LDP Base Graceful Handling of Resources

This feature implements a base graceful handling capability by which the LDP interface to the peer, or the targeted peer in the case of Targeted LDP (T-LDP) session, is shutdown. If LDP tries to resolve a FEC over a link or a targeted LDP session and it runs out of data path or CPM resources, it brings down that interface or targeted peer which brings down the Hello adjacency over that interface to the resolved link LDP peer or to the targeted peer. The interface is brought down in LDP context only and is still available to other applications such as IP forwarding and RSVP LSP forwarding.

Depending of what type of resource was exhausted, the scope of the action taken by LDP is different. Some resource such as NHLFE have interface local impact, meaning that only the interface to the downstream LSR which advertised the label is shutdown. Some resources such as ILM have global impact, meaning that they impact every downstream peer or targeted peer which advertised the FEC to the node. The following are examples to illustrate this.

After the user has taken action to free resources up, the user must manually unshut the interface or the targeted peer to bring it back into operation. This then re-establishes the Hello adjacency and resumes the resolution of FECs over the interface or to the targeted peer.

Detailed guidelines for using the feature and for troubleshooting a system which activated this feature are provided in the following sections.

This behavior is the default behavior and interoperates with the SRĀ OS based LDP implementation and any other third party LDP implementation.

The following data path resources can trigger this mechanism:

The Label allocation CPM resource can trigger this mechanism: