Consistent Per Service Hashing

The hashing feature described in this section applies to traffic going over LAG, Ethernet tunnels (eth-tunnel) in load-sharing mode, or CCAG load balancing for VSM redundancy. The feature does not apply to ECMP.

Per-service-hashing was introduced to ensure consistent forwarding of packets belonging to one service. The feature can be enabled using the [no] per-service-hashing configuration option under config>service>epipe>load-balancing and config>service>vpls>load-balancing, valid for Epipe, VPLS, PBB Epipe, IVPLS and BVPLS.

The following behavior applies to the usage of the [no] per-service-hashing option.

The following algorithm describes the hash-key used for hashing when the new option is enabled:

Operators may sometimes require the capability to query the system for the link in a LAG or Ethernet tunnel that is currently assigned to a specific service-id or ISID. This capability is provided using the tools>dump>map-to-phy-port {ccag ccag-id | lag lag-id | eth-tunnel tunnel-index} {isid isid [end-isid isid] | service servid-id | svc-name [end-service service-id | svc-name]} [summary] command.

An example usage is as follows:

A:Dut-B# tools dump map-to-phy-port lag 11 service 1 

ServiceId  ServiceName   ServiceType     Hashing                  Physical Link
---------- ------------- --------------  -----------------------  -------------
1                        i-vpls          per-service(if enabled)  3/2/8

A:Dut-B# tools dump map-to-phy-port lag 11 isid 1    

ISID     Hashing                  Physical Link
-------- -----------------------  -------------
1        per-service(if enabled)  3/2/8

A:Dut-B# tools dump map-to-phy-port lag 11 isid 1 end-isid 4 
ISID     Hashing                  Physical Link
-------- -----------------------  -------------
1        per-service(if enabled)  3/2/8
2        per-service(if enabled)  3/2/7
3        per-service(if enabled)  1/2/2
4        per-service(if enabled)  1/2/3