Configuring RSVP P2MP LSP Ingress Statistics

When the ingress LER signals the path of the S2L sub-LSP, it includes the name of the LSP and that of the path in the Session Name field of the Session Attribute object in the Path message. The encoding is as follows:

Session Name: lsp-name::path-name, where lsp-name component is encoded as follows:

  1. P2MP LSP via user configuration for L3 multicast in global routing instance: ‟LspNameFromConfig”

  2. P2MP LSP as I-PMSI or S-PMSI in L3 mVPN: templateName-SvcId-mTTmIndex

  3. P2MP LSP as I-PMSI in VPLS/B-VPLS: templateName-SvcId-mTTmIndex

The ingress statistics CLI configuration allows the user to match either on the exact name of the P2MP LSP as configured at the ingress LER or on a context which matches on the template name and the service-id as configured at the ingress LER.

          [no] mpls
                          [no] lsp lsp-name sender sender-address
                                 accounting-policy policy-id
                                 no accounting-policy
                                 [no] collect-stats
                                 [no] shutdown

                          [no] p2mp-template-lsp rsvp-session-name 
                          SessionNameString sender sender-address
                                 accounting-policy policy-id
                                 no accounting-policy
                                 [no] collect-stats
                                 max-stats integer<1-8192 | max, default max>
                                 no max-stats
                          [no] shutdown

When the matching is performed on a context, the user must enter the RSVP session name string in the format templateName-svcId to include the LSP template name as well as the mVPN VPLS/B-VPLS service ID as configured at the ingress LER. In this case, one or more P2MP LSP instances signaled by the same ingress LER could be associated with the ingress statistics configuration. In this case, the user is provided with CLI parameter max-stats to limit the maximum number of stat indexes which can be assigned to this context. If the context matches more than this value, the additional request for stat indexes from this context is rejected.

The rules when configuring an ingress statistics context based on template matching are the following:

  1. max-stats, when allocated, can be increased but not decreased unless the entire ingress statistics context matching a template name is deleted.

  2. To delete ingress statistics context matching a template name, a shutdown is required.

  3. An accounting policy cannot be configured or de-configured until the ingress statistics context matching a template name is shutdown.

  4. After deleting an accounting policy from an ingress statistics context matching a template name, the policy is not removed from the log until a no shutdown is performed on the ingress statistics context.

If there are no stat indexes available at the time the session of the P2MP LSP matching a template context is signaled and the session state installed by the egress LER, no stats are allocated to the session.

Furthermore, the assignment of stat indexes to the LSP names that match the context is not deterministic. The latter is because a stat index is assigned and released following the dynamics of the LSP creation or deletion by the ingress LER. For example, a multicast stream crosses the rate threshold and is moved to a newly signaled S-PMSI dedicated to this stream. Later on, the same steam crosses the threshold downwards and is moved back to the shared I-PMSI and the P2MP LSP corresponding to the S-PMSI is deleted by the ingress LER.