MPLS TP Node Configuration

The following output shows the Global ID, Node ID and other general MPLS-TP configurations for the node.


An output example follows:

*A:mlstp-dutA# show router mpls mpls-tp
  - mpls-tp
      oam-template    - Display MPLS-TP OAM Template information
      protection-tem* - Display MPLS-TP Protection Template information
      status          - Display MPLS-TP system configuration
      transit-path    - Display MPLS-TP Tunnel information
*A:mlstp-dutA# show router mpls mpls-tp oam-template
MPLS-TP OAM Templates
Template Name : privatebed-oam-template Router ID     : 1
BFD Template  : privatebed-bfd-template Hold-Down Time: 0 centiseconds
                                        Hold-Up Time  : 20 deciseconds

*A:mlstp-dutA# show router mpls mpls-tp protection-template
MPLS-TP Protection Templates
Template Name  : privatebed-protection-template  Router ID      : 1
Protection Mode: one2one                         Direction      : bidirectional
Revertive      : revertive                       Wait-to-Restore: 300sec
Rapid-PSC-Timer: 10ms                            Slow-PSC-Timer : 5sec

*A:mlstp-dutA# show router mpls mpls-tp status
MPLS-TP Status
Admin Status  : Up
Global ID     : 42                               Node ID       :
Tunnel Id Min : 1                                Tunnel Id Max : 4096

*A:mlstp-dutA# show router mpls mpls-tp transit-path
  - transit-path [<path-name>] [detail]
 <path-name>          : [32 chars max]
 <detail>             : keyword - Display detailed information.

A:mplstp-dutC# show router mpls mpls-tp transit-path
  - transit-path [<path-name>] [detail]
 <path-name>          : [32 chars max]
 <detail>             : keyword - Display detailed information.
A:mplstp-dutC# show router mpls mpls-tp transit-path
 "tp-32"   "tp-33"   "tp-34"   "tp-35"   "tp-36"   "tp-37"   "tp-38"   "tp-39"
 "tp-40"   "tp-41"
A:mplstp-dutC# show router mpls mpls-tp transit-path "tp-32"
MPLS-TP Transit tp-32 Path Information
Path Name     : tp-32
Admin State   : Up                               Oper State    : Up
Path        NextHop           InLabel   OutLabel  Out I/F
FP                            2080      2081      CtoB_1
RP                            2081      2080      CtoA_1

A:mplstp-dutC# show router mpls mpls-tp transit-path "tp-32" detail
MPLS-TP Transit tp-32 Path Information (Detail)
Path Name     : tp-32
Admin State   : Up                               Oper State    : Up
Path ID configuration
Src Global ID : 42                               Dst Global ID : 42
Src Node ID   :                        Dst Node ID   :
LSP Number    : 2                                Dst Tunnel Num: 32
Forward Path configuration
In Label      : 2080                             Out Label     : 2081
Out Interface : CtoB_1                           Next Hop Addr : n/a
Reverse Path configuration
In Label      : 2081                             Out Label     : 2080
Out Interface : CtoA_1                           Next Hop Addr : n/a