Only MPLS SDPs are supported.

An SDP used for MPLS-TP supports the configuration of an MPLS-TP identifier as the far-end address as an alternative to an IP address. IP addresses are used if IP/MPLS LSPs are used by the SDP, or if MPLS-TP tunnels are identified by IPv4 source/destination addresses. MPLS-TP node identifiers are used if MPLS-TP tunnels are used.

Only static SDPs with signaling off support MPLS-TP spoke-SDPs.

The following CLI shows the MPLS-TP options:

      sdp 10 [mpls | GRE | [ldp-enabled] [create] 
         signaling <off | on> 
         [no] lsp <xyz> 
         [no] accounting-policy <policy-id>
         [no] adv-mtu-override
         [no] booking-factor <percentage>
         [no] class-forwarding
         [no] collect-stats
         [no] description <description-string>
         [no] far-end <ip-address> | [node-id 
              {<ip-address> | <0…4,294,967,295>} [global-id <global-id>]]
         [no] tunnel-far-end <ip-address> 
         [no] keep-alive
         [no] mixed-lsp-mode
         [no] metric <metric>
         [no] network-domain <network-domain-name>
         [no] path-mtu <mtu>  
         [no] pbb-etype <ethertype>
         [no] vlan-vc-etype <ethertype>
         [no] shutdown 

The far-end node-id ip-address global-id global-id command is used to associate an SDP far end with an MPLS-TP tunnel whose far-end address is an MPLS-TP node ID. If the SDP is associated with an RSVP-TE LSP, the far end must be a routable IPv4 address.

The system accepts the node-id being entered in either 4-octet IP address format (a.b.c.d) or unsigned integer format.

The SDP far end refers to an MPLS-TP node-id/global-id only if:

An LSP can only be allowed to be configured if the far-end information matches the lsp far end information (whether MPLS-TP or RSVP).

Signaling LDP or BGP is blocked if:

The following commands are blocked if a far-end node-id/global-id is configured: