To add configuration statements using the MD-CLI, enter the command or parameter name with a valid value for the parameter as specified by the data type. For some parameters, it is sufficient to type the parameter name to set the parameter configuration.
The current configuration of a parameter is available via the info detail command, even if it is the default value or if the parameter is in an unconfigured state (indicated by ##). The display of default values allows an administrator to view the configuration, particularly in a multi-vendor network with different default settings. An operator may choose to explicitly configure a setting that persists instead of using the default, in case the default changes.
See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR MD-CLI Command Reference Guide for more information about configuration commands and their appropriate syntax.
A leaf is an element that does not contain any other elements and has a data type, for example, a string, an integer, or an IP address.
Key leafs may have an optional default value that can be used as shorthand notation where a specified default is assumed. For example, configure router bgp with no instance value expands to configure router ‟Base” bgp. Default values are implemented as follows:
default values cannot be used in a reference
multiple keys in a list can have default values
the first, last, or any key in a list may have a default value
if the first key has a default value, the other keys must be named keys
default values can be used multiple times in any combination; for example, configure router isis expands to configure router ‟Base” isis 0, and configure router foo isis expands to configure router ‟foo” isis 0.
the expansion is automatic and displayed in the command prompt context and pwc
A:admin@node-2# configure router
(ex)[/configure router "Base"]
A:admin@node-2# configure router isis
(ex)[/configure router "Base" isis 0]
A:admin@node-2# configure router ospf
(ex)[/configure router "Base" ospf 0]
A:admin@node-2# pwc
Present Working Context:
router "Base"
ospf 0
(ex)[/configure router "Base" ospf 0]
Integer values can be entered in any of the following formats:
Enter an integer (whole number) without spaces; for example, 123456.
Enter 0b followed by the binary value without spaces; for example, 0b1111000100100000. Negative values are not accepted.
Enter 0x followed by the hexadecimal value in lowercase or uppercase without spaces; for example, 0x1E240 or 0x1e240. Negative values are not accepted.
Integer values are displayed in decimal format, unless a different output format is specified internally by the system.
*(ex)[/configure router "Base" bgp]
A:admin@node-2# connect-retry 0b100100101001
*(ex)[/configure router "Base" bgp]
A:admin@node-2# info | match connect-retry
connect-retry 2345
*(ex)[/configure router "Base" bgp]
A:admin@node-2# connect-retry 0xd80
*(ex)[/configure router "Base" bgp]
A:admin@node-2# info | match connect-retry
connect-retry 3456
*(ex)[/configure router "Base" bgp]
In this example, the etype parameter is a hexadecimal output value. A decimal value can be entered, but the value is displayed in hexadecimal format.
*[ex:/configure filter mac-filter "fn" entry 1 match]
A:admin@node-2# etype ?
etype <number>
<number> - <0x600..0xffff>
Ethernet type
*[ex:/configure filter mac-filter "fn" entry 1 match]
A:admin@node-2# etype 65535
*[ex:/configure filter mac-filter "fn" entry 1 match]
A:admin@node-2# info
etype 0xffff
In the following example of a command with a union of data types, the pir command can have an integer value or it can be defined with the max enumerated value. If a numerical value is entered for pir, it must be entered as a decimal number.
*[ex:/configure qos sap-ingress "sstest" queue 8 rate]
A:admin@node-2# pir ?
pir (<number> | <keyword>)
<number> - <1..6400000000> - kilobps
<keyword> - max - kilobps
Default - max
Administrative PIR
*[ex:/configure qos sap-ingress "sstest" queue 8 rate]
A:admin@node-2# pir 88
*[ex:/configure qos sap-ingress "sstest" queue 8 rate]
A:admin@node-2# info
pir 88
*[ex:/configure qos sap-ingress "sstest" queue 8 rate]
A:admin@node-2# pir 0b0010
MINOR: MGMT_CORE #2301: Invalid element value - 'pir' expected number '<1..6400000000>' (kilobps) or keyword 'max' (kilobps)
*[ex:/configure qos sap-ingress "sstest" queue 8 rate]
A:admin@node-2# info
pir 88
*[ex:/configure qos sap-ingress "sstest" queue 8 rate]
A:admin@node-2# pir 2
*[ex:/configure qos sap-ingress "sstest" queue 8 rate]
A:admin@node-2# info
pir 2
A list is a sequence of list entries, and all keys of a list are entered on the same line as the list command. In general, the first key of a list is unnamed in the MD-CLI. All other keys are named. The name of the first key is shown in square brackets in ? help. Entering the name of the first key is optional when it is shown in brackets. In the following example, ip-address is the first key and port is the second key. Entering ip-address in the MD-CLI is optional; entering port and any subsequent key names is mandatory.
*[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# collector ?
[ip-address] (<unicast-ipv4-address> | <global-unicast-ipv6-address>)
<unicast-ipv4-address> - <d.d.d.d>
<global-unicast-ipv6-address> - (<x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x>|<x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d>)
IP address of the remote Cflowd collector host
*[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# collector ?
port <number>
<number> - <1..65535>
UDP port number on the remote Cflowd collector host to receive the exported
Cflowd data
The IP address and port number can be entered in one of the following ways:
*(ex)[/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# collector ip-address port 7
*(ex)[/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# collector port 7
There are some exceptions where the first key of a list is named. In these cases, the key name must be entered. In the following example, the key name index must be entered.
*[ex:/configure cflowd collector port 7 export-filter interface-list service]
A:admin@node-2# ies-interface ?
service-name <reference>
<reference> - <1..64 characters> - configure service ies <service-name>
Administrative service name
*[ex:/configure cflowd collector port 7 export-filter interface-list service]
A:admin@node-2# ies-interface service-name svc-test interface-name ?
interface-name <reference>
<reference> - <1..32 - configure service ies <./service-name>
characters> interface <interface-name>
ies interface name
*[ex:/configure cflowd collector port 7 export-filter interface-list service]
A:admin@node-2# ies-interface service-name svc-test interface-name int-name-test
*[ex:/configure cflowd collector port 7 export-filter interface-list service]
A:admin@node-2# info
ies-interface service-name "svc-test" interface-name "int-name-test" { }
Auto-completion does not select or complete the name of the first key if it is optional. In the following example, the key name for ma-admin-name is optional as indicated by the square brackets, and is not auto-completed when Tab is entered.
*[ex:/configure eth-cfm domain "dmtest"]
A:admin@node-2# association ?
[ma-admin-name] <string>
<string> - <1..64 characters>
Domain association name
*[ex:/configure eth-cfm domain "dmtest"]
A:admin@node-2# association Press Tab
If the name of the first key is optional and is not entered as part of the command, the key name can be used as the actual value of the key if it is enclosed in quotation marks.
*[ex:/configure eth-cfm domain "dmtest"]
A:admin@node-2# association "ma-admin-name"
*[ex:/configure eth-cfm domain "dmtest" association "ma-admin-name"]
A:admin@node-2# pwc
Present Working Context:
domain "dmtest"
association "ma-admin-name"
If the optional key name is entered, it can be specified as the actual value of the key with or without the quotation marks.
*[ex:/configure eth-cfm domain "dmtest"]
A:admin@node-2# association ma-admin-name ma-admin-name
*[ex:/configure eth-cfm domain "dmtest" association "ma-admin-name"]
A:admin@node-2# pwc
Present Working Context:
domain "dmtest"
association "ma-admin-name"
For system-ordered lists, list entries are automatically reordered. In the following example, the list is reordered based on the alphabetical order of the string name identifying the list instance.
A:admin@node-2# eth-cfm ?
apply-groups - Apply a configuration group at this level
domain + Enter the domain list instance
A:admin@node-2# eth-cfm
[ex:/configure eth-cfm]
A:admin@node-2# domain ?
[md-admin-name] <string>
<string> - <1..64 characters>
Unique domain name
[ex:/configure eth-cfm]
A:admin@node-2# domain zero } domain two } domain four } domain five }
*[ex:/configure eth-cfm]
A:admin@node-2# info
domain "five" {
domain "four" {
domain "two" {
domain "zero" {
For user-ordered lists, new entries are appended to the end of the list.
[ex:/configure router "Base"]
A:admin@node-2# apply-groups grp3
*[ex:/configure router "Base"]
A:admin@node-2# apply-groups grp1
*[ex:/configure router "Base"]
A:admin@node-2# apply-groups grp9
*[ex:/configure router "Base"]
A:admin@node-2# info
apply-groups ["grp3" "grp1" "grp9"]
*[ex:/configure router "Base"]
A:admin@node-2# apply-groups grp5
*[ex:/configure router "Base"]
A:admin@node-2# info
apply-groups ["grp3" "grp1" "grp9" "grp5"]
To reorder a user-ordered list, the list can be deleted and recreated using the specified order. Alternatively, the tilde (~) character can be used to replace a list, effectively deleting and recreating the list in one step.
*[ex:/configure router "Base"]
A:admin@node-2# ~ apply-groups [grp1 grp3 grp5 grp8]
*[ex:/configure router "Base"]
A:admin@node-2# info
apply-groups ["grp1" "grp3" "grp5" "grp8"]
It is possible to insert entries into an existing user-ordered list by using the insert command.
