Proactive CC/CV (using BFD) Configuration

Generally applicable proactive OAM parameters are configured using templates.

Proactive CC and CV uses BFD parameters such as Tx/Rx timer intervals, multiplier, and other session/fault management BFD parameters. These are configured using a BFD Template. The BFD Template may be used for non-MPLS-TP applications of BFD, and therefore contains the full set of possible configuration parameters for BFD. Only a sub-set of these may be used for each application.

Generic MPLS-TP OAM and fault management parameters are configured in the OAM Template.

Named templates are referenced from the MPLS-TP Path MEP configuration, so different parameter values are possible for the working and protect paths of a tunnel.

The BFD Template is configured as follows:

         [no] bfd-template <name>
            [no] transmit-interval <transmit-interval>
            [no] receive-interval <receive-interval> 
            [no] echo-receive <echo-interval> 
            [no] multiplier <multiplier> 
            [no] type <cpm-np>

The parameters are as follows:

If the BFD timer values as shown above are changed in a template, any BFD sessions on MEPs to which that template is bound tries to renegotiate their timers to the new values.


The BFD implementations in some MPLS-TP peer nodes may not be able to handle renegotiation, as allowed by Section 3.7.1 of RFC6428, and may take the BFD session down. This can result in unwanted behavior, such as an unexpected protection switching event. We recommend that users of the system exercise caution when modifying the BFD timer values after a BFD session is up.

Commands within the BFD-template use a begin-commit model. To edit any value within the BFD template, a begin needs to be executed after the template context has been entered. However, a value is still stored temporarily until the commit is issued. After the commit is issued, values are actually used by other modules like the mpls-tp module and BFD module.

A BFD template is referenced from the OAM template. The OAM Template is configured as follows:

            [no] oam-template <name>
               [no] bfd-template <name>
               [no] hold-time-down <interval> 
               [no] hold-time-up <interval>

An OAM template is then applied to a MEP as described above.