The VLL Connection Admission Control (CAC) is supported for the 7750 SR only and provides a method to administratively account for the bandwidth used by VLL services inside an SDP that consists of RSVP LSPs.

The service manager keeps track of the available bandwidth for each SDP. The SDP available bandwidth is applied through a configured booking factor. An administrative bandwidth value is assigned to the spoke-SDP. When a VLL service is bound to an SDP, the amount of bandwidth is subtracted from the adjusted available SDP bandwidth. When the VLL service binding is deleted from the SDP, the amount of bandwidth is added back into the adjusted SDP available bandwidth. If the total adjusted SDP available bandwidth is overbooked when adding a VLL service, a warning is issued and the binding is rejected.

This feature does not guarantee bandwidth to a VLL service because there is no change to the data path to enforce the bandwidth of an SDP by means such as shaping or policing of constituent RSVP LSPs.