Application of S-BFD and Protection Parameters to BGP SR-Policies

S-BFD and protection parameters can be applied to matching imported SR policy routes. Match criteria in the route import policy for the color, endpoint and route distinguisher of a policy enable matching on a specific SR policy route for family sr-policy-v4 and sr-policy-v6 types.

Note: For routes with the same matching distinguisher, only those with the best criteria are pushed to the SR database.

For example, matching a unique SR policy requires the following fully qualified set of match criteria:

configure router policy-options 
   policy-statement <name> 
      entry <id> 
         from family sr-policy-ipv4 
         from distinguisher <rd-value>
         from color <color>
         from endpoint <ip-address>

However, users may only require more general match criteria (for example, to apply the same maintenance template to all imported SR policy IPv4 routes, irrespective of color or endpoint).

An SR policy maintenance template is applied to matching SR policy routes using the sr-maintenance-policy action commands.

configure policy-options 
   policy-statement <name> 
      entry <id> 
         from family sr-policy-ipv4
         action accept 
           sr-maintenance-policy <name>

Maintenance policy statements are applicable as actions on a specific entry or as the default action.

The named SR maintenance policy must exist on the system when the commit is executed for the routing policy. If parameterization of actions is used and the named SR maintenance policy exists, the router still validates.

A change in policy options action deletes all programmed paths for that route and based on the new action, re-downloads applicable routes to the IOM.