Remote Loopback

EFM OAM provides a link-layer frame loopback mode that can be remotely controlled.

To initiate remote loopback, the local EFM OAM client sends a loopback control OAM PDU by enabling the OAM remote-loopback command. After receiving the loopback control OAM PDU, the remote OAM client puts the remote port into local loopback mode.

To exit remote loopback, the local EFM OAM client sends a loopback control OAM PDU by disabling the OAM remote-loopback command. After receiving the loopback control OAM PDU, the remote OAM client puts the port back into normal forwarding mode.

During remote loopback test operation, all frames except EFM OAM PDUs are dropped at the local port for the receive direction, where remote loopback is enabled. If local loopback is enabled, then all frames except EFM OAM PDUs are dropped at the local port for both the receive and transmit directions. This behavior may result in many protocols (such as STP or LAG) resetting their state machines.

When a port is in loopback mode, service mirroring does not work if the port is a mirror-source or a mirror-destination.