DGW integration with the Nuage VSD

The Nuage VSD (Virtual Services Directory) provides automation in the Nuage DC. The VSD is a programmable policy and analytics engine. It provides a flexible and hierarchical network policy framework that enables IT administrators to define and enforce resource policies.

The VSD contains a multi-tenant service directory that supports role-based administration of users, computing, and network resources. The VSD also manages network resource assignments such as IP addresses and ACLs.

To communicate with the Nuage controllers and gateways (including the 7750 SR, 7450 ESS, or 7950 XRS DGW), VSD uses an XMPP (eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) communication channel. The router can receive service parameters from the Nuage VSD through XMPP and add them to the existing VPRN/VPLS service configuration.

Note: The service must be pre-provisioned in the router using the CLI, SNMP, or other supported interfaces. The VSD only pushes a limited number of parameters into the configuration. This router – VSD integration model is known as a Static-Dynamic provisioning model, because only a few parameters are dynamically pushed by VSD, as opposed to a Fully Dynamic model, where the entire service can be created dynamically by VSD.

The router – VSD integration comprises the following building blocks:

These building blocks are described in more detail in the following subsections.