Per Flow Hashing

Per flow hashing uses information in a packet as an input to the hash function ensuring that any specific flow maps to the same egress LAG port/ECMP path. Note that because the hash uses information in the packet, traffic for the same SAP/interface may be sprayed across different ports of a LAG or different ECMP paths. If this is not wanted, other hashing methods described in this section can be used to change that behavior. Depending on the type of traffic that needs to be distributed into an ECMP and, or LAG, different variables are used as input to the hashing algorithm that determines the next hop selection. The following describes default per flow hashing behavior for those different types of traffic:

If the ECMP index results in the selection of a LAG as the next hop, then the hash result is hashed again and the result of the second hash is input to the modulo like operation to determine the LAG port selection.

When the ECMP set includes an IP interface configured on a spoke SDP (IES/VPRN spoke interface), or a Routed VPLS spoke SDP interface, the unicast IP packets—which is sprayed over this interface—is not further sprayed over multiple RSVP LSPs/LDP FEC (part of the same SDP), or GRE SDP ECMP paths. In this case, a single RSVP LSP, LDP FEC next-hop or GRE SDP ECMP path is selected based on a modulo operation of the service ID. In case the ECMP path selected is a LAG, the second round of the hash, hashes traffic based on the system, port or interface load-balancing settings.

In addition to the above described per-flow hashing inputs, the system supports multiple options to modify default hash inputs.