Configuring Connectors and Connector Ports

Some assemblies have support for QSFP28 or QSFP-DD transceiver modules. These modules have different variants, some of which provide multiple physical ports out of a single module (breakout modules). There is a QSFP28 breakout module that supports ten physical 10 Gb Ethernet ports. On assemblies that support these breakout variants, the front panel cages are modeled as connectors instead of as direct ports. The connector must be configured for the type of breakout module that is to be inserted and then the appropriate ports are created and can be configured.

The connector reference is in the format slot/mda/connector (for example, 1/1/c3) and the ports owned by the connector use the format slot/mda/connector/port. For example, in a 7750 SR-1 with the 6-port QSFP28 mda-e-xp installed in the first MDA slot, initially there are no ports available, only six connectors:

A:bkvm18# show mda

MDA Summary
Slot  Mda   Provisioned Type                            Admin     Operational
                Equipped Type (if different)            State     State
1     1     me6-100gb-qsfp28                            up        up
*A:bkvm18# show port

Ports on Slot 1
Port          Admin Link Port    Cfg  Oper LAG/ Port Port Port   C/QS/S/XFP/
Id            State      State   MTU  MTU  Bndl Mode Encp Type   MDIMDX
1/1/c1        Up    No   Down                 - unkn unkn conn
1/1/c2        Up    No   Down                 - unkn unkn conn
1/1/c3        Up    No   Down                 - unkn unkn conn
1/1/c4        Up    No   Down                 - unkn unkn conn
1/1/c5        Up    No   Down                 - unkn unkn conn
1/1/c6        Up    No   Down                 - unkn unkn conn

After configuring a module with four 10 Gb breakout ports in connector position 1/1/c1 and a module with one 100 Gb breakout port in connector position 1/1/c2, the physical ports are created:

A:bkvm18# configure port 1/1/c1 connector breakout c4-10g
A:bkvm18# configure port 1/1/c2 connector breakout c1-100g

A:bkvm18>show port
Ports on Slot 1
Port          Admin Link Port    Cfg  Oper LAG/ Port Port Port   C/QS/S/XFP/
Id            State      State   MTU  MTU  Bndl Mode Encp Type   MDIMDX
1/1/c1        Up    No   Link Up              - unkn unkn conn   40GBASE-SR4
1/1/c1/1      Down  No   Down    9212 9212    - netw null xgige  
1/1/c1/2      Down  No   Down    9212 9212    - netw null xgige  
1/1/c1/3      Down  No   Down    9212 9212    - netw null xgige  
1/1/c1/4      Down  No   Down    9212 9212    - netw null xgige  
1/1/c2        Down  No   Link Up              - unkn unkn conn   100GBASE-LR4
1/1/c2/1      Down  No   Down    1578 1578    - netw null cgige
1/1/c3        Up    No   Down                 - unkn unkn conn
1/1/c4        Up    No   Down                 - unkn unkn conn
1/1/c5        Up    No   Down                 - unkn unkn conn
1/1/c6        Up    No   Down                 - unkn unkn conn

These physical ports can now be used as Ethernet port references in other commands.

The transceiver information is shown under the connector while Ethernet-related items are shown under the connector ports.

*A:Dut-A# show port 1/1/c1

QSFP28 Connector
Description        : QSFP28 Connector
Interface          : 1/1/c1
Admin State        : up
Oper State         : up
IfIndex            : 104939520
Last State Change  : 10/31/2017 13:23:22
Last Cleared Time  : N/A                        DDM Events       : Enabled
Breakout           : c4-10g

Transceiver Data

Transceiver Status : operational
Transceiver Type   : QSFP28
Model Number       : 3HE10551AARA01  NOK  IPU3BFVEAA
TX Laser Wavelength: 850 nm                     Diag Capable     : yes
Number of Lanes    : 4
Connector Code     : MPO 1x12                   Vendor OUI       : 44:7c:7f
Manufacture date   : 2017/03/12                 Media            : Ethernet
Serial Number      : INHAG8480890
Part Number        : TR-FC85S-NNO
Optical Compliance : 100GBASE-SR4 or 25GBASE-SR
Link Length support: 70m for OM3; 100m for OM4

Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM)
                              Value High Alarm  High Warn   Low Warn  Low Alarm
Temperature (C)               +29.8     +80.0      +75.0       -5.0      -10.0
Supply Voltage (V)             3.29      3.63       3.46       3.14       2.97

