Satellite software upgrade overview

The process to change or upgrade the satellite software consists of the following steps.

  1. Copy the new satellite software images to a local compact flash card. It is recommended that the new image files be placed in a different directory.

    Although you can store the satellite software on a remote server and use a URL to reference the remote location, it is recommended that the primary image location is locally accessible.

  2. Create a new software repository using a new name and at least a primary-location for the 7210 SAS-Sx image.

  3. Modify the satellite configuration such that the software-repository parameter references the newly created software repository.

    Use the following CLI context:

    config>system>satellite>eth-sat sat-id


    config>system>satellite>tdm-sat sat-id

  4. Reboot the satellite to load the new software.

    Depending on whether a firmware update is needed, perform one of the following steps to reboot the satellite.

    1. A satellite firmware update is not required.

      1. The satellite loads the new software the next time it reboots.

      2. You can reset the satellite with the following administrative command, if required.

        admin satellite eth-sat sat-id reboot [now]


        admin satellite tdm-sat sat-id reboot [now]

    2. A satellite firmware update is required.

      1. To continue the upgrade to the 7210 firmware image, enter one of the following commands and allow it to execute completely:

        admin satellite eth-sat sat-id sync-boot-env


        admin satellite tdm-sat sat-id sync-boot-env

      2. Reboot the satellite using the upgrade keyword to update the firmware image.

        The upgrade keyword causes the 7210 SAS-Sx to upgrade the included firmware images. This process takes longer than a normal reboot.

        admin satellite eth-sat sat-id reboot upgrade now


        admin satellite tdm-sat sat-id reboot upgrade now