Pseudowire configuration notes

The vc-switching parameter must be specified when the VLL service is created. When the vc-switching parameter is specified, you are configuring an S-PE. This is a pseudowire switching point (switching from one pseudowire to another). Therefore, you cannot add a SAP to the configuration.

The following example shows the configuration when a SAP is added to a pseudowire. The CLI generates an error response if you attempt to create a SAP. VC switching is only needed on the pseudowire at the S-PE.

*A:ALA-701>config>service# epipe 28 customer 1 create vc-switching 
*A:ALA-701>config>service>epipe$ sap 1/1/3 create
MINOR: SVCMGR #1311 SAP is not allowed under PW switching service 

Use the following CLI syntax to create pseudowire switching VLL services. These are examples only. Different routers support different pseudowire switching VLL services.

CLI syntax:

config>service# apipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {atm-vcc|atm-sdu|
atm-vpc|atm-cell}] [vc-switching]
description description-string
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id

CLI syntax:

config>service# epipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-switching]
description description-string
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id

CLI syntax:

config>service# fpipe service-id [customer customer-id][vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {fr-dlci}] [vcswitching]
description description-string
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id

CLI syntax:

config>service# ipipe service-id [customer customer-id][vpn vpn-id] [vc-switching] 
description description-string
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id

The following example shows the command usage to configure VLL pseudowire switching services:

config>service# apipe 1 customer 1 vpn 1 vc-switching create
config>service>apipe$ description ‟Default apipe description for service id 100”
config>service>apipe# spoke-sdp 3:1 create
config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# exit
config>service>apipe# spoke-sdp 6:200 create
config>service>apipe>spoke-sdp# exit
config>service>apipe# no shutdown

The following example shows configurations for each service:

*A:ALA-48>config>service# info
	apipe 100 customer 1 vpn 1 vc-switching create
           description "Default apipe description for service id 100"
           spoke-sdp 3:1 create
           spoke-sdp 6:200 create
           no shutdown
        epipe 107 customer 1 vpn 107 vc-switching create
            description "Default epipe description for service id 107"
            spoke-sdp 3:8 create
            spoke-sdp 6:207 create
            no shutdown
        ipipe 108 customer 1 vpn 108 vc-switching create
            description "Default ipipe description for service id 108"
            spoke-sdp 3:9 create
            spoke-sdp 6:208 create
            no shutdown
	 fpipe 109 customer 1 vpn 109 vc-switching create
            description "Default fpipe description for service id 109"
            spoke-sdp 3:5 create
            spoke-sdp 6:209 create
            no shutdown