Transceiver Lane Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM)
                                 High Alarm   High Warn    Low Warn   Low Alarm
Lane Tx Bias Current (mA)              12.0        10.0         4.5         3.0
Lane Tx Output Power (dBm)             5.40        2.40       -8.40      -11.40
Lane Rx Optical Pwr (avg dBm)          5.40        2.40      -10.30      -13.30

Lane ID Temp(C)/Alm       Tx Bias(mA)/Alm   Tx Pwr(dBm)/Alm   Rx Pwr(dBm)/Alm
    1              -               7.1             -0.08             -4.56
    2              -               0.0/L-WA       -40.00/L-WA       -40.00/L-WA
    3              -               0.0/L-WA       -40.00/L-WA       -40.00/L-WA
    4              -               0.0/L-WA       -40.00/L-WA       -40.00/L-WA
*A:Dut-A# show port 1/1/c1/1

Ethernet Interface
Description        : 10-Gig Ethernet
Interface          : 1/1/c1/1                   Oper Speed       : 10 Gbps
Link-level         : Ethernet                   Config Speed     : N/A
Admin State        : up                         Oper Duplex      : full
Oper State         : up                         Config Duplex    : N/A
Physical Link      : Yes                        MTU              : 9212
Single Fiber Mode  : No                         Min Frame Length : 64 Bytes
IfIndex            : 104939521                  Hold time up     : 0 seconds
Last State Change  : 10/31/2017 13:23:23        Hold time down   : 0 seconds
Last Cleared Time  : N/A
Phys State Chng Cnt: 1                          RS-FEC Mode      : None

Configured Mode    : network                    Encap Type       : null
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                     QinQ Ethertype   : 0x8100
PBB Ethertype      : 0x88e7
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                        Egr. Pool % Rate : 100
Ing. Pool Policy   : n/a
Egr. Pool Policy   : n/a
Net. Egr. Queue Pol: default
Egr. Sched. Pol    : n/a
HS Scheduler Plcy  : default
HS Port Pool Plcy  : default
Monitor Port Sched : Disabled
Monitor Agg Q Stats: Disabled
Auto-negotiate     : N/A                        MDI/MDX          : N/A
Oper Phy-tx-clock  : not-applicable
Accounting Policy  : None                       Collect-stats    : Disabled
Acct Plcy Eth Phys : None                       Collect Eth Phys : Disabled
Egress Rate        : Default                    Ingress Rate     : Default
Load-balance-algo  : Default                    LACP Tunnel      : Disabled
Access Bandwidth   : Not-Applicable             Booking Factor   : 100
Access Available BW: 0
Access Booked BW   : 0
Sflow              : Disabled

Suppress Threshold : 2000                       Reuse Threshold  : 1000
Max Penalties      : 16000                      Max Suppress Time: 20 seconds
Half Life          : 5 seconds

Down-when-looped   : Disabled                   Keep-alive       : 10
Loop Detected      : False                      Retry            : 120
Use Broadcast Addr : False

Sync. Status Msg.  : Disabled                   Rx Quality Level : N/A
Tx DUS/DNU         : Disabled                   Tx Quality Level : N/A
SSM Code Type      : sdh

Down On Int. Error : Disabled                   DOIE Tx Disable  : N/A

CRC Mon SD Thresh  : Disabled                   CRC Mon Window   : 10 seconds
CRC Mon SF Thresh  : Disabled

EFM OAM            : Disabled                   EFM OAM Link Mon : Disabled
Ignr EFM OAM State : False

Configured Address : 00:03:fa:2b:ef:1a
Hardware Address   : 00:03:fa:2b:ef:1a
Cfg Alarm          : remote local

Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                                 0                      0
Packets                                                0                      0
Errors                                                 0                      0
Utilization (300 seconds)                          0.00%                  0.00%

Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Unicast Packets                                        0                      0
Multicast Packets                                      0                      0
Broadcast Packets                                      0                      0
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0

Ethernet-like Medium Statistics
Alignment Errors :                   0  Sngl Collisions  :                   0
FCS Errors       :                   0  Mult Collisions  :                   0
SQE Test Errors  :                   0  Late Collisions  :                   0
CSE              :                   0  Excess Collisns  :                   0
Too long Frames  :                   0  Int MAC Tx Errs  :                   0
Symbol Errors    :                   0  Int MAC Rx Errs  :                   0
In Pause Frames  :                   0  Out Pause Frames :                   0