Common Procedures

When troubleshooting a LDP resource exhaustion situation on an LSR, the user must first determine which of the LSR and its peers supports the enhanced handling of resources. This is done by checking if the local LSR or its peers advertised the LSR Overload Protection Capability:

*A:Sim>config>router>ldp# show router ldp status 
LDP Status for IPv4 LSR ID
               IPv6 LSR ID ::
Created at         : 01/08/19 17:57:06    
Last Change        : 01/08/19 17:57:06    
Admin State        : Up                   
IPv4 Oper State    : Down                 IPv6 Oper State      : Down
IPv4 Down Time     : 0d 00:12:58          IPv6 Down Time       : 0d 00:12:58
IPv4 Oper Down Rea*: systemIpDown         IPv6 Oper Down Reason: systemIpDown
IPv4 Oper Down Eve*: 0                    IPv6 Oper Down Events: 0
Tunn Down Damp Time: 3 sec                Weighted ECMP        : Disabled
Label Withdraw Del*: 0 sec                Implicit Null Label  : Disabled
Short. TTL Local   : Enabled              Short. TTL Transit   : Enabled
ConsiderSysIPInGep : Disabled             
Imp Ucast Policies :                      Exp Ucast Policies   : 
    pol1                                      none
Imp Mcast Policies :                                              
Tunl Exp Policies  : None                 Tunl Imp Policies    : None
FRR                : Disabled             Mcast Upstream FRR   : Disabled
Mcast Upst ASBR FRR: Disabled