service# info
       ipipe 202 customer 1 create
           sap 1/1/2:445 create
               description "eth_ipipe"
           sap 1/1/2:555 create
               description "eth_ipipe"

2.16.17. Re-enabling an Ipipe Service

Use the following CLI syntax to re-enable an Ipipe service that was shut down.

CLI Syntax:
ipipe service-id
no shutdown
A:ALA-41>config>service# ipipe 202
A:ALA-41>config>service>ipipe# no shutdown

2.16.18. Deleting an Ipipe Service

An Ipipe service cannot be deleted until the SAP is shut down. If protocols and/or a spoke-SDP are defined, they must be shut down and removed from the configuration as well.

Use the following CLI syntax to delete an Ipipe service.

CLI Syntax:
no ipipe service-id
no sap sap-id
no spoke-sdp [sdp-id:vc-id]
config>service# ipipe 207
config>service>ipipe# sap 1/1/2:449
config>service>ipipe>sap# shutdown
config>service>ipipe>sap# exit
config>service>ipipe# no sap 1/1/2:449
config>service>ipipe# spoke-sdp 16:516
config>service>ipipe>spoke-sdp# shutdown
config>service>ipipe>spoke-sdp# exit
config>service>ipipe# no spoke-sdp 16:516
config>service>ipipe# exit
config>service# no ipipe 207