Searching for the BOF

The BOF should be on the same drive as the boot loader file. If the system cannot load or cannot find the BOF then the system checks whether the boot sequence was manually interrupted. The system prompts for a different image and configuration location.

The following example shows an example of the output when the boot sequence is interrupted.

Sample output:
Hit a key within 3 seconds to change boot parameters...   
Type "sros" and hit ENTER within 29 seconds to begin changing parameters: sros 
You must supply some required Boot Options. At any prompt, you can type:
   "restart" - restart the query mode.
   "reboot"  - reboot.
   "exit"    - boot with existing values.
Press ENTER to begin, or 'flash' to enter firmware update...
Software Location
   You must enter the URL of the TiMOS software.
   The location can be on a Compact Flash device,
   or on the network.
   Here are some examples
The existing Image URL is 'ftp://*:*@'
Press ENTER to keep it.
Software Image URL: ftp://vxworks:vxw0rks@
Configuration File Location
   You must enter the location of configuration
   file to be used by TiMOS.  The file can be on
   a Compact Flash device, or on the network.
   Here are some examples
The existing Config URL is 'ftp://*:*@'
Press ENTER to keep it, or the word 'none' for no Config URL.
Config File URL: cf1:/config.cfg
License File Location
   You must enter the location of the license
   file to be used by TiMOS.  The file can be on
   a Compact Flash device, or on the network.
   Here are some examples
License File URL: 
No license file specified.
IP Autoconfiguration
   This device supports IP autoconfiguration of the management port.
   When the Software Image URL and the License File URL are not local,
   the network configuration must be static (no autoconfiguration).
   When the Config File URL is not local,
   the network configuration is recommended to be static (no autoconfiguration).
   Per address family the configuration must be either static, either auto.
The Software Image URL is not local and does require that the IPv4 network is statically configured.
   [IPv4 Autoconfiguration cannot be enabled]
Would you like to enable IPv4 Autoconfiguration? (yes/no) no
Would you like to enable IPv6 Autoconfiguration? (yes/no) no
Network Configuration
   You specified a network location for either the
   software or the configuration file.  You need to
   configure IP(v6) for this system.
   IP addresses should be entered in standard
   dotted decimal form with a network length.
The existing Active IP address is Press ENTER to keep it.
Enter Active IP Address (Type 0 if none desired):
The existing Standby IP address is Press ENTER to keep it.
Enter Standby IP Address (Type 0 if none desired):
   In case of an IPv6, the IPv6 address should be
   entered in standard colon hexadecimal notation
   with a prefix length.
       example:   3FFE::1/112
The existing Active IPv6 address is 3000::c0a8:c015/114. Press ENTER to keep it.
Enter Active IPv6 Address (Type 0 if none desired): 3ABC::AAAA:1/100
The existing Standby IPv6 address is 3000::c0a8:c016/114. Press ENTER to keep it.
Enter Standby IPv6 Address (Type 0 if none desired): 3ABC::AAAA:2/100
Would you like to add a static route? (yes/no) yes
Static Routes
   You specified network locations which require
   static routes to reach. You will be asked to
   enter static routes until all the locations become
   Static routes should be entered in the following format:
   prefix/mask next-hop ip-address
       example: next-hop
       example:     3FFE::1:0/112 next-hop 3FFE::2:1
Enter ip route: next-hop next-hop
A route to that subnet already exists.
Would you like to add a static route? (yes/no) no
Would you like to add an IPv6 static route? (yes/no) no
The existing fips-140-2 configuration is : 'no fips-140-2'
If you would like to change it please enter 'fips-140-2' followed by ENTER
or press ENTER to keep existing fips configuration
   This device supports automated provisioning
   from the network.  When this mode is enabled
   the system will not execute the boot configuration
   file. Instead, it will boot to the default 
   configuration and automatically provision supported
   equipment for further loading from the network.
Would you like to enable Automated-Provisioning? (yes/no) no
New Settings
    primary-image    ftp://*:*@
    primary-config   cf1:/config.cfg
    address active
    address standby
    address          3abc::aaaa:1/100 active
    address          3abc::aaaa:2/100 standby
    static-route next-hop
    duplex           full
    speed            100
    wait             3
   persist          off
    no fips-140-2
    console-speed    115200
Do you want to overwrite cf3:/bof.cfg with the new settings? (yes/no): yes
Successfully saved the new settings in cf3:/bof.cfg