In the following configuration example, the list begins with two entries, named-entry ‟one” and named-entry ‟ten”.
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# entry-type named
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# named-entry one
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list" named-entry "one"]
A:admin@node-2# back
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# named-entry ten
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list" named-entry "ten"]
A:admin@node-2# back
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# info
entry-type named
named-entry "one" {
named-entry "ten" {
The insert command is used with the following commands:
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# insert named-entry four ?
Global commands:
after - Insert a named-entry in the user-ordered list after
another specified named-entry
before - Insert a named-entry in the user-ordered list before
another specified named-entry
beginning - Insert a named-entry at the beginning of the user-
ordered list
end - Insert a named-entry at the end of the user-ordered list
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# insert named-entry four after one
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# insert named-entry six before ten
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# info
entry-type named
named-entry "one" {
named-entry "four" {
named-entry "six" {
named-entry "ten" {
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# insert named-entry zero beginning
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# insert named-entry twenty end
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# info
entry-type named
named-entry "zero" {
named-entry "one" {
named-entry "four" {
named-entry "six" {
named-entry "ten" {
named-entry "twenty" {
List entries can still be deleted.
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# delete named-entry six
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# info
entry-type named
named-entry "zero" {
named-entry "one" {
named-entry "four" {
named-entry "ten" {
named-entry "twenty" {
The default behavior of the insert command is to return immediately to the present working context. To drop into the newly-inserted entry, add the { keystroke, as shown in the following example.
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list"]
A:admin@node-2# insert named-entry five after four {
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "my-ordered-list" named-entry "five"]
For lists in which the leafs are all keys (‟key-only lists”), the creation of a single entry returns the user to the same context; that is, the MD-CLI session does not enter the context of the list member. This allows the user to enter multiple list items without the need to exit after each item. For example, station is a list with a single leaf that is the key. After each station entry, the session maintains the same context and other station entries can be added without applying the back or exit command.
*[ex:/configure router "Base" bgp monitor]
A:admin@node-2# ?
admin-state - Administrative state of BMP monitoring
all-stations - Send BMP messages to all configured stations
apply-groups - Apply a configuration group at this level
route-monitoring + Enter the route-monitoring context
station - Add a list entry for station
*[ex:/configure router "Base" bgp monitor]
A:admin@node-2# station stn1
*[ex:/configure router "Base" bgp monitor]
A:admin@node-2# station stn2
*[ex:/configure router "Base" bgp monitor]
A:admin@node-2# station stn3
*[ex:/configure router "Base" bgp monitor]
A:admin@node-2# info
station "stn1" { }
station "stn2" { }
station "stn3" { }
A leaf-list is an element that contains a sequence of values of a particular data type. Specifying a leaf-list entry in the MD-CLI is additive. New entries are added to existing entries and previous entries are not removed. If a duplicate entry is specified, the order remains.
Single or multiple leaf-list entries can be added in a single command line with the use of brackets ([]).
For leaf-lists ordered by the system, the leaf-list entries are automatically reordered, as shown in the following example.
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/2 ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name "md-test" ma-admin-name "ma-test" mep-id 8 ais]
A:admin@node-2# client-meg-level ?
client-meg-level <value>
client-meg-level [<value>...] - 1..7 system-ordered values separated by spaces
enclosed by brackets
<value> - <number>
<number> - <1..7>
Client MEG level for AIS message generation
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/2 ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name "md-test" ma-admin-name "ma-test" mep-id 8 ais]
A:admin@node-2# client-meg-level [7 5 2 3]
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/2 ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name "md-test" ma-admin-name "ma-test" mep-id 8 ais]
A:admin@node-2# info
client-meg-level [2 3 5 7]
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/2 ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name "md-test" ma-admin-name "ma-test" mep-id 8 ais]
A:admin@node-2# client-meg-level [4 6]
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/2 ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name "md-test" ma-admin-name "ma-test" mep-id 8 ais]
A:admin@node-2# info
client-meg-level [2 3 4 5 6 7]
The following system-ordered leaf-list is reordered based on the enumerated value of the entered keywords.
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "s" entry 9 from]
A:admin@node-2# family ?
family <value>
family [<value>...] - 1..20 system-ordered values separated by spaces enclosed
by brackets
<value> - <keyword>
<keyword> - (ipv4|vpn-ipv4|ipv6|mcast-ipv4|vpn-ipv6|l2-vpn|mvpn-ipv4|mdt-
Address family as the match condition
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "s" entry 9 from]
A:admin@node-2# family [mcast-vpn-ipv4 bgp-ls l2-vpn]
*[ex:/configure policy-options policy-statement "s" entry 9 from]
A:admin@node-2# info
family [l2-vpn mcast-vpn-ipv4 bgp-ls]
For user-ordered leaf-lists, new entries are appended to the end of the leaf-list.
