Intermediate LSR Configuration for MPLS-TP LSPs

The forward and reverse directions of the MPLS-TP LSP Path at a transit LSR are configured using the following CLI tree:

            transit-path <path-name> 
               [no] path-id {lsp-num <lsp-num> | working-path | protect-path
                  [src-global-id <global-id>] 
                  src-node-id {<ipv4address> | <1.. .4,294,967,295>}
                  src-tunnel-num <tunnel-num> 
                  [dest-global-id <global-id>] 
                  dest-node-id {<ipv4address> | <1.. .4,294,967,295>}
                  [dest-tunnel-num <tunnel-num>]}

                  in-label <in-label> out-label <out-label> 
                       out-link <if-name> [next-hop <ipv4-next-hop>]
                  in-label <in-label> out-label <out-label> 
                      [out-link <if-name> [next-hop <ipv4-next-hop>]
               [no] shutdown

The src-tunnel-num and dest-tunnel-num are consistent with the source and destination of a label mapping message for a signaled LSP.

If dest-tunnel-num is not entered in CLI, the dest-tunnel-num value is taken to be the same as the SRC-tunnel-num value.

If any of the global-id values are not entered, the value is taken to be 0.

If the src-global-id value is entered, but the dest-global-id value is not entered, dest-global-id value is the same as the src-global-id value.

The lsp-num must match the value configured in the LER for a specified path. If no explicit lsp-num is configured, then working-path or protect-path must be specified (equating to 1 or 2 in the system).

The forward path must be configured before the reverse path. The configuration of the reverse path is optional.

The LSP-ID (path-id) parameters apply with respect to the downstream direction of the forward LSP path, and are used to populate the MIP ID for the path at this LSR.

The reverse path configuration must be deleted before the forward path.

The forward-path (and reverse-path if applicable) parameters can be configured with or without the path-id, but they must be configured if MPLS-TP OAM is to be able to identify the LSR MIP.

The transit-path can be no shutdown (as long as the forward-path/reverse-path parameters have been configured properly) with or without identifiers.

The path-id and path-name must be unique on the node. There is a one to one mapping between a specified path-name and path-id.

Traffic cannot pass through the transit-path if the transit-path is in the shutdown state.