Saving a configuration

Configuration changes are lost if the system is powered down or the router is rebooted before the changes are saved. If the URL location to save the running configuration is not specified, the files are saved to the location where the files were found for the boot sequence. The same configuration can be saved with different filenames to the same location or to different locations.

Changing the active and standby addresses without rebooting the standby CPM may cause synchronization with the boot-env option to fail.

The following command saves the running configuration for the configure region. If no URL is specified, the configuration is saved to file config.cfg.

        — save [url] string
A:admin@node-2# save
Writing configuration to ftp://.../config.cfg
Saving configuration OK

The following command saves a BOF configuration:

        — save bof [url] string

The BOF configuration is saved to cf3:\bof.cfg with every commit command. The BOF configuration can be manually saved to a backup file on a server or to a different location.

A:admin@node-2# admin save bof
Writing configuration to OK

The following command saves the BOF configuration to the testbof.cfg file on cf3:

A:admin@node-2# admin save bof testbof.cfg
Writing configuration to cf3:\testbof.cfg OK

The BOF configuration file is saved in classic format.