By default, the system continuously collects statistics (packet and octet counts) of MPLS traffic on ingress and egress of MPLS interfaces. These statistics can be accessed, for example, using the show>router>mpls>interface statistics command.
In addition, the system can provide auxiliary statistics (packet and octet counts) for a specific type of labeled traffic on ingress and egress of MPLS interfaces. The config>router>mpls>aux-stats command accesses these statistics and also specifies which types of labeled traffic should be counted. The sr keyword refers to any type of MPLS-SR traffic (such as SR-OSPF, SR-ISIS, SR-TE). After being enabled and configured, auxiliary statistics can be viewed, monitored, and cleared. The two types of statistics (global or default MPLS statistics and auxiliary statistics) are independent; clearing one counter does not affect the values of the other counter.
For both types of statistics, implicit null on ingress is not regarded as labeled traffic and octet counts include L2 headers and trailers.
Segment Routing traffic statistics have a dependency with the ability to account for dark bandwidth in IGP-TE advertisements.