Deleting Bof Parameters

You can delete specific BOF parameters. The no form of these commands removes the parameter from configuration. The changes remain in effect only during the current power cycle unless a save command is executed. Changes are lost if the system is powered down or the router is rebooted without saving.

Deleting a BOF address entry is not allowed from a remote session.

Use the following CLI syntax to save and remove BOF configuration parameters:

bof# save [cflash-id]
A:ALA-1# bof
    — 	A:ALA-1>bof# save cf3:
    — 	A:ALA-1>bof# 
    bof autoconfigure ipv4 no dhcp
    bof autoconfigure ipv6 no dhcp 
    — no address ip-address/mask [active | standby]
    — no autonegotiate
    — no console-speed
    — no dns-domain
    — no li-local-save
    — no li-separate
    — no primary-config 
    — no primary-dns
    — no primary-image 
    — no secondary-config 
    — no secondary-dns
    — no secondary-image 
    — no static-route ip-address/mask next-hop ip-address
    — no system-profile 
    — no tertiary-config 
    — no tertiary-dns
    — no tertiary-image