*(ex)[/configure policy-options policy-statement "plcy_str" entry 29]
A:admin@node-2# from prefix-list [ plcy5 plcy1 ]
*(ex)[/configure policy-options policy-statement "plcy_str" entry 29]
A:admin@node-2# info
from {
prefix-list ["plcy5" "plcy1"]
*(ex)[/configure policy-options policy-statement "plcy_str" entry 29]
A:admin@node-2# from prefix-list plcy3
*(ex)[/configure policy-options policy-statement "plcy_str" entry 29]
A:admin@node-2# info
from {
prefix-list ["plcy5" "plcy1" "plcy3"]
*(ex)[/configure policy-options policy-statement "plcy_str" entry 29]
A:admin@node-2# from prefix-list plcy1
*(ex)[/configure policy-options policy-statement "plcy_str" entry 29]
A:admin@node-2# info
from {
prefix-list ["plcy5" "plcy1" "plcy3"]
*(ex)[/configure policy-options policy-statement "plcy_str" entry 29]
To reorder a user-ordered leaf-list, the leaf-list can be deleted and recreated using the specified order. Alternatively, the tilde (~) character can be used to replace a leaf-list, effectively deleting and recreating the leaf-list in one step.
A:admin@node-2# configure router isis 5
*(ex)[/configure router "Base" isis 5]
A:admin@node-2# export-policy [test5 test3 test2]
*(ex)[/configure router "Base" isis 5]
A:admin@node-2# info
export-policy ["test5" "test3" "test2"]
*(ex)[/configure router "Base" isis 5]
A:admin@node-2# ~ export-policy [test1 test2 test3 test5]
*(ex)[/configure router "Base" isis 5]
A:admin@node-2# info
export-policy ["test1" "test2" "test3" "test5"]
*(ex)[/configure router "Base" isis 5]
If a leaf is defined by a number value and an associated unit, the user can enter the value in a different base unit than is defined. For example, if a timer is defined in seconds, it is possible to enter a value based on the number of minutes, or a combination of minutes and seconds. These dynamic units in the MD-CLI can be entered in a format that is converted into the base unit based on a conversion factor. The units for a command can be displayed using the units option for the info command.
Static units that have no conversion factor must always be entered in the base unit value; for example, a unit of packets per second, or bit errors.
Units are supported for:
memory sizes, for example, bytes
rates, for example, bps
durations, for example, seconds
dates, for example, Tue, 01 Sep 2020 15:15:35 UTC
Dynamic units can be entered as a number in one of the following ways:
as a value without a unit — the value is interpreted as the defined base unit. Decimal, binary, and hexadecimal numbers are supported. For example, transmit-interval has a base unit of deciseconds. Entering transmit-interval 10, without specifying a unit, configures the interval to 10 deciseconds.
[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# transmit-interval ?
transmit-interval <number>
<number> - <1..600> - deciseconds
Default - 10
Transmit interval of OAMPDUs
[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# transmit-interval 50
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# info
transmit-interval 50
The units for the leaf can be displayed using the units option of the info command:
as unique value-unit tuples — the units are separated by a space in any order, and the same unit cannot be used more than once. The value is interpreted as the specified unit and can only be entered as a decimal number. For example, there are many acceptable formats to enter 55 deciseconds for transmit-interval, including the following:
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# info
transmit-interval 55
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# transmit-interval 5 seconds 5 deciseconds
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# info
transmit-interval 55
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# transmit-interval 5 seconds 500 milliseconds
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# info
transmit-interval 55
The configured value is displayed as a positive integer in the defined base unit. Because the unit for transmit-interval is defined as deciseconds, the value displayed in the info command is in deciseconds, regardless of the format in which it was entered.
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# info
transmit-interval 55
The input value is calculated based on the input of all input tuples and validated after ENTER is pressed. For example, entering 900 (deciseconds) for transmit-interval results in an error display, as 990 deciseconds is not in the element range.
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# transmit-interval 900
MINOR: MGMT_CORE #2301: Invalid element value - 900 out of range 1..600
Entering a value followed by Space and Tab displays valid units for the value, as in the following example. For a value of 900 for transmit-interval, the system displays valid unit possibilities, listed in alphabetical order.
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# transmit-interval 900 Press Tab
milliseconds centiseconds
If a unit is already present in the input, it is suppressed for any further input.
