Enabling and Implementing Limits for LSP BFD on a Node

The config>router>lsp-bfd command enables support for LSP BFD and allows an upper limit to the number of supported sessions at the tail end node for LSPs, where it is disabled by default. This is useful because BFD resources are shared among applications using BFD, so a user may want to set an upper limit to ensure that a specified number of BFD sessions are reserved for other applications. This is important at the tail end of LSPs where no per-LSP configuration context exists.

LSP BFD is enabled or disabled on a node-wide basis using the bfd-sessions max-limit command under the config>router>lsp-bfd context. This command also enables the maximum number of LSP BFD sessions that can be established at the tail end of LSPs to be limited.

The default is disabled. The max-limit parameter specifies the maximum number of LSP BFD sessions that the system allows to be established at the tail end of LSPs.