Manually-Triggered Auto-Bandwidth Adjustment

Manually-triggered auto-bandwidth adjustment feature is configured with the tools>perform>router>mpls adjust-autobandwidth [lsp lsp-name [force [bandwidth mbps]]] command to attempt immediate auto-bandwidth adjustment for either one specific LSP or all active LSPs. If the LSP is not specified then the system assumes the command applies to all LSPs. If an LSP name is provided then the command applies to that specific LSP only and the optional force parameter (with or without a bandwidth) can be used.

If force is not specified (or the command is not LSP-specific) then measured_bw is compared to current_bw and bandwidth adjustment may or may not occur

If force is specified and a bandwidth is not provided then the threshold checking is bypassed but the min and max bandwidth constraints are still enforced.

If force is specified with a bandwidth (in Mb/s) then signaled_bw is set to this bandwidth. There is no requirement that the bandwidth entered as part of the command fall within the range of min-bandwidth to max-bandwidth.

The adjust-interval, maximum average data rate and overflow count are not reset by the manual auto-bandwidth command, whether the bandwidth adjustment succeeds or fails. The overflow count is reset only if the manual auto-bandwidth adjustment is successful.