When a statically configured or BGP signaled segment routing policy is selected to be the active path for a (color, endpoint) combination, the corresponding path and its segment lists are programmed into the tunnel table of the router. An IPv4 tunnel of type sr-policy (endpoint parameter is an IPv4 address) is programmed into the IPv4 tunnel table (TTMv4). Similarly, an IPv6 tunnel of type sr-policy (endpoint parameter is an IPv6 address) is programmed into the IPv6 tunnel table (TTMv6). The resulting tunnel entries can be used to resolve the following types of BGP routes:
Unlabeled IPv4 routes
Unlabeled IPv6 routes
Label-unicast IPv4 routes
Label-unicast IPv6 (6PE) routes
VPN IPv4 and IPv6 routes
EVPN routes
Specifically, an IPv4 tunnel of type sr-policy can be used to resolve:
an IPv4 or the IPv4-mapped IPv6 next hop of the following route families:
ipv4, ipv6, vpn-ipv4, vpn-ipv6, label-ipv4, label-ipv6, evpn
the IPv6 next hop of the following route families:
ipv6, label-ipv4 and label-ipv6 (SR policy with endpoint= only).
An IPv6 tunnel of type sr-policy can be used to resolve:
the IPv6 next hop of the following route families:
ipv4, ipv6, vpn-ipv4, vpn-ipv6, label-ipv4, label-ipv6, evpn
the IPv4 next hop of the following route families:
ipv4 and label-ipv4 (SR policy with endpoint=0::0 only).
the IPv4-mapped IPv6 next hop of the following route families:
label-ipv6 (SR policy with endpoint=0::0 only).