Considerations for Scaled Scenarios

The router can send LSP Self-ping packets at a combined rate across all sessions of 125 packets per second. This means that it takes 10 seconds to detect that the data plane is forwarding for 1250 LSPs. If the number of currently in-progress LSP Self-ping sessions reaches 125 PPS with no response, then the system continues with these LSP Self-ping sessions until the timeout is reached and is not able to test additional LSP paths. In scaled scenarios, it is recommended that the lsp-self-ping interval and timeout values be configured so that LSP Self-ping sessions are completed (either successfully or through timing out) so that all required LSP paths are tested within an acceptable timeframe. A count of the number of LSP Self-ping and OAM resource exhaustion timeouts is shown in the output of the show>router>mpls>lsp detail and show>router>mpls>lsp-self-ping commands.