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# transmit-interval 900 centiseconds 100 Press Tab
milliseconds deciseconds
The unit names can be singular or plural, depending on the numerical value entered. For a numerical value of 1, the unit names displayed are their singular form.
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# transmit-interval 1 Press Tab
decisecond second minute
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# transmit-interval 10 Press Tab
centiseconds deciseconds seconds
The units for the leaf can be displayed using the units option of the info command:
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# info
transmit-interval 50
*[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet efm-oam]
A:admin@node-2# info units
transmit-interval 50 deciseconds
Auto-completion is supported for valid units entered after a value.
The following tables list units that have a conversion factor that allows a leaf with a specific base unit to be defined in a dynamic unit. The valid unit keywords for each unit name are also provided.
Unit Name |
Valid MD-CLI Input |
bytes |
kilobytes |
megabytes |
gigabytes |
terabytes |
Unit Name |
Valid MD-CLI Input |
bps (bits per second) |
kilobps (kilobits per second) |
megabps (megabits per second) |
gigabps (gigabits per second |
terabps (terabits per second) |
petabps (petabits per second) |
exabps (exabits per second) |
zettabps (zettabits per second) |
Unit Name |
Valid MD-CLI Input |
picoseconds |
nanoseconds |
microseconds |
milliseconds |
centiseconds |
deciseconds |
seconds |
minutes |
hours |
days |
weeks |
The following tabe shows the valid inputs for dates based on the time format.
Date and Time Format |
Valid MD-CLI Input |
‟yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm[:ss] [TZ]” For example: ‟2018-06-01 13:12:59 EDT” |
yyyy is RFC 3339 date-fullyear mm is RFC 3339 date-month dd is RFC 3339 date-mday hh is RFC 3339 time-hour mm is RFC 3339 time-minute, requires preceding zeros ss is RFC 3339 time-second, requires preceding zeros (optional) TZ is the time-zone name (optional) This format follows ISO 8601 and must be enclosed in quotation marks. |
‟[Day], dd Mon yyyy hh:mm[:ss] [TZ]” For example: ‟Tue, 01 Sep 2020 13:21:11 UTC” |
Day is the name of the day of the week (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat), dd is RFC 3339 date-mday Mon is the name of the month (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec) yyyy is RFC 3339 date-fullyear hh is RFC 3339 time-hour mm is RFC 3339 time-minute, requires preceding zeros ss is RFC 3339 time-second, requires preceding zeros (optional) TZ is the time-zone name (optional) This format follows RFC 1123 and must be enclosed in quotation marks. |
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.fr][(Z|(+|-)hh:mm)] For example: 2018-05-11T13:21:11-0400 or 2018-05-11T17:21:11Z |
This format follows RFC 3339 and can be enclosed in quotation marks. |
Flexible input is available for MAC and IPv6 addresses, where both uppercase and lowercase hexadecimal digits are accepted.
This example shows the hexadecimal digits in an IPv6 address entered in both uppercase and lowercase. IPv6 addresses are displayed in lowercase hexadecimal digits using zero compression, according to RFC 5952, A Recommendation for IPv6 Address Text Representation.
*[ex:/configure service vprn "vprn1" dns]
A:admin@node-2# ipv6-source-address 2001:db8:aaa3::8a2e:3710:7335
*[ex:/configure service vprn "vprn1" dns]
A:admin@node-2# info
ipv6-source-address 2001:db8:aaa3::8a2e:3710:7335
For MAC addresses, the dash (-) separator can also be used in place of the colon (:).
*[ex:/configure qos sap-ingress "s" mac-criteria entry 5 match]
A:admin@node-2# dst-mac address aa-BB-cc-DD-eE-Ff
*[ex:/configure qos sap-ingress "s" mac-criteria entry 5 match]
A:admin@node-2# info
dst-mac {
address aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
Flexible input is also available for MAC addresses using dot (.) notation:
*(ex)[/configure filter mac-filter "str" entry 33 match]
A:admin@node-2# dst-mac address aaBB.ccDD.eEFf
*(ex)[/configure filter mac-filter "str" entry 33 match]
A:admin@node-2# info
dst-mac {
address aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
*(ex)[/configure filter mac-filter "str" entry 33 match]
The MD-CLI supports the following input translation for UTF-8 character encoding:
curly quotation mark to ASCII quotation mark (")
curly apostrophe to ASCII apostrophe (')
hyphens and dashes, including minus sign, en dash, em dash, and others to ASCII hyphen-minus (-)
The input translation allows copy and paste functionality from word processing applications that use UTF-8 curly quotation marks, hyphens, or dashes.