Per LDP Peer FEC Import and Export Policies

The FEC prefix export policy provides a way to control which FEC prefixes received from prefixes received from other LDP and T-LDP peers are re-distributed to this LDP peer.

The user configures the FEC prefix export policy using the following command:

config>router>ldp>session-params>peer>export-prefixes policy-name

By default, all FEC prefixes are exported to this peer.

The FEC prefix import policy provides a mean of controlling which FEC prefixes received from this LDP peer are imported and installed by LDP on this node. If resolved these FEC prefixes are then re-distributed to other LDP and T-LDP peers.

The user configures the FEC prefix export policy using the following command:

config>router>ldp>session-params>peer>import-prefixes policy-name

By default, all FEC prefixes are imported from this peer.