Enabling MMRP

When the Multiple MAC Registration Protocol (MMRP) is enabled in the B-VPLS, it advertises the presence of the I-VPLS instances associated with this B-VPLS.

The following example shows a configuration with MMRP enabled.

*A:PE-B>config>service# info
        vpls 11 customer 1 vpn 11 i-vpls create
            backbone-vpls 100:11
            sap 1/5/1:11 create
            sap 1/5/1:12 create
            no shutdown
        vpls 100 customer 1 vpn 100 b-vpls create
            service-mtu 2000
                flood-time 10
                no shutdown
            sap 1/5/1:100 create
            spoke-sdp 3101:100 create
            spoke-sdp 3201:100 create
            no shutdown

Because I-VPLS 11 is associated with B-VPLS 100, MMRP advertises the group B-MAC 01:1e:83:00:00:0b) associated with I-VPLS 11 through a declaration on all the B-SAPs and B-SDPs. If the remote node also declares an I-VPLS 11 associated with its B-VPLS 10, then this results in a registration for the group B-MAC. This also creates the MMRP multicast tree (MFIB entries). In this case, sdp 3201:100 is connected to a remote node that declares the group B-MAC.

The following show commands display the current MMRP information for this scenario:

*A:PE-C# show service id 100 mrp
MRP Information
Admin State        : Up                 Failed Register Cnt: 0
Max Attributes     : 1023               Attribute Count    : 1
Attr High Watermark: 95%                Attr Low Watermark : 90%
Flood Time         : 10
*A:PE-C# show service id 100 mmrp mac
SAP/SDP                                 MAC Address       Registered  Declared
sap:1/5/1:100                           01:1e:83:00:00:0b No          Yes
sdp:3101:100                            01:1e:83:00:00:0b No          Yes
sdp:3201:100                            01:1e:83:00:00:0b Yes         Yes

*A:PE-C# show service id 100 sdp 3201:100 mrp
Sdp Id 3201:100 MRP Information
Join Time          : 0.2 secs                 Leave Time        : 3.0 secs
Leave All Time     : 10.0 secs                Periodic Time     : 1.0 secs
Periodic Enabled   : false
Rx Pdus            : 7                        Tx Pdus           : 23
Dropped Pdus       : 0
Rx New Event       : 0                        Rx Join-In Event  : 6
Rx In Event        : 0                        Rx Join Empty Evt : 1
Rx Empty Event     : 0                        Rx Leave Event    : 0
Tx New Event       : 0                        Tx Join-In Event  : 4
Tx In Event        : 0                        Tx Join Empty Evt : 19
Tx Empty Event     : 0                        Tx Leave Event    : 0
SDP MMRP Information
MAC Address       Registered        Declared
01:1e:83:00:00:0b Yes               Yes
Number of MACs=1 Registered=1 Declared=1

*A:PE-C#  show service id 100 mfib
Multicast FIB, Service 100
Source Address  Group Address         Sap/Sdp Id               Svc Id   Fwd/Blk
*               01:1E:83:00:00:0B     sdp:3201:100             Local    Fwd
Number of entries: 1