SR-TE LSP and Auto-LSP-Specific CSPF Changes

The local CSPF for an SR-TE LSP is performed in two phases. The first phase (Phase 1) computes a fully explicit path with all TE links to the destination specified as in the case of a RSVP-TE LSP.

If the user enabled label stack reduction or compression for this LSP, a second phase (Phase 2) is applied to reduce the label stack so that adjacency SIDs corresponding to a segment of the explicit path are replaced with a node SID whenever the constraints of the path are met by all the ECMP paths to that node SID. The details of the label reduction are provided in SR-TE LSP Path Label Stack Reduction.

The CSPF computation algorithm for the fully explicit path in the first phase remains mostly unchanged from its behavior for an RSVP-TE LSP.

The meaning of a strict and loose hop in the path of the LSP are the same as in CSPF for an RSVP-TE LSP. A strict hop means that the path from the previous hop must be a direct link. A loose hop means the path from the previous hop can traverse intermediate routers.

A loose hop may be represented by a set of back-to-back adjacency SIDs if not all paths to the node SID of that loose hop satisfy the path TE constraints. This is different from the ip-to-label path computation method where a loose hop always matches a node SID since no TE constraints are checked in the path to that loose hop.

When the label stack of the path is reduced or compressed, it is possible that a strict hop is represented by a node SID, if all the links from the previous hop satisfy the path TE constraints. This is different from the ip-to-label path computation method wherein a strict hop always matches an adjacency SID or a parallel adjacency set SID.

The first phase of CSPF returns a full explicit path with each TE link specified all the way to the destination and which label stack may contain protected adjacency SIDs, unprotected adjacency SIDs, and adjacency set SIDs. The user can influence the type of adjacency protection for the SR-TE LSP using a CLI command as explained in SR-TE LSP Path Protection.

The SR OS does not support the origination of a global adjacency SID. If received from a third-party router implementation, it is added into the TE database but is not used in any CSPF path computation.