The activate license key shall unlock a set of license records for use within the system. In Release 16.0, only Hardware Upgrade license records are distributed in the license keys. These can be used to upgrade the hardware capacity or the hardware functional level of a card or an XMA. These upgrades define a starting level and an upgraded level for the target assembly. Multiple instances of the same upgrade can be assigned to a system in the license key. The list of these records and the number in-use and available can be checked with the show licensing-entitlements command.
*A:bkvm20# show licensing entitlements
License Available In-Use State
MDA Upgrades
cr1200g-cr1600g 1 1 VALID
cr1200g-er1200g 1 0 VALID
cr1600g-cr2400g 1 0 VALID
cr1600g-er1600g 2 0 VALID
cr2400g-er2400g 1 0 VALID
er1200g-er1600g 4 2 VALID
er1200g-he1200g 1 0 VALID
er1600g-er2400g 1 0 VALID
er1600g-he1600g 1 0 VALID
er2400g-he2400g 1 0 VALID
he1200g-he1600g 1 0 VALID
he1600g-he2400g 1 0 VALID
An upgrade can be assigned to a particular card or XMA using the upgrade command within the card or mda context. Multiple upgrades can be assigned to the same card or XMA if needed to gradually augment the base card. In the following example, four upgrades have been applied in sequence to the base level of cr1600g to bring the XMA from CR to ER then ER to HE then to increase capacity first from 1600 Gbps to 2400 Gbps and then from 2400 Gbps to 2400 Gbps with aggregation to 3600 Gbps.
MDA 1/1 detail
Slot Mda Provisioned Type Admin Operational
Equipped Type (if different) State State
1 1 s36-100gb-qsfp28:cr1600g up provisioned
(not equipped)
MDA Licensing Data
Licensed Level : he2400g+
Description : 2.4T /w agg to 3.6T, 36p, High Scale Edge
Upgrade 1 : cr1600g-er1600g
Upgrade 2 : er1600g-he1600g
Upgrade 3 : he1600g-he2400g
Upgrade 4 : any2400g-2400g+