Configuring MC-MLPPP QoS parameters

A 4-class MLPPP bundle can be configured with user-defined MLPPP QoS attributes. This feature cannot be used with MC-MLPPP bundles with fewer than 4 classes or with non-multiclass bundles.

The following describe the parameters and the configuration processes and rules

  1. The user creates an ingress QoS profile in the mlppp-profile-ingress context, to configure a preferred value of the ingress per-class re-assembly timer. Ingress QoS profile 1 is reserved for the pre-defined profile with parameter values shown in Table 1. The user is allowed to edit this profile and change the parameter values. When a user creates a profile with a profile-id greater than 1, or performs the no option command on the parameter, the parameter's default is always the 1 in Table 1 for ingress QoS Profile #1 regardless of the parameter value the edited Profile 1 has at that point.

  2. The user creates an egress QoS profile in the mlppp-profile-egress context to configure preferred values for the per-class queue and queue scheduling parameters. The user can also configure system forwarding class mapping to the MLPPP classes. Egress QoS profiles 1, 2, and 3, are reserved for the pre-defined profiles with parameter values shown in Table 2, Table 3, or Table 4. Users can edit these profiles and change the parameter values. When a user creates a profile with a profile-id higher than 3, or when the user specifies the no option command on the parameter, the default value is the one shown in Table 2, Table 3, or Table 4 for the egress QoS Profile 1. This is regardless of the parameter value the edited profiles have at that point in time.

  3. A maximum of 128 ingress and 128 egress QoS profiles can be created on the system.

  4. The values of the ingress per-class re-assembly timer are configured in the ingress QoS profile.

  5. The mapping of the system forwarding classes to the MLPPP Classes are configured in the egress QoS profile. There is a many-to-one relationship between the system FC and an MLPPP class. See Table 2 for the mapping when one of the three pre-defined 4-class egress QoS profiles is selected.

  6. The maximum size for each MLPPP class queue in units of msec at the available bundle rate is configured in the egress QoS profile. This is referred to as max in Figure 1 and as max-queue-size in CLI. The out-of-profile threshold for an MLPPP class queue, referred to as oop in Figure 1, is not directly configurable and is set to 50% of the maximum queue size rounded up to the nearest higher integer value.

  7. The MLPPP class queue scheduling parameters is configured in the egress QoS profile. The minimum information rate, referred to as MIR in Figure 2 and mir in CLI, applies to Class 1 queue only. The MIR parameter value is entered as a percentage of the available bundle rate. The WRR weight, referred to as W1, W2, and W3 in Figure 2 and weight in CLI, applies to class 1, class 2, and class 3 queues. Note that W1 in Figure 2 is not configurable and is internally set to a value of 1 such that Class 1 queue shares 1% of the available bundle rate when the sum of W1, W2, and W3 equals 100. W2 and W3 weights are integer values and are user configurable such that Class 2 queue shares (W2/(W1 + W2 + W3)) and Class 3 queue shares (W3/(W1 + W2 + W3)) of the available bundle rate.

  8. The user applies the ingress and egress QoS profiles to a 4-class MLPPP bundle for the configured QoS parameter values to take effect on the bundle.

  9. The following operations require the bundles associated with a QoS profile to be shutdown to take effect.

    • A change of the numbered ingress or egress QoS profile associated with a bundle.

    • A change of the bundle associated ingress or egress QoS profile from default profile to a numbered profile and the other way around.

  10. Changes to any parameters in the ingress and egress QoS profiles can be performed without shutting down.

The CLI commands for the creation of ingress and egress QoS profiles and configuration of the individual QoS parameters are described in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Quality of Service Guide.