Per Link Hashing

The hashing feature described in this section applies to traffic going over LAG and MC-LAG. Per link hashing ensures all data traffic on a SAP or network interface uses a single LAG port on egress. Because all traffic for a specific SAP/network interface egresses over a single port, QoS SLA enforcement for that SAP, network interface is no longer impacted by the property of LAG (distributing traffic over multiple links). Internally-generated, unique IDs are used to distribute SAPs/network interface over all active LAG ports. As ports go UP and DOWN, each SAP and network interface is automatically rehashed so all active LAG ports are always used.

The feature is best suited for deployments when SAPs/network interfaces on a LAG have statistically similar BW requirements (because per SAP/network interface hash is used). If more control is required over which LAG ports SAPs/network interfaces egress on, a LAG link map profile feature described later in this guide may be used.

Per link hashing, can be enabled on a LAG as long as the following conditions are met: